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Everything posted by fairydustcrissy

  1. I ended up getting my router & phone in-store. hardly any line at all, and everything was on a table as soon as you walked in. Back in the car in less than 5 mins :) Now, if only I could get the router set up.....but I LOVE the phone.
  2. It shouldnt. You are purchasing two items. The register will take 2 coupons,m it would be a cashier who would say no. In that case, 1-800-shop-cvs will fix it
  3. Ya know...I went to Belk, got the $5 gift card....and didnt even buy a thing
  4. I grabbed one at TRU yesterday, tehy were doorbusters for the same price
  5. Well, Target was stop number 4 for me, arriving at about 5:40am. Sure, the line was around teh shopping center, but I expected that. They did have emplyees watching the line for people trying to sneak in. They also handed out tickets this year! I didnt need any ticketed items, so they just gave me a map of where everything would be located. Even with hundreds of people filing into the store in under 5 mins, it was very orderly & calm. Thanks to the map, I knew exactly where to go to grab my items. In toys, i couldnt find the Fly pen, but they had emplyees stationed all around with flyers & locations of everything in it. Each item had a sticker that told the location for EVERY item. It was so awesome. Then to the register, which is usually a nightmare, no matter how smooth shopping it. Normally at Target on BF, I wasit around an hour. I was out of line in 5 min or less. I was just super impressed with the changes they made this year. Way to go Target!
  6. Ugh, I want teh 29.99 phone system, but it says I cant order it online SWithout that, my total isn'tover $50 to get free ship either
  7. Be careful...some cameras cant handle an 8gb card. Matter of fact, I'd venture to say most consumer-level digicams cant handle one that big. I think 4gb is about the avg capacity for digicams. Check your manual just to make sure!
  8. I was hoping to order the Linkysy MiMo router, but the website says it is discontinued & not avail? Its in teh BF ad for 39.99
  9. At CVs they will be $1, with $1 ECB, making them free
  10. The price has nothing to do with the color. The Mario & Brain age DS's are ONLY sold in the bundles. But you can get any color for 129.99, with the exception of those two. Kinda like how teh PSPs are 169, but to get the blue on for example, you have to buy the 199 bundle.
  11. Still no word on any sales Hubby has been trying tho. And just a heads up for those of you who bought the Quickfire...he has had more returns of those in teh past 2 weeks than anything. Apparently the slider function breaks really easy & the keypads get stuck.
  12. OK, I am soooo with you on this! I agree with the school bus, the only problem is it is leapfrog and it has a volume button, lol. Wouldn't want to get something they can turn down My son has a Tonka front-end loader (tractor), and it makes driving sounds as well as the ever annoying reverse beeps. Another one is the battery operated Thomas the Train engines. I constantly find those still turned on. OH! I just remembered the worst my kids ever got...a talking telephone. If you walked past it would beep..beep.beep...calling 911...operator, what is your emergency. It was soooo loud & annoying.
  13. grrr, was about to buy it, and I get : "Sorry, this product is no longer sold through Buy.com". :(
  14. Yep, Im talking about my xbox. We have been looking for a router that will allow us to hard-wire our desktops (for online gaming) but also allow wireless for destops & game systems in the living room. I am planning on picking up the Linksys MiMo router from Office Max on BF. It's $39.99, half price. It's on the 3rd page of the ad if you want to see It gets really good reviews from what I've read.
  15. I would be very surprised to see this happen. In order for that to happen, manufacturers would have to drop the MSRP to the BF prices. They would also have to ensure they are selling for more than cost. I can't really see either of those being the case, but for the people affected I hope it's true :)
  16. I saw this yesterday. Am I right in assuming this replaces the $99 dongle for the 360? I plan on getting a new router on BF, and would love to have the 360 hooked up wirelessly. Right now it is hard wired. I just want to make sure I understand this right. From what I can tell, this plugs in to one of the USB ports on teh front, and allows the 360 to connect wirelessly? If so, I need to order one ASAP.
  17. So I am searching for a decent price on a wacom tablet. Needs to be bigger than the bamboo. Other than that, I'm pretty flexible!
  18. My DS LOVES his woodenThomas trains. It all started cuz BIL gave him a small Brio set. We also have some of teh off-brand tracks. He is BEGGING for Geo-Trax this year. If you are looking for Thomas, people on here told me last year that Michaels sells them. So I used teh 40 & 50% off coupons last year to build him a nice set. I'm hoping to pick up some Geo-Trax @ Kohls on BF this year.
  19. We have teh bigger pig lights...they are so cute, and my kids love tehm!
  20. I'm gonna guess this deal is in preperation for the Netflix deal that went live today. I'm about to DL the update myself
  21. Thanks! I bought 2 from the link in the other thread, $18.19 shipped. I normally pay $30/each on sale for the ones I got. And they are suuuuper comfy & look great, so thanks! Ah, the joys of both Lane Bryant & VS carrying my size
  22. Seems like last year it wasa free tote bag? If I remember correctly, it was similar to the other holiday deals they do, where you get a gift with purchase.
  23. Mine had 3.99 & 4.99 racks, but it was shorts & tank tops
  24. I just want to say good for you. We own SEVERAL versions of the trilogy box sets. VHS set of 4-6, dvd sets of 4-6, and own each dvd as it was released. sight...anyone want to buy some star wars dvds?
  25. Same. The one here is 30 min away, but with traffic it's an hour drive
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