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Everything posted by bluebear

  1. Go Tell it on the Mountain
  2. The first time I tried, I had the option to ship to store. The second time, when I was finally able to grab it, I no longer had the option. It also had a longer ship/arrive date. Shipping wasn't too bad, but still would have rather had free. Oh well, just happy I got them!
  3. My niece gave me her list today. A particular Pegasus from BAM Bacon Soap Pickle Lip Balm Then I told her about your daughter requesting pickles. Then... Oooh!!! Me too, I want pickles! And a coconut.
  4. Got it!!! Yay!! And thanks for the advice to refresh, I probably would have given up and waited until tomorrow. 2 more gifts done!
  5. I usually do it Thanksgiving weekend, not sure if I will change this year or not. Mama does hers Thanksgiving morning (or the night before), and decorates all the house except for the kitchen. After dinner the kitchen decorations go out.
  6. Thanks, I am hitting refresh, and I emailed the link to myself so I can check on my phone!
  7. Booo, as I was checking out, the message popped up that the diamond Steve went out of stock!
  8. Oh my goodness, thank you! My nephew just told me this afternoon he wanted Diamond Armor Steve for Christmas, and that it was $30.99 at Books A Million... Now just waiting to find out which to get as the second one! Thank you!!!
  9. I also have the 30% off, it printed sometime last week. I bought a DS game, maybe that triggered it. I am so hoping I can find something to buy. With 3 gamers in the house you'd think... Hopefully the Xbox One games they want will be out this week, I'll have to check dates. Other son wants one game that is old, and one that doesn't come out still for a while... Sigh...
  10. Thank you for compiling this! I sent it to my mom (step-dad) and daughter(roommate). Hopefully they can take advantage of something. Here's another to add to the list. Red Lobster - Free Appetizer with Military ID 11/11-14
  11. I usually do all the decorating. And we have way too much much stuff, and no one helps (or they get in my way and do it wrong). Last year I told my family I wasn't doing any decorating. They protested a little, and so I had them tell me what their favorite decoration was. So I made them help with that part, and then I picked my favorite stuff. Made me feel a little better about doing it.
  12. Yay, me, I have gotten a few stocking stuffers finally! At least I can say I've started. Also got DS17 a comforter, not sure if it will be for Christmas or for when he goes to college.
  13. Yay! Thank you! This one is always my favorite. I use this sale to stock up on toilet paper, detergent, and shampoo for the year!
  14. Oooh, not sure I'm ready to see this list written down... DH DD22 DS17 DS14 Mama Step-dad Daddy Sister BIL Niece, 12 Niece, 10 Nephew, 9 Friend, husband, son (11) Small gifts for work people (4-5) Husband's younger cousins - 6 of them 2 dogs, cat And now today I've added daughter's new roommate and their cat and dog
  15. I have 2 as well. DS14 is getting Xbox One, no clue what else, probably games and accessories for that. Last year he got a Surface, year before laptop. DS17 has no ideas right now. Last year was surface for him as well. And they both got phones. I will probably get him some college-ready stuff, comforter, dishes, foot locker... I'll be watching this post as well for more ideas.
  16. What about some kind of chest, foot locker, etc. For memory stuff, start stocking up for college, or something of the sorts.
  17. Oh no!! I don't combine birthday and Christmas either. I had meant birthday and graduation, since he graduates 3 weeks after his 18th birthday. But I do appreciate the lecture from a stranger, thanks for that, very friendly and helpful. I will buy my kids and family the latest and greatest if I want to, and when I want to. My daughters birthday is also very close to Christmas, so I know how that goes, and how to manage, thanks.
  18. Best Buy has Xbox One pre orders available for release day on their site again. One son asked for Xbox One, the other is teetering on wanting PS4. Doubt I'll be able to get that one before Christmas, so that might end up being combo birthday/Christmas gift.
  19. I was just able to pre-order the Xbox One. That's the main, and only thing so far, any of my kids have asked for. I am so relieved. So, that's 1 thing, lots more to go!
  20. Love FLL! Both my boys did it. I actually coached one year as well. But neither was real interested in doing it at home. We have the set from the team I coached, and it was never played with, and the programming books were never looked at. And that's 2 boys, 3 years between them. But that's just us, but just a heads up. What's fun with a group may not be fun alone at home. With that said, when I was looking, it was hard to find discounts anywhere. Seems I may have found a slight one at Amazon. I would also maybe try eBay.
  21. None. And I've been getting pretty worried on how I was going to manage Christmas gifts this year. But yesterday my amazing parents gave me and my sister $500 each for Christmas presents! So now I can start planning and shopping. Both Xbox One and PS4 pre orders are sold out, and I'm still not sure I could get both anyway, so we might be having a second gift-giving time later.
  22. Hi neighbor!! I live in McDonough. But I don't venture out to Tanger on BF... I'm just not that much fun. Good luck!
  23. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 was selling for $179 last year I believe, so you should be able to find it close to your price range, especially since the 3 is out. I have the Tab 2, and like laddhorn said, it is a really nice tablet. So is the Nexus, so if that goes into your range, then that would be great to grab too.
  24. Assuming I even have any money this year... I'm a bit stressed about that. DS14 wants Xbox One DS17 wants PS4 DD22 hasn't said. She also has a birthday before then. I always pay a months rent for part of her Christmas. And unless she comes up with something else, it will be a new phone for birthday, and windows tablet for Christmas.
  25. I have done pretty good this year with Amazon and Half.com. 3 of the books I got were cheaper to buy, but we will rent 1. The only thing with renting, think about whether it will be used more than 1 semester. If so, it will probably be better to buy. Thanks for the other links, some of those I hadn't heard of. Needing college books for 2 kids, I need all the help I can get!
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