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Did Anyone See The Chaos At A Florida Walmart On CNN

Dust N Bones

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Here in Saint Marys Walmart the customers and managers were great, but the employees not only provided NO help as to where things were they also where not the nicest. I was actually let down by the Customer service this year, but I can say it was WELL stocked. 36 Laptops, 20 or so desktops, I say about 15 or the 15" LCD's, and good god the number of the 20" flat screen TV's!!!!
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Here in Saint Marys Walmart the customers and managers were great, but the employees not only provided NO help as to where things were they also where not the nicest. I was actually let down by the Customer service this year, but I can say it was WELL stocked. 36 Laptops, 20 or so desktops, I say about 15 or the 15" LCD's, and good god the number of the 20" flat screen TV's!!!!

freaking agreed. I don't know how many different employees told me DIFFERENT places things would be.. I never did find the $5 CD's.

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WalMart SCREWED up big time. The one I went to in South Hill, VA was very unorganized. There was only 15 laptops and they were just throwing them there was no first come first serve. I did not get one so I just went home and ordered a dell. And I just heard that there was chaos at a WalMart in Washington State.
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My local store only had 10 of the laptops.

I got there at 4:35 and they were telling everyone they were sold (because there were of course already 10 people in line to get them)


But we got everything we went for, except the tv/dvd combo.

The line was too long. We wanted to hurry up and get to the other stores.


They had a TON of them though, so I plan on going back this afternoon to see what's left.

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I had to go to Walmart in Orlando to get my laptop as by the time I got to Best Buy at 11;30, there were already 100 people in line! *insert rolling eyes icon here LOL But nothing happened at my Walmart. Everything went very smooth. One of the people in line took charge since management wasnt and took names and gave people numbers of where everyone was in line and then she stood at the register at 5am making sure that the line went as planned because there were a bunch of people trying to sneak in the line from a side aisle. So overall, a good black friday here :)
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freaking agreed. I don't know how many different employees told me DIFFERENT places things would be.. I never did find the $5 CD's.


There was a small box of them in electronics hidden between the big screens, there was a decent stack to the right of jewelry in the front of the store, and the motherload was on two pallets back in the milk department.


Yea.... Walmart here does not win the Customer Service award. I know it sucks to work there on BF, but they at least could be nice when people are being nice to them.

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This is exactly why the BF deals will be found more online in the future, people will continue to get turned off by the mob mentality that people have over BF deals. I never go to the early deals, have no patience for lines and prefer to avoid those sorts of incidents. Can you save money at BF? Yes, you can save some money but with the frustration and waiting in line that goes along with it, is it really worth it? Knowing you'll be one of the majority of people who doesn't get that "sweet deal"?


I'll hit some of the stores later today and maybe tomorrow to pick up some things that I didn't get online.

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I was in line at my local walmart which is the older style, not a supercenter, at 3:45 and I was about 50th-60th in line. Everyone else was at the supercenters. I was there for the Little People sets and Tigger, not for electronics, so the number of laptops didn't concern me; however, within 1.5 minutes of the door opening, they were sold out. Ours was very good, the store manager kept making people get to the back of the line and only opened one door so nobody could cut through the exits. There was a fist fight over the laptops, but it resolved very fast, and the rest of the experience was very smooth. I grabbed my things and was out of the store at 5:05.
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I was not at my Walmart for the electronics except the 68 dollar port.DVD which I got along with my CPK Newborn,Carebears,FPzoo,Black Belt Karate.

However had I been there for the electronics I would of been MAD as you know what! The store let employee's buy before the customers where let in, they left only 4 laptops for those in line!!! :eyepoppin

There was a fist fight at the doors and before they even opened there were SIX POLICE officers walking up and down the first 50 ft. of line wrapped aroudn the store. I was in the store by 5:05am, and out with my purchases by 5:25a then it was on to Target for their opening which with only one police officer was a DREAM opening! It was orderly the staff came out and told us where things would be so you knew what to do.

I still can't figure what brings people to blows to save a few dollars don't they know bail will cost them more! I don't think I'll ever do a Walmart opening again it really was frightful!.



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Not all the stores allow the employees to buy first (in fact, I didn't think any of them did). My DH works for Walmart, he was there last night into this morning stocking the blitz items. I wanted one of the Gameboys and asked him if he could pick one up AFTER he was off the clock. You are not allowed to purchase anything until you are off the clock. Doing so is grounds for termination! Needless to say, he didn't get off work until 7am and the Gameboys were long gone by then so we didn't get one. Oh well, I'm sure I'll find one somewhere before Christmas :)


The only issue DH ran into today concerned the laptops. One of the customers came to the department he was working in looking for the laptop because another employee told him that was where it would be. DH told the guy that no, they were in electronics behind the counter, that he was in fact one of the people who stocked them and the way it was set up at his store was, you had to physically go to the counter and ASK for one. There was someone at the counter who would give it to you. DH walked the guy over to electronics (which at that point was packed with people) and told the guy where he should go then let him know the store had 60 of them in stock. The guy was quite PO'ed (rightfully so) saying "Yeah, there were 60 of them. They are probably all gone now since I was sent to the wrong department to begin with".

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I know that the employees at our WM could not hold or buy anything if they were working. They were saying that they hoped some things were left when they got off work. Our store only got 15 of the laptops. And I'm suprised that our store wasn't on the news. But it wouldn't have been the store or the employee's fault. They had it together better than any other year. Everything was fine until people started ripping the plastic off of the pallets, shoving and cussing. This was not a good year for a first timer at our WM. The customers were downright dangerous. I have been going for several years and I am convinced that is the only reason I made it.lol
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