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Everything posted by Scott

  1. Can't wait!
  2. Congrats to the winners!
  3. GottaDeal Dot Com Your Source for Black Friday Deals Ten years and counting... --GottaDeal Moderator Ok... I'll stop.
  4. Wal-mart legal team... Asks Brad to Cease and Desist... What are they hiding? --GottaDeal Moderator
  5. When is the first ad? The perennial question. Last year's were better. --GottaDeal Moderator
  6. Sorry I was late to the party... good job.
  7. Nobody thinks the PS4 or Xbox One? Or are those not considered "toys"? Both are expected to be released at the end of November.
  8. I would wait until closer, but it doesn't have to be for BF. Apple products are rarely marked at any sizable discount.
  9. Last year's ads were better... this year sucks... Remember when you used to be able to get a great deal on BF? What happened? And so on and so forth...
  10. Thanks for the update Brad. I've upgraded to Tapatalk 4.0 and have been using that. I'll check out the new GD app tonight.
  11. Here we go! In before the first "when will the ads come out" question...
  12. 20 years or so? I've been on this board since almost the beginning.
  13. By UK standards, there will still be deals to have. In general, electronics items are significantly cheaper here. Depending on what your budget is for the laptop, you may not have to wait in line as much... It is typically the absolute cheapest laptops that have a wait. Many others can be had throughout the day. There is also the option of ordering something online and having it shipped to a stateside address if you are going to be there long enough. Many times, you can avoid additional taxes that way.
  14. I want to get a new TV this year, but I think I'm better of just buying now with Football deals and stuff. I'm looking for a higher end TV, and those aren't normally highly discounted for BF. My top contender right now is the LG 55LM8600
  15. If you are doing the old style, you can probably find a decent deal... but the best deals probably won't come from Amazon directly...
  16. I like 5 the best. They are all nice.
  17. LOL That would be awesome...
  18. I like number 2 a lot... I think the reverse of those colors would cool too...
  19. I would lean towards the Nexus7 as well. No closed ecosystem then...
  20. I agree... you can't "not" have a holiday sale on black friday. It may not be the ultra competitive ads that we have come to expect, but you have to have something.
  21. That's good to know.... we need good troops out there.
  22. My aunt just asked me to find a decent 40-42" for their college age son... Any thoughts on that? I'm late to the game... Prefer to grab one that we can get online. Seems the best deal so far is the 40" LCD from Sam's. I'm kind of holding out to see what Newegg drops tonight...
  23. It might be tough this year to find a great deal on one due to flooding and a worldwide hard drive shortage.
  24. Don't pick me... I'm just trying to get it over 200 posts so that we can have more winners! shhhhhhh Don't tell Brad...
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