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Everything posted by KC-Traderbear

  1. Most all of the Mighty Beans that I picked up were red label... series 2. I did also find some blue ones too... also 29 cents. There was no difference in price for me. As long as they were in the packaging that I posted a photo of earlier, they were 90% off. There were larger sized packs as well, but those were full price.
  2. Oh, I forgot to add that the car kits went to $7.50 too-- (McGuire and Armour All). I only bought 2. I have bought my husband so many of these in the past, I'm pretty sure he will be able to keep our cars clean well into retirement.
  3. Went to the Oak Park Target today. I was completely amazed at how much 90% off stuff was around their store in the regular aisles. TONS of Pepperidge Farm cookies for 33cents. There are still lots there! I did buy a lot of the soft oatmeal with the chocolate drizzle on the top, (hoping they freeze okay) but there were still some left along with almond, sugar and maybe one other kind.... can't remember. They have red on top of the package. Also saw an ENTIRE end cap of the mukluk slipper socks in more colors than I have seen anywhere. I agree they are crazy looking things and completely overpriced, but my kids are nearing that age where this just may be something they might light. For a buck and change, I'll chance it!! And, if you have any interest, these are EVERYWHERE. I've seen them at every Target I was in... They are $2.99 and ring up 29 cents. They look weird to me, but I did buy a few packs to have on hand for ... who knows what!! LOL http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51pzljF4CkL._SL500_AA300_.jpg Also found a Corona bucket and glassware set in the regular barware aisle. Will be good for my "lush" of a brother-in-law! LOL There were A LOT of women shopping the toy aisle. I couldn't believe the number of toys leaving. I did pick up 2 packs of Zoobles for my daughter's b-day. They were 1/2 price and I wasn't sure those would make it to 75%. Now, if they just would have had some Christmas tuna... that's really the only thing I NEEDED!!
  4. Now, THAT is dedication!! Even if all you found was a bib, at least you got some fresh air and exercise, eh?
  5. What's goin' on with CVS and Christmas clearance? Don't they usually mark to 75% the Sunday after the holiday? Wouldn't that have been LAST Sunday, Jan. 2?? Or am I mistaken? I was in to get a prescription and thought I'd browse through some stuff, but was surprised to see they were still at 50%.
  6. Haven't seen this posted yet.... I found these in with the regular socks today for $1.29. Paul Frank is the name on the tag, and these are regularly $12.99. Had a bit of fun just browsing around the aisles. Didn't spend more than 30 seconds in the c-mas aisle... just a lot of broken crap in the stores I was in. I found a few books, some paper plates, napkins and a few more bags of goldfish. http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/m/mJbOHi8dy_Gg-OODt8aJ-Ng/140.jpg http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/m/m0FYEo6XX4QWQSSk1G5lk1w/140.jpg
  7. Oh good. It says for ages 14+ on the box, but many people on Amazon are saying they've given it to kids much younger than that. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't giving my child something that she couldn't manage and would have a horrible wreck. "Gee, thanks mom!!-- love the broken arm!!" LOL
  8. Found this today marked down to $119 (1/2 price). I got it for my daughter's b-day in May, so hubby will need to put it together to make sure everything is there. The box looked very 'fresh' and didn't appear to be opened or dented... but ya never know. He'll love that little project!! LOL http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41bKUX0M9QL._AA260_.jpg I would love to find it for 75% off, but never have much luck with the Razor brand motorcycles making it that far! she's only 10, but the reviews on Amazon most all mention giving it to kids ages 8-10.... Anyone have one and like to share thoughts on it with me??
  9. Just opened them this afternoon when they got home from school and they were a thumbs up! Will try to get some more...
  10. I picked up one bag, but haven't opened it for my kids yet. I think they look gross. But, for 21 cents... if the kids like 'em then heck ya!! Have you tried them yet?
  11. I cannot stop giggling at the name of that product!! Hopefully it didn't harm her hair. What could possibly go wrong with a hair product with that name?!! LOL (I hope I am laughing WITH you, cause I am definitely not laughing at you!!) At $58, I would want my money back too. Good luck.
  12. I saw lots of the llama books at Ward Pkwy and the Cars book was there too. Didn't want the Cars book. I think there were 2. As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, I didn't scan the Cars book, so probably shouldn't have included that!! I would assume that is was on sale, but don't know that for sure. The Dewey and Olivia books were in Stanly. I also saw the Polar Express book there, but there was only a couple of those. Oak Park has NOTHING left. Their aisles are bare. I got some extension cords that were stickered at 75% off in the automotive section. The timers I wanted (non digital type) were still only 30% off-- WTH??!! I also couldn't believe how much Ward Pkwy had left. If I were going back for 90%, that's where I'd go... not going to be near that store though until Wed., but I'm guessing it will go down tomorrow. There are also many stores that still have these in the regular aisles ringing today at 54 cents... HTH! http://x-entertainment.com/updates/pics/fishfield/1.jpg
  13. Found some really cute hardcover books in the regular aisle. Most all were $4.24 or less: (The recordable book was in the toy aisle actually and was $4.99) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61JJsdeCyYL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61hHCcUvMFL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51%2Bdv2%2BSpKL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41KUr6lt2GL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51PJLksRKRL._SL500_AA300_.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51oPBI3orUL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51DzRC-VvnL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg
  14. I don't think you are a conspiracy theorist at all.... especially if you shop the Ward Pkwy store a lot... I don't shop there often. A few years ago, I practically had a throw down with a worker at that store who I THOUGHT was restocking during the 75% off holiday hoe down. (She was working in the aisle with her name tag on.) She was ready to take me on for the paper towels she had in her cart that I thought she was going to put back on the shelf-- LOL!! That is when I thought, "this is completely not worth the aggravation!" THAT particular store in my opinion has some of the very worst in employees who would definitely mislead and flat out lie to you about anything and everything. She tried to tell me that the perfectly fine paper towels were defective and she had to take them in the back. Good job to everyone who got out there and had a blast finding stuff. I am going to possibly go tomorrow for my first venture out to see if there might be some things that were missed by ya'll!! LOL
  15. Have you ever seen them do that around here? I mean drop it mid day? I've never seen anything but the holiday clearance stuff "go" early in the morning at opening. But I guess there's a first time for everything! :) I'm not as interested in holiday clearance as I was when my kids were real small, so I honestly haven't been paying much attention. But when I had the "be there when the doors open kind of mentality," a few years back, holiday clearance was always first thing in the morning at all the stores I hit at least in the area I live in (mostly Overland Park). BTW, I'm not questioning ANYONE who sees that "mid day drop" happen in THEIR area!! I'm only saying that I've not seen it happen around HERE :))
  16. If there is something that I am really watching, (especially during the big toy sell off that happens in a couple weeks) I jot down a dpci along with the item's regular price (whether it's the item that I really want or just something else that would fall into that mark down category). Then when you call customer service just nicely ask them if they could check an item that you have a number for. They can just type in the dpci and the current price comes up. That way you don't have to rely on someone just looking at the signs, making up something or just giving you incorrect information. May not be full proof, but it might give more accurate information than just asking someone to go check the signs.
  17. A few months back, (end of August/beginning of Sept.) these batteries were all shelf priced at $6. They were regular $14.99. I remember because I bought a few packs and thought... wow, that's a good sale and it's not even a clearance price. Plus, Target had a store coupon at the time that you could use with them, so I got my packs for $5. I saw them at several stores around me. They were all in the aisle, not on a clearance end cap...just a price reduction shelf sign. They are Eveready Gold AAs. Some stores must have brought them back out to sell around Christmas time.... pretty smart idea considering that most people need batteries this time of year!
  18. Thanks for this! I had bought 2 of those sets (one passenger plane and one yellow semi truck) for a gift yesterday. I went back this morning and rebought using the coupons. They did beep for me, but she pushed them through. That saved me $20! :))))
  19. I know nothing about netbooks, but am thinking about getting one for my 10 year old daughter. Is there a certain model that stands head and shoulders above the rest? What do I need to look for? Any ideas?
  20. Ran in today to get The Sorcerer's Apprentice. I bought 2... used 2 $10 off Disney coupons and discovered at the register that Target must have had some other kind of special going on because they "packaged" them both together on my receipt and took another $10 off. It must have been some in-store promotion?? Anyway, the blue ray combos ended up being $10 each.
  21. I thought it was odd too. Must not have sold enough corporate wide at the 119 price and needed to just push what was left out the door?? It worked out well for me since I accumulated $45 in Target gift cards during my (VERY brief) visit to their store on Black Friday. I used those to bring down the price even more. I am just going to return the one I bought at $119. Still not sure whether I'll keep the white dsi or try to find a dsi XL in the upcoming weeks for a good deal. I can't decide which unit is better!!! LOL... That's a whole other topic though I guess. I like the cheap price on the white one. That's for sure.
  22. YMMV on this, but I've seen Wii's clearanced at Target (just started yesterday at the 2 stores I was at)... They are red stickered down to $139.99, which is 30% off. IF your Target has these clearanced, you can use the $20 off any Wii system coupon (expires TOMORROW though). And, if you have a Target Red Card, you will get another $6 off. The total comes to $113.99. These are obviously the older system, and I don't know what the newer ones do that the old one doesn't. But it's a nice price for either a second Wii or as a gift. Edited to add that this box comes with 1 controller and the Wii Sports. That's it. If your Target doesn't have these on clearance, they may be marking them in the future. Seems that although different Target stores tend to mark things down at different times, they mostly all end up clearancing the item at some point unless it all sells out, I suppose.
  23. Sarasuzy, don't know if this is a far drive for you or not but the Stanly Target at 151st and 69 Hwy has quite a few of them and they aren't in the most obvious place. Ask the electronics guy I really had no interest in getting one cause we have one, but something just nagged at me to pick one up "just in case"... ughhh, I think it's the time of the year. With the $20 coupon AND the red card savings, you will get $26 off. The whole thing with tax was about $130. HTH. Stanly and Oak Park are the only 2 places I've seen them. They are gone at Oak Park.
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