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Everything posted by fairydustcrissy

  1. DH has the last ones, and I can say the material is excellent. very soft cotton. The band is also comfy he says :) I dont know about the rest of you, but if they are that stiff cotton they go in the dresser & never come out.
  2. They do have a thin padding, but the material is plenty thick. We own 2 of these, and they are great.
  3. I'm submitting for atlanta too. GL everyone!
  4. same...shows 7.99 on the page, but in the bag its 58...
  5. aww man, I got emails from them on teh 23 & 25, and neither has a code
  6. It was only avail at one of the 3 near me. Luckily it was the one in the direction I am going today. Now if they would just hurry up & send that email...lol
  7. I prefer teh soundtrack to 3 better, but that's a personal choice of course. Both games play the same, so go with the songs you like! I ordered this, and got Tinkerbell this morning too. Great start to the day..let's just hope theres enough $$ left for groceries
  8. thanks, just ordered! This will be a stocking stuffer for DD7 :)
  9. My mom's set is Roper, i think that may be the Whirlpool off brand tho.
  10. I'm very seriously considering the Kitchenaid mixer as well. Its one of those things I have always wanted, but couldn't justify the cost of, since well....my hands work just fine for mixing, lol. But....after an accident & my hand getting messed up, I am really considering it. I think that is the best price I have seen. Also, what is the deal on teh w/d set? Is there a huge MIR? I didnt see in the ad much details.
  11. indeed. i have been saying i am getting a new one for years, but this one just keeps on ticking, lol. But I use DHs computer to store pics & stuff, mine basically has windows & warcraft, lol. but i think it is finally time to replace it
  12. I have ad the opposite with Gateway. I am using a 9 year old gateway, and it has not given me a single issue. I am looking to get a new comp this year, only because the 20gig HD just isnt enough, lol. I play games on this, like WoW. And it does fine. But...a lot could have changed in 9 yrs, lol
  13. just fyi...these links dont open in a new window, so you may want to right click them :)
  14. If you have a store nearby, I just got some coupons in the mail from RedWing. They are in-store only tho. If you can use tehm, let me know. I know one is 15% off.
  15. it will be in the newspaper and in-store :)
  16. this is VERY YMMV...from what I've read online most stores clearanced these out several months ago. Grats on the great deal!
  17. Keep in mind, the Toy Book should be out this weekend or next, so the games & such are also backstock for that.
  18. i wonder how this compares to teh iPod touch...
  19. Here in Dawsonville, GA it is insane. There is a coach store that does 10% off, and that sale alone has the entire center blocked with a HUGE line, not to mention parking. They had 400 blocked (if you are in GA, you understand how big of a deal that is). I had to park across the hwy, about 1/4 mile away. It was madness. But, i racked up at Timberland :) lol. I say if you are going, try to get there a little before midnight so you stand a chance at getting a parking spot.
  20. They now have a rewards card. It just started last week, you can get it at the register.
  21. http://www.riteaid.com/stores/weekly_ad/single_page_view.jsf?circularId=1582&page=12&region=east&ad_type=weekly looks like i know what im doing today lol
  22. oh yeah! i also signed up for rewards and got credit for that as well. and i had them add my other 2 purchases from the weekend. all in all, i have spent ~500 at TRU this past weekend:( but, i get an extra $15 back on top of the deals I got.
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