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Everything posted by Scott

  1. I went ahead and grabbed two of these. I figure what the heck. :)
  2. Buy.com has the Jabra BT2040 bluetooth headset for a low $8.99 with free shipping! http://ak.buy.com/db_assets/prod_lrg_images/698/205708698.jpg http://www.buy.com/prod/jabra-bluetooth-headset-ear-bud-over-the-ear-bt2040-gn-jabra-bt2040/q/loc/101/205708698.html
  3. I think the problem that you will run in to is licensing. Fatheads is probably licensed by the Cowboys to sell them. Another user did wallhogs recently and was happy with the results, but you have to provide your own photo. There could by copyright issues with trying to do the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. http://www.wallhogs.com/
  4. There are links on both the Tiger Direct and CompUSA websites linked above. Seems for real to me. They are the same company now anyway, so the deals are very similar between the two. The Tiger Direct page seems like it has a few more deals.
  5. That is too good. I got some chuckles from wearing mine around today. I didn't stand in line anywhere though.
  6. For some people it isn't about the items, but the experience.
  7. I saw this and had to chuckle. The "Buy More" employees were forced to guard the store so that it wouldn't be robbed for Black Friday. Now if only we could have figured out a way to get them to mention GottaDeal...
  8. All ur lines are belong to us! Any GottaDeal moderator reserves the right to move to the front. Essentially, we've been waiting in line all year...
  9. CorelDraw is a vector based image creation/editing program. Unless you are a professional graphics artist, these are probably beyond what you need. Not to mention they are probably more than you want to spend.
  10. 4 Notebook computers listed... could be promising.
  11. It would have to have been for PS2 or Xbox I think. GH wasn't available until GH3 on Wii or PS3.
  12. I took care of it... Thanks for the report
  13. You have to be a member for a certain amount of time with a certain number of posts before you can have a signature. It is to prevent spammers from signing up and immediately putting spam in their signature. I can't remember the exact requirements off the top of my head, but if you remain active, you will be able to have a signature before you know it.
  14. I haven't seen anything yet, but I have a feeling the individual items may be intentionally delayed to boost the sales of the bundles. I could be wrong though. Keep in mind that any USB microphone will do the trick. I use a PS3 headset myself so that I can play guitar and sing at the same time. I'm a multi-tasker. :)
  15. That is what I suspected as well. I believe that is just normal MSRP.
  16. I doubt that we will see heavy discounts on Rock Band 2 this year. Maybe $20-$40 off at most. Also... is the GH World Tour for the "entire" bundle? They also have a bundle that is just the game + guitar.
  17. I will be online shopping so that I can devote my full attention to GottaDeal. Did you hear that Brad?
  18. Even easier... If you use PhotoBucket, you only have to click the text under your picture that says "IMG Code" http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m222/GottaGeek/photobucketinstruction.jpg That will automatically copy the proper URL to your clipboard with the code needed for this board. Then, you just have to paste the copied text here. You can do that by right clicking and then choosing paste, or simply pressing Ctrl+V. Viola! http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m222/GottaGeek/t_jackbig.jpg
  19. It is normally a "family day" here. They essentially shut down operations, but you have to take leave if you want the day off.
  20. I hate it when people call these games "OLD." I speant many an evening in the arcade playing these games. :) Still a great deal.
  21. My official answer... When it comes out...
  22. Not everyone would agree... For the use of this computer, I would very much prefer the 8GB SSD drive. I don't mind Linux either... But I could use either. This isn't meant to be a main computer for anyone. More of a portability option.
  23. HDMI is a standard cable interface. It shouldn't matter what type of device you use it on.
  24. Too bad there is no way you can camp at all 3!
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