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Everything posted by Scott

  1. I'm sure that Brad has thought about, and been suggested a LOT of things to add as subforums. Typically you need to see a very high demand for something in order to get it added. I'm not sure that medical discussion has that sort of demand. In addition, there could be concerns of liability which Brad may not want to deal with. I always cringe a little any time someone gives medical advice to someone else....
  2. That isn't bad... But the brother has a document feeder as well... makes copying several pages much easier. :)
  3. This looks like a great one. It does not have fax, but does Print, Scan, and Copy http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16828113304 I checked, and the manufacture does say it handles up to legal size documents: http://www.brother-usa.com/mfc/modeldetail.aspx?productid=dcp7040 I personally love brother products. It doesn't hurt any that this unit is on sale right now at NewEgg.
  4. I would still recommend an all-in-one. Just make sure that you get one that uses laser technology, and not inkjet. It shouldn't be very expensive if you don't need color. Do you need to scan legal size documents? (8.5" x 14") That could make one more difficult to find.
  5. I just get them from my bank. I might write 1 or 2 checks a year... LOL
  6. You might find a better deal getting a Wireless Acess Point (WAP), and using that. Do you need N, or is G fine for you?
  7. Seems it is still $149 with $3.99 S&H from NewEgg.com http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=1200IS You have your choice of a variety of colors. If I needed an inexpensive point and shoot, this would be the way I went. I have the 1100IS, and it is a great camera.
  8. the best deal going for around that is the Canon 1200IS. There were several deals around BF for it at $150. I don't know for sure if sites are still selling it for that. I will have a look.
  9. LOL Great minds...
  10. Here is one at buy.com for only $26.99, and you get a game with it... http://www.buy.com/prod/rock-band-wireless-guitar-for-xbox-360-with-bonus-ac-dc-live-rock-band/q/loc/108/206855118.html
  11. You could always go with something like a value pack... 4GB x 2 4GB x 3 4GB x 4 Those are just samples, but with a little searching, you can easily find 4GB for less than $10 each.
  12. Actually... I've yet to run in to an app that doesn't run properly on 64-bit win 7. Is there something specific that you were thinking of?
  13. Yes, they are suposed to be in the same household. Unless you have a corporate account, then they are supposed to be co-workers. : So although it "may" work, Amazon would be free to cancel the account at any time, or charge everyone in the account the $79 and force them to get their own accounts. You can read all the terms here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=13819201
  14. I'm still avoiding the stores... I may venture out this weekend...
  15. I grabbed a new switch and a couple of routers. Not bad prices on those.
  16. That is my guess now that we are less than an hour out.
  17. I wonder what timezone the deals will start in?
  18. :)
  19. I really like my Ink'd Earbuds. A bit tinny, but that is a great deal for only $5
  20. Some of those prices look pretty good already... :)
  21. I'm pretty sure that they will be released for everyone at the same time...
  22. I wonder if there will be anything interesting... I'm still short a couple of shopping items this year... :)
  23. The end of BF is no reason to leave GD... Great deals 365.25 days a year! Next up... Cyber Monday
  24. Nice... I missed out on my Torque wrench deal last time... so I wanted to make sure I got them this time.
  25. I just grabbed a couple of Torque wrenches that were $39.99. Good deal. FWIW The $5 of $50 coupon is working with the BF sale items. You can find coupon codes here: http://www.gottadeal.com/Coupons/Store/Searscom
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