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Everything posted by fairydustcrissy

  1. All I have is a $5 off coupon in mine
  2. How id you do this? When my total dropped below $20 with coupons, the register kicked the $5 off. The cashier tried several times to get it to work, but it wouldnt. My total would have ben $3 for everything, but i had to pay $8
  3. Both of the stores close to me are closing I love love love Goody's 80% off clearance, and will really miss it. That's where I usually stok up on school clothes for my kids
  4. Ugh..you guys are killing me! If anyone wants to buy me a $400 gift... LOL. Seriously tho, I am really surprised they shipped so fast.
  5. Holy crap...no wonder I've never been there! $45 each? And that's a special? Man, I need to get out more...or at that price guess I'll just stay home!
  6. Ugh I soooo wish I had the money for this. DH wants one sooo bad, and it would make an awesome fathers day gift! Oh well, maybe by Christmas lol.
  7. Same, lol. I think every set I have gotten comes with one, and we have several Thomas'slaying around, lol. Great deal tho!
  8. Thats my philosophy :) And I agree 100000% with what Freesia said...it is so easy to do on your own. Plus, GG only lists certain stores, so you still end up having to do some of the work. Just a personal opinion, if people didnt like it it wouldnt still be around.
  9. Cumming GA (exit 14 target) had the sewing machine for $22 today if anyone is looking :) There was only 1 left tho
  10. I got mine at target for 4.98 a while back. Its my 2nd one, I got one a few years ago for the same price. DH dropped it, and we loved it so much we waited for them to come out again :) I think Target has them every year, but for a limited time.
  11. Uh Oh....I dunno where in PA Jen is, but I bet she makes her way to this thread :)
  12. Super cute, but we already have a Hello Kitty toaster..I think DH would kill me if we went to Cinderella lol.
  13. I dont know what size you need ( wasnt sure if full was the size, or if you needed "complete" sets lol) But Kmart had some really good clearance prices. Dressers for $30, the build-your own dressers for $32 each piece, nightstands $12, and twin head / footboards $32 a set.
  14. At the Kmart here oly the hazelnut was 2.50
  15. We went to Ltd too yesterday, no idea this was going on. I spent $12, and she let both of my girls pick one, and asked DS3 if he wanted one (he didnt, lol). They were thrilled!
  16. But whats gonna be the most FUN? heh, I am really looking forward to it. Actually, I really enjoy Smash Bros with the Wii-mote as well, and most people tend to like the GCN controller better for that one too.
  17. Just an FYI...Mario Kart Wii will include a wheel :)
  18. i have an orange one..same as PPs...sheds like MAD. And if you try to dry it....be prepared to clean the lint filter 2-3x during the cycle!
  19. It was $10 a few weeks ago, I grabbed one then. My phone loves it :)
  20. LOL, I agree! A $5 toy is secured 56569 ways, light bulbs come in a piece of cardboard And I have seen more toys that are screwed into a piece...ugh. Now thats just a total PITA...you get through all the twist ties, tape, and plastic only to find screws???
  21. I agree. Nintendo has been awesome to us as far as warranty repairs go. Never an issue at all! And they ship FAST :)
  22. Well, I got my 2 mugs today. BOTH of them are broken! UGH!!! So now I have to send them back Im very disappointed in Kodak. I expected much better quality from them. Looks like I'll stick to shutterfly from now on!
  23. Actually, the employee would not get in trouble for opening the games, they would get in trouble for even allowing you to trade them in. They are NOT allowed under any circumstance to accept a game that is still wrapped. And they are NOT allowed to let you go out & open the game to trade it in. I know it sucks, but thats thier policy
  24. I got an email last week saying my order was going to be upgraded, blah blah blah. Well today I called, since its 2 days past Christmas, and nothing. I was informed that it was NOT upgraded, it shipped on the 23rd with 10 day shipping! She told me to call back if I dont have it by Jan. 8th! Needless to say, I am upset. This was 2 gifts for Christmas. I think its safe to say Kodak Gallery has lost my business
  25. I have bandaids on 3 fingers from getting cut opening toys, lol. Makes it very hard to type! LOL.
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