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Everything posted by fairydustcrissy

  1. I'm in the same boat...still waiting for Kodak, still no tracking info, and have an email that ASSURED me it would be here by Christmas
  2. My 3yo is obsessed with Thomas as well. Thanks to a WONDERFUL tip on this board, I was able to get 2 sets ( a figure 8 set, and a figure 8 expansion) for around $50 at Michaels! Each set alone is $50, and even teh cheaper sets arent that cheap! My son has had a blast with it, and one of the trains is motorized, so he is having fun seeing how many cars it can pull before it derails, lol.
  3. OT...but you are the 1st person I've ever met that spelled thier name the same as me! :) Is Crissy your real name, or is it a nickname?
  4. I usually get them at Target. Cheapest retail I have seen so far. Reminds me, I need to pick up a pack.
  5. Got an email saying one of my items shipped today. Theres no way it ill be here by Christmas tho Its not one of the things I really needed anyways. The mugs I DO need still just say rec'd. Oh, and I cant get tracking info either. Just takes me to the page that shows how long each item takes. No tracking #s or anything.
  6. I went yesterday for Funky's, and ended up getting a pair of shorts, pair of capris, and 2 shirts for my sister's baby due in feb for under $5!
  7. Just got off the phone with Kodak....apparently the East Coast lab has been shut down due to weather. She credited teh $30 coupon back to my acct, and cannot tell me if my order will be here by Christmas or not, even tho the email I got said it would. She was very nice, but it still sucks cuz I was counting on one of the items for Christmas
  8. I returned my Target one today & picked up the 4-pk @ Kohls today. Thanks OP!
  9. I have one amazon package out still. it says deliery on the 24th, but its already in Atlanta. So who knows. I am also waiting on a Kodak gallery order that they say will be here, but I highly doubt it.
  10. Mine still says rec'd, no email for shipping yet. Really afraid it isnt going to make it, even tho they said it would in the email they sent me. Ugh!
  11. nice! Looks like I need to get one & return the one I bought!
  12. Yup, I returned the little 4x4 I ordered for DS3. The entire box didnt weigh 10 lbs. I just took it to the catalog desk, and they returned it immediately.
  13. My order still says rec'd as well. I emailed them & asked them to cancel my order as it was for a gift for Christmas and did not appear I would get it by then. the email I rec'd said I would have to wait until I rec'd it then return for refund, but that my shipping would be upgraded to ensure delivery by Christmas. And yet...it still just says rec'd.
  14. great coupons on there...thanks!!!!
  15. Mine was shipped on the 7th, and I'm still waiting
  16. Thats what my order says as well. It also stated that orders needed to be in by the 11th to shipp by Christmas. Mine was, and it still just says rec'd. What scares me, is on the site it says orders rec'd after the 11th may not even BEGIN processing until mid-january!
  17. Oh, and was the $13.99 the price for ALL of it, or just the 4 extras? The pack I got has the base & 2 kys for $20. May be worth heading to Kohls for if so!
  18. I got it for my 6yo daughter...it was the thing she asked for the most. Will go nice with the new desktop santa is bringing. Curious as well if anyone has tried them yet...
  19. unfortunately, no.
  20. WHAT???? Thats very strange.
  21. I got this too. But I was wondering...we wanted to get Chronicles of Narnia for DD8, and I can get the paperbak for $21.99....but will teh coupon work on that, or do I have to have $20 total? And on a side note...I just checked my Rewards acct, and it says I have $0.00! Hmmm.....
  22. Actually, yes they do unwrap them. If it was a box out on the shelf, they "gut" tyehm before putting them out. That helps prevent theft. So, its not unusual to get an opened copy new. However, normally they have plenty behind the counter that are still wrapped. The box on the shelf is usually the last copy. Now having said that, I hate GS with a passion, lol.
  23. It would be free after ECBs at CVS. Its 7.99, and $4 ECB. Total price, $3.99. Use $4 coupon...free :)
  24. OK, my DS is 3, but is fascinated with the moon. I can go to Aldi's, but its about 45 min away. Do you guys think a 3yo would enjoy this? Like I said, he loves watching the moon, so who knows. I was thinking of using it basically as a really cool nightlite for him. Hubby says Im crazy, lol.
  25. While what she said was very inappropriate...you should NEVER use language like that in a retail environment, much less a TOY store....I have to say, I was in a TRU last night, and it was a complete madhouse. THey are extremely understaffed, extremely busy, and in the R Zone there was 2 clerks, who had to handle the line that wrapped around the area, unlocking any items on the wall that customers wanted, and answer the phone calls. I can see how the emplyess would be on edge, to say the least. I would still contact someone, as the language was very inappropriate. But I would focus only on that, as the rest is pretty much holiday burnout and I doubt you'd get very far with it.
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