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Everything posted by nick_jenni_jocelyn

  1. I really was surprised with the french-door refrigerator for 50% off at Sears. Now that mine went out last night, I might be getting it, lol.
  2. awww how sweet! I love it too when they believe in Santa. My DD is also 6, almost 7, and she has asked a few questions but so far, so good, I think. Good luck on the fish.... We too have had too many fish funerals and don't think I could do another one, lol.
  3. I hope this is right. I was eyeing up the french door refrigerator they have for 50% off on BF, reg. priced around $1,500, will be $750. Yesterday our fridge went out and the repair guy said it will be costly to fix it. I was hoping to buy it now and price adjust on BF.
  4. There is another post on here about Justice and if you do a search, there might be some more suggestions you can get from that post. They have 40% off your total floating around. If you have a local one, I would call in about a week to see what their BF deal is going to be. I know my local Justice store was having a buy1 get1 free sale for the ENTIRE store! I was there for about 1 hour and 45 minutes, mostly standing in line. Was by far the longest line i was in that morning and I did go to all the other big stores.
  5. excellent broadcasts! Thanks for keeping us posted though 1 thing was missing.... I look forward, for some reason, to you saying "from the great state of Texas."
  6. Thank you so much brad! I let out a OMG when i noticed the post that it was up and my DD came rushing up and asked if I was ok, lol.
  7. I always give myself $1,000 to spend on Christmas. This is for my 3 kids, my 2 nephews, 3 nieces and 2 half-brothers and sister, and the inlaws. My SIL and i decided this year to not do presents for the adults(with the exception of the inlaws) due to the fact she is moving from Alaska to Kansas and the plane tickets are coming out of their pockets and that is totally fine with me, I am hoping that the $$ will go farther that way. I will also get something for my SIL as her bday is also on Christmas Eve, just like me, lol.
  8. Thanks Brad! I am glad to see the door busters are until 1, though not sure much will still be available. This makes it easier for me to make the 45 minute drive without sacrificing other stores :)
  9. Value of the day: Kids deluxe recliner, pink microfiber, $50. They also have it in blue. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=10930020
  10. you're welcome but always remember it is the thought that counts and will mean even more coming from your child.
  11. last year on BF, they had the entire store buy1get1 free. I dont know if this was all Justice stores, but it was the one i go to. i keep going there and asking what their sale is going to be and they say they wont know until about 1 week before BF. my DD is almost 7 and LOVES justice. the 40% off is about as good as it gets outside of the BF sale.
  12. I started this last year. There was a code floating around like 1/2 off your order or something like that and picked up some nice large bags for teacher gifts. DD's 1st grade teacher will get the same bag as her teacher did last year, lol.
  13. ok so dh and i are trying a "no-credit Christmas" by using no credit cards. We have to get out of our debt, it's driving me bonkers. So this is seriously killing me in not being able to pick up deals like these! Now i have to work around his 2 paydays a month instead of going out to get something right away, when it comes on sale. he gets paid on the 13th so i will at least have some BF money. good luck to all of those getting in on these deals!
  14. Great code! I ordered 8 items for a total of $47.46. Total without code was $94.92!
  15. I really want to use this but my nearest payless is almost an hour away.
  16. I will check this out as we are headed there this morning.
  17. That seems early to me. I can see having it out within the 1st week of December, but early November is too early for me, lol.
  18. Coming from a person whose birthday is on Christmas Eve and my in-laws take me out every year for my birthday(and my SIL also, their DD, as it is also her bday), I don't mind it. I like that the family is all together and having a nice meal. I would like to stay home this year as the last couple years we have done nothing fun and have done what my Inlaws wanted to do. 2 years ago we drove around for 3 hours looking for them a house... in the rain. I was not happy. I also think it is just about the family being together. You will be surprised at the number of people eating out on Christmas Eve.
  19. I really want the matching band for the other side of my wedding set. DH won't even go and look at it with me, even with me telling him they have layaway, lol. I would love a DVD camcorder.
  20. Where exactly in Alabama? My shopping buddy(aka my MIL) is moving to KY and wont be able to go with me this year. and I REALLY dont want to take my dh, he hates shopping. I am in Central Alabama, near the Alabaster and Hoover areas.
  21. ANyone got a good recommendation for a good Christmas CD? I like the traditional songs, sung the traditional way.... no fuss, just a good voice. Each year i listed to the displays they have in the stores, buy what i think is a good cd and only to find out that the display song is the ONLY good song, lol. Clay Aiken's Christmas CD has been recommnded to me but looking for any others. Thanks!
  22. my DD wants a nintendo DS so if they have it on sale and there are any left, i will try and get one.
  23. I don't think it will get in the way of the crowds being too big or small. You will always have that person that they know they are sick but if they don't tell anyone while shopping, who will know? They will go out anyways. All you can do is take precautions... wash your hands, use hand sanitizer and hope others are doing the same.
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