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Everything posted by KC-Traderbear

  1. These are those same Lego sets that went to 75% off a couple months ago at the BV Super Target when mysteriously no other store in our area even had them on clearance... if I remember correctly. Maybe that bids well for these sets that are now sprouting up at other Target locations to get to 75% off, which some have said doesn't always happen with Legos???
  2. Saw a TON of Wii Animal Crossing City Folk games today at the BV Super T for $12.48. This is a $50 game and my 10yo daughter was addicted to it awhile back. She still likes to play it. Anyway, if you need one, there are a lot of them there!
  3. I picked up several bottles of detailer spray (for car's exterior) late last week at 1/2 price. Found them at several different stores. So, maybe it should happen soon at your store if 1/2 price hasn't happened yet!
  4. I saw Valentines 90% off at 2 of my stores this morning! Guess maybe it's not the end after all :)) LOL
  5. It seems to be regional... Appears that you can buy ANY 7 frozen food items and get a $5 giftcard... some have been buying things that cost a dollar or so and getting the giftcard... So, for example, 7 Minute Maid frozen concentrate juices, which are $1.12 (around here)... $7.84 out of pocket for the juice... THEN you also get a $5 giftcard to use later. Depending on how you like to "spend" your giftcard (on the front end or on the back end), you would get the juice for $2.84 (40 cents each). Others buy individual ice creams for around a dollar and also get the giftcard. It appears to be only at certain Target stores. You could probably check your store's ad or the website to find out if you are included. It's a really nice deal for frozen food and even better if you have coupons. For me, my 'go to' items have been the frozen veggies, MM Lemonade and Blue Bunny ice cream. If you like to eat frozen dinners or frozen pizzas, there are probably some really cheap deals for you! I've seen a lot of frozen dinner type things on sale at my stores. We don't eat them, but if ya do, it could make for cheap eating!
  6. Thanks Sara. I am having a lot of fun with this frozen food deal... I am stocked up on my most favorite ice cream (Blue Bunny Premium Mint Chip) and Minute Maid frozen concentrate lemonade (for the summer)... both of which hardly EVER go on sale. I never see that ice cream go below $2.99 around here, so I am extremely happy you shared this deal on this forum!!! Also have been buying the little tiny Edy's ice cream varieties for my kids and cheap frozen veggies. I was practically standing on my head in our deep freezer this morning trying to wedge it all in. What a nice deal! Thanks again for sharing.
  7. I'm going to try this tonight... I'm hesitant because I generally don't like taking up time at the register with confusion and/or confrontation. I get way to embarrassed. I'm planning to get some ice cream and use some good coupons that I have, but if it doesn't go through with a gift card, I really don't NEED 5 tubs of ice cream at the moment.... guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed and see what happens.
  8. The Target by the Oak Park mall is also 75% off... I was hoping to get some of those little 'only hearts club' pets that they had on display with the Valentines stuff, but they scanned at $2.99, so I guess those were exempt from the markdown. The only other thing I wanted (and got) were the large Toblerone candy bars that had a heart on the end of the packaging. YUM. (They scanned at 75% off.)
  9. I happened to be out at the Lees Summit ST around noon and Valentines was signed at 50 off. The only thing I scanned was a pet shop package I found in the toy aisle (heart shaped one). It scanned $3.24, so unless that was over $12 begin with, that store was 50% off V-Day stuff as well.
  10. Has anyone else noticed a trend in more e-mail coupons coming out from CVS? I noticed it during the after Christmas clearance and now it's started up again (coincidentally right after Valentine's Day). During January, almost every week, I would get a $3 off $15 coupon in my e-mail. It usually came on Thursday and is only valid through Sunday (4 days). It appears to be connected to the CVS rewards card, and I believe you can only use one coupon. (I don't know for sure. I've never tried using one more than one time, but the verbiage states that you can use only one per extra care card/customer.) I just wondered if this is some kind of trend that might be connected to a more conservative holiday markdown schedule (and the apparent elimination of 90% off)?? It came at a good time, anyway... I had some extra bucks to use, so I went in for more Diet Coke... (got 3 packs for $10; earned $3 extra bucks back for that purchase); also added in a couple of Nutra Grain packs on sale for $1.99 and some candy to get to $15. Anyway, paid $8.xx for 3 - 12 packs, 2 boxes of cereal bars and a pack of snack sized candy bars with $3 to spend later.
  11. Boy those things cleared outta the stores around here FAST, and I don't think they even made it to 50% off... at least I haven't seen any marked lower than 30% off. Many stores had so many of them and then they were gone! (Of course 10+ inches of snow might have helped with the sled sales! LOL) We really like ours and $8.xx is an amazing deal.
  12. For future reference....stock up before Christmas!! I got 6 from Walmart around the first part of December... $50 iTunes cards for $35.
  13. I used mine to buy Diet Coke, which I've been patiently waiting to go on sale at CVS. That's about the only grocery thing I ever buy there. I used a $6 in quarterly rewards and a $4 ecb from something I bought a few weeks ago (can't remember what though!!) Anyway, got 5 12 packs of coke for $5 and then got the $5 ecb to use later. So, I wonder if 2011 started a new policy at CVS about taking stuff to 90% off?? Anyone have any friends that work there? Or, has anyone seen anything clearance that low this year? I know it's probably kind of slow with clearance right now since coming off the holidays. I just thought it was strange that they did it for Halloween and then all of a sudden not for Christmas clearance. Guess we'll have to see what Valentines Day brings?? I don't shop there a lot, but I always enjoyed popping in every once and a while to see if there was anything useful on clearance.
  14. Oh... and to top off my lucky Lego purchase, I found a $20 bill on the ground walking back to my car. Almost covered the cost of the Lego set! :)
  15. Oh, and I will be returning the set that I bought at 50% off... probably tomorrow morning. I will take it back to the Super T so that someone else can get the lucky price!! If I take it anywhere else, it will ring $69.99.
  16. I have insight on the Legos... First, I only ever saw them at ONE Target in this area. The Super T on Metcalf and 119th. That is the only store that had them on clearance of the many, many stores that I've been in and out of over the past 2 weeks. Second, they had ONE sticker on them and it was a 50% off sticker. They were not part of a progressive markdown. That's what made me think that they may go to 75% off. Third, all the other Targets that I ever saw these sets at have them on display with other Legos with "Special Pricing"... no stickers, just a sign that shows them on "sale" for $69.99, regular price $100. So, I don't know if the Super T at Blue Valley Pkwy just had an overorder of them or what. (There were a ton of them stickered at 50% for at least 2 weeks.) Here is the picture. I just went to pick one up because I STASHED it!!! I really wanted a set for this little 7 year old who has a b-day coming up and whose parents are good friends of ours. It was $25.24. Here is the dpci ###Lego Space Police 204000164 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51yC6wvVrcL._SL500_AA300_.jpg
  17. Funny how the toys sort of lose their allure a few days after the sale. They are hard to resist when they are sitting there on the shelf all cute and CHEAP. (with everyone clamoring for them). Always better to buy and then decide rather than to be left without and wishing they were yours though.
  18. Saw the Zipfy sleds marked down to 30% off today. My kids love these sleds... easy to haul up the hill and fast on the ride down. They are regular priced $34.xx (I think the tag said). They were on sale for $24.xx. I didn't see these clearanced last year. Would be a nice find at 75% off! http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31lPtCxV0EL._SL160_AA160_.jpg The ones I've seen in stores are all red.
  19. All C-mas is GONE at my CVS store. And, for anything Christmas that might have been, ehh... ummm hidden.... :), it's scanning full price. WTH!!!?? I 'may' have had another $10 giant Hershey bar stashed away in the hopes of getting it for $1... NO LUCK. My waistline says "thank you CVS," but my sweet tooth says, "awww... why no 90%!??" Did they mark it all down to 90% during the week or just take it away?? It only just went to 75% at this store last Sunday. Today, not a speck of Christmas anywhere. Oh well.
  20. There was only one thing I was after this morning and that was an SCX Compact Nascar set that was around $100 regular price. It's a gift for a family friend who turns 7 this month. I saw 2 last week, so I bought one at 30% off. I knew the chances were slim that I'd find the other one on the day of the sale, but I thought I'd try. So I went at 9, and there it was IN SOMEONE'S CART. What a horrible feeling... LOL. I wish that I had just not seen it; then I could have had the... "it's a good thing I bought it when I did..." conversation with myself. I should have just hid the darn thing. Anyway, hope everyone found what they wanted, and if you were juggling a small one... KUDDOS to you. Now, sit down and have a stiff drink! I remember shopping this sale 6-7 years ago when Targets were really new in this area and my 2 older kids were babies. I would go in and there would be aisle after aisle (after aisle) filled with 75% off toys and nobody around. This toy sale has become well known for sure... plus, I wonder if many people who never used to care about shopping sales are happy to take things at 30 or 50% off?? There were a lot of toys going out the door last week when the store I went to was marking things to 50% off. And, around here, I've definitely noticed that Target doesn't have near the sale stock that they used to leftover... maybe they aren't ordering as much?? Dunno. :)))
  21. Heck, maybe they ARE kids... dunno. I didn't look at the tag real close. It seems like they would be a kid's 'thing', but I only ever saw them in the women's hosiery dept. at the 2 stores I saw them in. Guess that's what made me 'assume' they were for adults. I bought them for my kids regardless, so I guess it didn't matter to me. I, myself, didn't need monkey slipper socks. LOL!!!
  22. My 8 yo wears a size 1/2 and my 10 yo wears a 2/3... my little one is TALL and her feet are giant! It's actually the calf part of the sock that is unusually tight. The foot part actually has a bit of room to grow into, but I can't imagine an adult wearing them. I'm 5' 10' and under 130 with fairly twiggy legs, and there is no way that I could wear them up on my calf. HTH
  23. My kids ended up loving those Paul Frank slipper socks. Boy, they must run small though. (I thought they were women's sizes.) I got a s/m, and it fits my 5 year old (size 12 shoe)! The l/xl size fits both my 8 and 10 year old. Must be why they didn't sell any of them. They should have had them in the kids aisle!! LOL
  24. You got lucky on the snapware. Those aren't part of the c-mas clearance. There are lots of items in the store that look a lot like they SHOULD be part of the c-mas clearance, but aren't. I'm always too chicken to ask for the cashier to ring it down...especially to 90% off. Good job!!
  25. Every time I went into a CVS store this week, I've gotten a $1 off 1 package of M&Ms from the machine. I had 4 of them. THEN I got a $3 off $15 purchase in my e-mail. So, I just went ahead and got 5 packs of M&Ms and 1 super duper large 1 pound size bar of HERSHEYS. It was the biggest Hershey bar I've seen in my life. It was regular priced $10, so it was $4.99. WTH... who needs a $10 bar of chocolate?!!! (Me, I guess....) giggling now. So, anyway with all the coupons... My total was $5.xx. Not too bad and beats waiting for the 75%... who knows when that'll come?!!
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