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Everything posted by Gporter34

  1. Yeah, since my favorite movie is Christmas Vacation, and I will admit I will watch it anytime I get the urge, even in July, LOL, I watch it while decorating then we put on the Christmas music and bring out the hot chocolate.
  2. Gporter34

    New one

    Welcome, Tim. Yeas, this is a great place, very friendly and entertaining.lol
  3. I try to wait, but if I find a too good to pass up deal, I'll take it.lol
  4. Hopefully I will stay in budget this year.lol Last year I set it at $500.00 and actually had about $40.00 left. So it will stay the same and maybe I can do even better.
  5. Yeah, I wouldn't try to wear any other shoes. My feet are in bad enough shape after all of that shopping, I can only imagine if I tried to wear anything but tennis shoes.lol
  6. Our WalMart also has an enormous amount of Furbys...I just don't know if I want to get them. The last time I bought them for my oldest back about 10 years ago, the darn thing drove me crazy. lol
  7. I disagree with the pallet rules because they wait until too many people are there and then they have limited items. The sale prices start at 6am but it doesn't say that the items are only available at 6am. But I am one who gets there at 3am and wait until 6 to check out and I have other stores to go to. I'm sure if I waited til 6 to go I would feel differently. lol
  8. Amen to that. I always meet so many friendly people on BF. I look forward to talking to them every year.
  9. Tennis shoes, sweats, light jacket, fanny bag, and, depending on whether or not I win one, either a Christmas t-shirt, or a free GottaDeal t-shirt from here!!!
  10. Gporter34

    checking out

    I never have had to wait long. I think the longest is about 20 minutes but that's only because I am waiting for 6 to check out my stuff and just get in line early.
  11. I love it!!! It's the one day of the year that I can just shop and feel great about it because I am getting good deals. I think it is the thrill of the hunt also. Knowing something is hard to get and getting it just thrills me.
  12. Nope, don't feel bad at all. But I do feel bad for everybody who doesn't get the ads early like us...lol
  13. My mom and I go together now, but when she lived in Houston, I went alone. I still had a really good time. It is more fun with her though.
  14. I have only gotten into what I call "a little incident" one time. I was pulling that flat bed cart I use at WalMart, a lady reached over and tried to take one of the Hummer r/c cars off of it because they had run out of them. The only thing I could think was the look on one of my boys' face when one got one and he didn't.lol I pushed her hand away and told her those were mine because I got there early and got them.lol
  15. Gporter34

    Get in Line Now?

    Think of all the people who don't know about this site yet.lol They would panic and wonder what was going on.lol
  16. In your opinion do you come in contact with more friendly people or more hateful people on BF? I think I have definitely met more nice people. There are always a few rude ones but for the most part, we have a really good time talking and laughing with strangers we meet in the lines.
  17. I agree, the only reason son is going is because he is older. Taking all of them to WalMart on a normal day is bad enough.lol I wouldn't dream of taking them on BF. Also, they would see all of their gifts.
  18. Friend says that every year, the items that come in for BF are marked "blitz".
  19. Well, I try to be careful. Most people move when they see that thing coming. Pretty much everyone who is going to buy the bigger things, ask for one. So, I guess it just depends on who is "driving" it. lol
  20. It depends on how long I've been shopping. If it's early, I have more patience.lol If I am in line, I have already been there about 3 hours, yeah, I would say something.
  21. I totally agree. And he is so distracted by the amount that I saved, he doesn't even ask how much I spent.lol:yup:
  22. Yeah, I was really mad. They apologized and I ended up getting a better t.v. at another store but I learned a lesson from it. lol
  23. I think my hubby would just get in the way.lol He walks too slow.
  24. OMG!!! Our WalMart would have the cops waiting outside the door.lol I usually don't have to hide anything and I still get everything on my list. Tried to hide something a long time ago and when I went back, it was gone. So, I figured it just takes good planning and manuevering to get it. lol:gd_devild
  25. Thank you so much. That was very helpful.
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