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  1. My granddaughter was born this morning! 11 pounds 3 oz!! And that's 1 week early. Her and my daughter are doing well. Now I need to get well so I can go visit her!
  2. So, I spent my spring break in the hospital. Zero stars, would not recommend. So no visit with my grandson. But I am home today after 5 days, and I am feeling better finally. Yay. And hopefully next weekend I can travel the 3 hours to see my new grandbaby arriving in 3 days!
  3. Happy April. We are on spring break this week, and my grandson is in town staying with my mom. Sadly I am now at over 2 months being sick, so probably no activities for me. At least I'm not having to miss work and can get some rest.
  4. Congrats! Mine is scheduled for the 9th, but was also due on the 16th. Grandma Twinsies!
  5. Sounds like a fun month! Congrats on the grand baby. Mine arrives in 5 weeks! February was a bit of a rough month, I've been sick since the last week in January. It got really bad about the 10th, and I just can't seem to get better. It'll ease off for a day or 2, then come back. We think we may have figured out the cause being an allergic reaction to my dad's dogs that have been staying here during the bad cold weather. They are leaving tomorrow, so fingers crossed I can start getting better! Here's to a happy March!
  6. Thanks!! Today was a good day. We had a good trip both ways, and a nice visit with my daughter and grandsons.
  7. Well February hasn't had a very happy start. Lots of bad and sad news today. But today is my grandson's birthday, and me and mama are driving (3 hours each way) to see him for his party tomorrow. So there's a happy.
  8. Thank you! Just bought a second fire extinguisher for my youngest son's apartment.
  9. That's awesome. Thanks Brad and GottaDeal!
  10. Merry Christmas! I hope everyone has a great day!
  11. Thank you! They are a lot of fun to build and set up. You'll get there, probably sooner than your wallet would like! Have fun!
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