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Everything posted by Scanner420

  1. Got them both on BF! Still trying to figure out how my wife scored the Hanna dolls, but she did. LOL!! The HSM ones weren't really moving that well. Target in Deptford, NJ had some as of last week.
  2. We got to Wal-mart late, (after 12 noon) and took our time shopping. We had no problems finding help and the employees actually went out of their way to help us track down a few items. We were outta there by 1:15pm. I know Wally-world didn't have a good rep going into BF, but the employees more than made up for it.
  3. 3:15am for TRU 10:45am for Disney
  4. Got a set of Barbie Drums last year for $15.00 @ TRU, they broke Christmas Day and went back the 26th. I also got the Fur Real Dog for my DD (4). She loves it, the other five in the house hate it.
  5. Target this year was good 2 us. The lines moved quick...even quicker when they opened the express lines. (Only had 9 items...WOOT!!) We were there for about 20 min shopping and 15 min in line. Not bad for BF!
  6. Missing TRU and Walmart this year.
  7. No Walmart or TRU ad in the paper this year.
  8. Saw Butterscotch for $209.00 at KB Toy Works. (Outlet store which is closing) 30% off everything storewide!
  9. Nicely done!! I'm not looking for a computer right now, but still nicely done!! : I actually did a spreadsheet mapping out the toys my kids wanted with the different stores/listings. If my kids haven't deleted it when I get home...I'll post it.
  10. I work @ a Hospital....and yes I have to go in @ midnite Saturday! Hopefully I'lll be done shopping!!
  11. I used to have my trips figured a week ahead of time, but like the others here, I'm just overloaded with everything. : Not to mention DW will be joining me this year so my stress level just upped to triple digits. Oh well........just take it as it comes and hope for the best!!
  12. Scanner420


    If you go now....Obviously..you won't get the sale price and TRU doesn't price adjust for BF specials. The transformers are from a different season. (not recent) so you could take the chance on them being there. It all depends on your need. Hey...there's always E-Bay if they run-out!!
  13. I do for TRU because they change the floorplan to accommodate the traffic flow. They usually have the floorplan mapped out w/ ducttape prior to closing. Then you can see what's in the way and inquire to it's whereabouts.
  14. Last year.....a family kept switching off with eachother....doing three hr shifts. (mom/dad/DD teen) and slept in the car and they were second in line from being there at midnite. First person in line was there (a 17-18 year old boy) @ 8pm the day before.
  15. Hanna Montana set folks........DD6 just loves her and has to have Lilly and Oliver!!
  16. Howabout some of the newer movies that are coming out?? Ratatouie (sp), SC3 come out this week I think and disney's playing the Christmas card with a Christmas release of My Friends Tigger & Pooh for the Holidays. There's also scrapbook sets designed for kids. (not sure for 3.)
  17. We caught my mom on the 6:oo news on BF buying a Cabbage Patch Kid for my sis. They did their usual BF report from TRU and zoomed inside on a customer paying for a CPK. Turns out..It was my mom. LOL!!!
  18. Scanner420


    They only have done tix for Wii's recently. Everything else will probably be a battle.
  19. Usually listen to a MP3 and do a puzzlebook. Drink Coffee!! This year...Wife's going with me so I have to be sure I have my earpiece tucked good! I can only take so much complaining about the cold!!
  20. South Jersey- Cold Tonight- Hi 25-28 Tomorrow- Cold/cloudy- Hi 40 Tomorrow Night- Cold/Rain moves in- chance of rain/snow mix- hi 30!!
  21. Beat me to it DeVon. Got the same thing in the S. Jersey BJ's.
  22. They usually come with the w/e shopping ads. We got ours today.
  23. Man!!! You guys are just Mean!!!!! I'd never do that to my kids!! They're the ones who'll decide my fate when I'm senile and need to go into a nursing home!! I wanna go to the good one....not the one shown on 60 Minutes!!!
  24. Kinda hard for me to answer that because my oldest is six. Not on his own, but he has a girlfriend!! Let's see......Buy him 2 things he wants, one thing he needs, something for the GF and something for the apt.
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