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Everything posted by wx4svr

  1. I too am loosing my closest Circuit City! So yea, I'm not that happy. BTW: Those were my expressions in order they came to me. LOL.
  2. Apple has Personal Shopping Concierge service all year, but during the holidays (starting on BF) they really "bump" up the amount of people working with you. You don't have to make an appointment (like you usually do) during the holidays.
  3. A) That was gross. Where I shop, its like a giant "U". There are stores that surround the complex (the outside of the "U", while in the middle you will find restaurants, cafes, bistros, any kind of food you can imagine. It's basically an outdoor mall. (They also play Christmas Music through outdoor speakers!) ITS AWESOME and its one of those that you park, and walk the rest of the way. So, really, we don't have any store that sells/gives out drinks or food while in line. We just walk right across the parking lot and get Starbucks, Doughnuts (Donuts?) and even a sandwich at the Cafe. It's amazing!!
  4. I'm gonna throw this out there.... The Apple Store and their Employees on BF are the COOLEST people you will ever meet. They hand out T-Shirts when they first open, AND they hand out little gifts throughout the day. Last year, I got a T-Shirt, and a $5 iTunes Gift Card! I LOVE APPLE! I'm a geek.. so sue me. LOL.
  5. No camping out!?! I'll print out your profile avatar and take it with me. You can camp out in my tent. lol..... that sounds REALLY weird, but I mean it in the B E S T way possible.
  6. I think you will find a lot of baby toys. Especially at TRU and BRU. That just my ideas though. My 1 month old doesn't need anything else to play with right now.
  7. My cousin lives just across the border in Canada... he always flies down to my house for a week or so around Thanksgiving, so he goes with me, and my friends, on BF. Don't think my wife will be making the trip this year. She just had a baby a month ago. LOL.
  8. I'm WX4SVR... seriously, that is what people call me. lol. I'm a huge weather geek. I'm a storm chaser, and I own a freelance videography firm here in my hometown of Louisville, KY. I love it here. I am without sleep right now, so my brain isn't really working. As I think of more, I will edit this. lol. Can't wait until BF! =))
  9. You may be able to find one right now (as they are getting rid of the summer/fall stuff and bringing in the winter stuff) at places like Home Depot, Lowes, or even WalMart or Target. On BF... you may find some at Lowes or Home Depot. Less likely at WalMart or Target.
  10. I just did today as I was checking out at BestBuy. It looks pretty nice =) Hope BBY has some good deals.
  11. A) Someone must print something with GottaDeal on it, and go to a public place, and hand it out to at least 3 people. Simple reply to a forum. C) Trivia D) Using 5 words or less, describe BF and why you love it. E) Write a Poem about GottaDeal F) Tell Brad how nice he is and why you deserve a shirt. G) Tell us what got you started on BF. H) What was your first BF Experience like I) Describe what BF means to you WITHOUT using the words Black Friday, shopping, deals, early, cold, or crazy. J) Print out a GottaDeal logo and "drop" it somewhere in a public store that has BF. K) Get a job at a store that has BF, get the ad, send it to GD, then quit. (Little extreme?) L) Simply tell us about yourself M) Do something embarising that promotes BF on GottaDeal. Thats all I can come up with right now. lol.
  12. Why are the ads so sl.... just kiddin! Hehehe. Just kiddin'. I am beyond antsy! I am READY!
  13. Why o' Why do you tease me like this. I am on the road... traveling and I have nothing with me except my MacBook Pro and an iPhone. =(
  14. JCPenny Snow Globe!! WOOO HOOO! =) lol. JK.
  15. On BF.. I only travel just as much as I have to. lol.
  16. I'm not a big fan of people selling tickets in line. I don't know why... just not.
  17. I may be the odd one here. lol. I don't buy CD's. I just buy single songs on iTunes and then make a playlist, and then burn the playlist to a CD. Thats how I get the songs I like. I like the REALLY original things... and its hard to find now. But I do pretty good via iTunes. EDIT: Thought I would throw this in there.. I found my old Chipmunk CASSETTE the other day when going through some things in my basement. We are finishing our basement and putting in a bar so I was moving things around when I ran across one of those old cassette cases. Weird little things. Had to call a friend to find something to play it through to transfer it to iTunes. lol. =) I'm a geek.. I know.
  18. wx4svr

    Cyber Monday

    Wish we could say the same about Apple. I REALLY wish they would do something good on BF. Is that too much to ask?
  19. I actually found a KILLER deal on a Nikon D90 just about a week ago. I bought it. lol. I really couldn't pass up this deal. It wasn't an online, nor in-store. It was a friends' mom who got two of them for her birthday and she wanted to get rid of one, so I bought it from her. Completely new, in-box, never opened, with 2 different lenses, and a 4GB card, flash, and a filter. NICE! ALL for $ 1500. COULDN'T PASS IT UP!
  20. I rated and commented under the name iMovieFreak3891. I also subscribed to your videos. =) The answer to your question is ... On page 48, you will find a Craftsman 35 LED Rechargeable Light that is 50% off which puts it at $16.99. =) EDIT: I just checked and it seems like my comment didn't post, I will try again. =)
  21. I'll be honest, I've never price matched. lol. Ever. Guess I may try something for the first time this year.
  22. I've got some new winter forecast models coming in tomorrow... I will have it tomorrow as soon as I get home from the office... wait, my office is in the house. I will have it as soon as I can tomorrow. lol. =)
  23. Hey everyone.. I have gotten a email from a friend of mine asking me about laptops and Black Friday. I thought I would share it with you guys.... Q: "Yo wx4svr ... What the "heck" is a netbook? How is it different and is it better than a regular laptop? Later dude... " A: Ok, this is going to be a big topic later on. Netbooks are more or less.. SMALL and stripped down laptops. They don't have the power of a full laptop, nor the memory, hard drive space, or brunt force a laptop has. A netbook is made to travel and just do light things such as web surfing, minor apps like Office, and e-mail. They ARE NOT for those who have a TON of music and wish to keep it with them as netbooks don't have a ton of hard drive space. Also, they ARE NOT for those who want to store all their photos on it or product videos... they simply don't have the power. If you need something with a bit more force to do what you want, I'd HIGHLY suggest checking out a normal laptop like a Dell, HP, or... my personal FAVORITE ... Apple!!!!!! =) Hope that helps some of you.
  24. I have a good idea if you do buy one "HOT" item first, then go back for another order... Copy / Paste your CC number. Saves time, and POSSIBLY, that item you really want.
  25. I own my company.. not really a problem for me. lol.
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