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Everything posted by Scanner420

  1. Real Name- 1,230 nice 196 naughty Scanner420- 766 nice entries 641 naughty entries Scanner's been a baaaaaaaad boy!!!!!!!!!!
  2. with my name- Woefulscrooge Fussynoodle Scanner420- Crabbywhiner Heartlesspants
  3. Something for me to play with later!! thanks.
  4. I'm so happy that none of my kids have thought of that yet. (I have four) I couldn't stand the thought of even more people to shop for now!!
  5. Scanner420

    store ad?

    I posted the link to the 2 day sale.....I wonder if that's still up? EDIT- The 2 day sale is gone but the link still works for the sale this week!! http://toysrus.shoplocal.com/toysrus/Default.aspx?action=browsepageflash&storeid=2561379&rapid=483874&prvid=ToysRus-071207&promotioncode=ToysRus-071207&fsid=128414663161376296
  6. That is an awesome idea. You raised a great young man. (for when he's 21!!)
  7. 6 out of 9, but I don't agree with the "Policies" on tipping. I tip according to the services provided and how they're used. I also tip more with resturants and pizza deliveries during the holidays if the service is great. I hate getting people who do a subpar job and think it's my duty to give them extra $$$, just because it's the holidays.
  8. Scanner420

    2day sale???

    Here's the link if your lazy!! http://toysrus.shoplocal.com/toysrus/Default.aspx?action=browsepageflash&storeid=2561379&rapid=483874&prvid=ToysRus-071207&promotioncode=ToysRus-071207&fsid=128414663161376296
  9. Most of the one's around me dried up when Bestbuy came around. They tried dropping their prices, but had to refund alot of money to people who just brought stuff from them when they overcharged for everything from batteries to Mac's. They couldn't compete and pulled the plug on most of the stores around here.
  10. I really can't comment since I don't own a DS or even know what games are available for it. I guess it depends on your own preference, but don't limit yourself to just one spectre of games. You'd be surprised to see what you like if you give it a chance........I also find it funny as anything to watch the 30 plussers @ work whipping out the DS and playing Pokemon of all things.
  11. Got hosed for HSM tix last year and sat in the very back row in the nosebleeds for gen admission!!! (WTF!!!)
  12. One of the best gifts I ever got was a pic of me and oldest son on a mug!! It's seven years old and faded, but it still brings a smile to my face.
  13. Ages would help with your request. Kids 2 til age ten- Dollar store toys, Coloring books, crayons, puzzle books. kids 11-20- Itune cards, blockbuster gift cards, mickey d's arch cards, movie passes. 21-up- lottery scratch offs, coffee shop gift cards, wal-mart gift cards. Hope that helps. Happy holidays.
  14. TRU's been dropping the ball lately with the customer service. They're gonna lose alot of $$$ if they keep this **** up!!
  15. Scanner420

    2day sale???

    They usually post it on the web-site the Thursday before. They send out e-mails too with links to the sales. Someone will post it here when they get it.
  16. My kids loved that show and sit and watch it whenever it comes on!! (Thanks TiVo!!!) I'm tired of it since it's now been on a record 250 times in under a week.
  17. Lottery scratch-offs!! Chuck won $150.00 two years ago!! He was a happy boy!!
  18. Go to the Dollar store and buy a cheap toolbox and place it inside. Wrap it and tell him it's something that'll help him around the house!!
  19. Hate wrapping!! Hate it!!! Hate it more than I hate steamed veggies!!! (trust me it's alot!!!!)
  20. Damn!! I just forget the batteries each year!!!
  21. Big Lots has them, as well as, AC Moore and maybe Michael's. I know the big 3 around me, (Target, Wal-mart, Kohl's) all carry that stuff, but usually stop stocking it a week before the holiday, but then mark them down and sell them on the 26th!
  22. I didn't know The Incredibles and Mary Poppins were Christmas specials??
  23. Tree and inside stuff goes down after the 1st! Inside stuff goes in after the 11th. We have 2 B-Days in-between those dates! (DS 7- DD-2!) and we keep the outside decorated a week longer just so people can see our house somewhat decorated.
  24. Keep it simple and spend it on another game/gift!!!
  25. I'd call a lawyer and have them contact corporate! There's no way someone should be laying their hands on you for any reason and if you were my wife, the guy/girl would have been flying across the store! Get a Lawyer and sue! 'Toys "R" Ali' does have a nice ring to it!!!
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