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Any injuries?!


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at my best buy i was waitin outside for my mom when the paramedics showed up for an older guy who had a seizure


it made me think what would ever happen if there was fire say at bb during black friday i mean i couldnt see the diehards leaving without what they came for in the store.


note to self for next year

if you show up late pull the fire alarm then ull have a great chance to get what u want.(just kidding)

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I received some bruises on my left arm and aggravated an already hurting tendonitis in my right elbow, at CompUSA near Columbus. We were in the first 40-50 people, and the line swelled to about 400-500. Some people rushed the entrance to ditch in, as there was no security. After that rush, those individuals "crushed" their way to the hard drive and DVD/CD burner rack. I was crushed into the shelf, but I got the hard drive I wanted. One guy was actually climbing the shelf to get to the top, thought it might pull over, but it stayed in place.:usaribbon
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OMG.. that's awful.


Everything looked to go alright with our Walmart. There were at least 8 police officers in differant areas of the store.


I got tickled at the officer where the desktops were. I was the first one standing there (330am) and we were talking. He said that he has to stop people from getting them until 5am.. then he was off work and he was grabbing one himself.. :tongue1:

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At the walmart where I was, of course the line was wrapped around the building but right before 5am a bunch of people came from thier cars and went to the front of the line ~ GRRRRRRRRRRR! But once they opened the doors those people trampled over those that had been in line for hours and broke one lady's arm.


Then another lady had a computer in her arms and someone came and took it right out of her arms, knocked her down and ran with it!


Good grief!!

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At our target a lady pulled into the handicap parking and then walked straight into the middle of a long line that went down through the parking lot and when the line started moving she lost her balance and fell. She was screaming about how the people shoved her and were mean to her. What's everyone's opionion about what handicapped people should do on a day like this? It looks to me like survival of the fitest. I felt sorry for her but she should have known better.
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My foot cramped for an hour after standing in line at CC for 3 hours in 10 degree temp. And got many bruises.

i had killer foot cramps too after i got home and tried to sleep the worst i ever experienced and they were happening on the top of my foot where the leg connets to the foot. in the store i did get rammed twice in a row in the back of the heel. i turned with a look that could kill and a nice woman was oh so sorry. she really didnt mean it she has a big huge tv in her cart blocking her veiw. i believed her appology.


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Guest cantweshare
So my question is: do these stores have any liability for these injuries? And if so, why don't they do anything to protect themselves (by making things more organized, etc.)?
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At our target a lady pulled into the handicap parking and then walked straight into the middle of a long line that went down through the parking lot and when the line started moving she lost her balance and fell. She was screaming about how the people shoved her and were mean to her. What's everyone's opionion about what handicapped people should do on a day like this? It looks to me like survival of the fitest. I felt sorry for her but she should have known better.


Excuse me, but I have a physical challenge too. I dressed warmly, got to CC at 8:30pm and came prepared with blankets, food, water and a chair. The only "advantage" I had was a closer parking spot. I was also shopping by myself this year. I don't believe handicapped people should get preferential treatment in lines, but, I also don't think that any person challenged or not, should try to cut in a line. She put herself in a situation that she should not have been in. That was her fault. Her fall had nothing to do with other people or her physical challenge.

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I was number one in line outside a non-supercenter walmart and there was a nice older man behind me as number two, they opened the doors and off we went as we turned the corner toward electronics he fell down, but to my amazement he jumped right back up and got his laptop...
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The parking lots here were SUPER icy. It snowed on Thursday, but the plows didn't do a good job. I fell in Target's parking lot getting out of my car. It's a recipe for disaster - people slipping, other drivers not paying attention because they're too busy looking for parking than watching pedestrians. I'm surprised more people don't get hurt in parking lots.
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All the major store's should be sued this yr for not takin proper precautions to protect shoppers. They should know better than to offer limited loss leaders and not to suspect problems. All the hype around this day has gotten way out of hand. Is this what we have become?? Animals??? A Major class action law suit would end all this BF nonsence. LOL :)
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At our target a lady pulled into the handicap parking and then walked straight into the middle of a long line that went down through the parking lot and when the line started moving she lost her balance and fell. She was screaming about how the people shoved her and were mean to her. What's everyone's opionion about what handicapped people should do on a day like this? It looks to me like survival of the fitest. I felt sorry for her but she should have known better.


Handicapped really means nothing. She has to wait in line like everyone else. $10 says she borrowed the the handicapped placard, too!! I can't believe what these animals were doing on BF. I'm so glad that I didn't go through that because I would fight back hard enough to make them remember never to try it again. People should stop blaming the stores and start blaming the morons that are acting this way. The stores can have all the security available and some people will still trampled, shove, and steal just for the thrill of it.

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While rushing to get my GB SP pkg at Target, a lady ran her basket into my heal. She aplogized and I didn't think much about it them. But today, my heal is killing me. I can't put any pressure on it. The dues we pay for "low" prices. BTW I got my GB SP! :bunny:
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At Walmarts at about 15 minutes to 5 a group of people gathered next to the line to get in. they got yelled at, cursed at, threatened - the obvious. When the doors opened they ran to cut the people in the front of the line and one lady got elbowed in the face and another got pushed into the door. I walked in as they were complaining and I just asked them was getting hurt worth trying to cut in front of people who had been standing in 10 degree cold for 3 hours? All they did was moan and groan.
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That video doesn't show the full scene and the closeup of the woman while she's being "trampled" however that is the woman that laid on the ground and put her wig back on before attempting to move out of the way. I'm not trying to justify the actions of the other people but seriously...you have to have your priorities. Personally...I'd be more worried about getting off the floor than putting my fake hair back on.

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