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Everything posted by Scanner420

  1. Works for me!! :)
  2. Fake!! My wife's asthma acts up with the real tree's!! She ended up in the ER one time too many one year and I took the tree down two weeks early and bought a fake. Still have it.
  3. I buy my boss nothing!! He's an absolute penis and I hate him!! He also knows it!!
  4. wyb- when you buy lol- lol
  5. Are you certain about the Target stores?? I thought they usually opened @7am on BF!!
  6. Um...........Call out of work.
  7. Scanner420

    KB Toys

    Two are closing near me in S. Jersey. But they're the liquidator stores...not the main stores. btw- they're listed as opening @ 5am.
  8. Tried to take them on Monday, but DS came down with strep and put everything on hold for now. We try to do it almost right after Halloween so we can get the cards out right before Thanksgiving.
  9. Man! You're running into alot of probs this season!
  10. They'll release it on Thursday due to the doorbusters!!
  11. They sent out a flier a few years ago, when I did o-nite stock during the holidays saying that they won't tolerate anyone leaking information....Blah! Blah! Blah! We just had a good laugh about it, teasing the manager that we were going to go to channel six news unless she extended the break by ten minutes.....she actually buckled.
  12. Thanks again Brad. Just finished the list and all I have to say is Thank God I took advantage of the W/E doorbusters!!! This list is a little sad this year.
  13. There's also a 10gc for every $75.00 spent coupon on the big toy book that was delivered out. And I just found another in last week's newspaper insert. (Sunday's...not Thursdays with the weekend doorbusters.)
  14. I take a baseball bat and KO whatever's in my way. If it's an empty chair! Then it goes flying in the lot!!! If it's an old lady in a walker!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!! POW!!!!! Flyball to Left Center of the highway!!!!! If it's a few kids huddled together to stay warm, singing "Give Peace a Chance??" POWWWW!!! SLAMMMMM!!!!!! CRRRAAACCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! personally. I don't give a **** what they do, as long as they don't jump ahead of me......or else!!!!
  15. If they go out drinking alot...why not a GC to their favorite bar?? Or make arrangements with the bartender, (If they don't serve food that is) To have a dinner delivered for them when they go out drinking for a night.
  16. I wouldn't sraighten them..................I would however, intentionally secretly replace their items with the **** that no one wanted from the clearance racks. Never knew if they came back for it or not. but I had a few guys I worked with that did this on more than one occasion and they always got a good laught out of it.
  17. Umless it's stated on the coupon that you can't combine it with another offer....you should be able to use it w/o a problem! And for the record..I'm gonna try that too!! g/l
  18. Thanks Brad for posting the ad. I actually looked at the responses first before the ad and it looks like a mixed response, depending on what you're looking for, I guess. I'll post my comments later. Thanks again.
  19. Um....you guys can lock or delete this I guess. He answered my question. thnx.
  20. They usually send out the e-mail on am Thursday. (I'm a reg suscriber) They listed alot of different brands on the radio spot they had, but they also said it was a "sale to cater the creative side of the child." Don't know if that means that their going to do a deal with the Crayola stuff, as well as, the rest of the things in the imaginarium. Just gotta wait and see.
  21. All four of mine believe. DS 3, 6, DD 5, 22months!! Although my oldest girl got a little suspicious when she saw I had a copy of her santa list in my sock drawer with items checked off. I told her that I was talking things over with Santa and had to double-check some things before the holiday. I don't think she believed me, but we'll see.
  22. There's one tradition I'm hoping to forget this year. "FORGETTING TO BUY THE F-ING BATTERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I've done that the past two years and luckily enough I had enough lying around for the kids presents.
  23. I wouldn't worry dude/dudette. Not everyone goes into that part of the forum!! Spread the word!!
  24. DAMN!!!!!!!!!! All I can say!!! DAMNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course they're on 3 of my kids lists!!! It's unfortunate for the kids!! They'll be in my prayers.
  25. I do both. Star out with the list and if I see something that I think would be absolutely perfect for someone, I'll buy it!!!!
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