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Everything posted by wx4svr

  1. Yep. Olevia is on my "bad" list. (In my head, I didn't say "bad" ) So, I'm thinking of a Vizio. Just trying to find the right one now, and more importantly, how to manage the MASS of cables I have running. I have all the cables ran through the wall, but my old LCD set upon this AWESOME stainless steel "LCD Tower" that housed all my electronics and surround sound equipment. My new LCD prolly won't fit as it will be too big, so I now have to find a way to run my automation system through the wall, or a neat looking solution to my new TV. (That was a wordy paragraph... suppose thats what you get while I type this while having a splitting migraine ) EDIT: For the record, my Olevia TV did go out.
  2. I have chronic migraines and have had EVERY treatment in the book. I've never heard of this. wow. You have to let us know how it went. Let us know if this little experiment worked or not. lol.
  3. Nah... I think you'd be OK just to wrap it. You will be able to exchange it (99% chance you can), just make sure you get a gift receipt.
  4. Shop until you drop Punch for the last Furby Doll Gotta Deal is cool! This is the first Haiku I've ever written.... give me a break. lol.
  5. Nice. Thanks a lot! I'm on the hunt now. Don't need anything quiet that big. It is just going to replace my one that just went out here in my office.
  6. KY, or Louisville for that matter, doesn't do anything like that.
  7. You can NEVER have too much planing! When you think you have planed enough, PLAN MORE! lol. Like I said, there is never too much.
  8. If there is something I like, I get it. lol. I don't hold back for myself. Others just get giftcards. lol. You can never go wrong with giftcards.
  9. Hand warmers are almost a must now. Just make sure you get the ones that don't stink. I don't remember the ones I've bought before but as they warmed up, they STUNK. Make sure it says no odor or something like that on them. Trust me, you'll thank yourself afterwards.
  10. Some uncommon ones... MIL = Mother in Law FIL = Father in Law BF = Best Friend / Black Friday (depending on the situation) X = Forbidden EX. (maybe I'm the only one that uses that one. lol) You get the idea.
  11. You know, I may be a little slow when I don't have much sleep, but I think I just figured out where your signature came from. lol. =)
  12. Anyone tried out a Vizio? How are they? What size do you have? How much did you pay (If you don't mind me asking)? Any bad things about it? My current LCD (got it 4 years ago on BF) is going out. =/ AVOID OLEVIA.
  13. Lets see... last year, I took: iPhone iPod MacBook Pro (With Mobile Broadband ) DVD's for said notebook Nikon D80 Sony HD Handycam Tent Heater (Tis cold in KY) Small and QUIET generator Small 15" LCD-TV Thinking about bringing out the projector this year.... haven't decided Me, Friends, and WARM Clothes $$$ (And some extra $$$ for the Starbucks across the street) HAM Radio (73's to any other HAM's out there. wx4svr!) I think that is about all. I'll add more if I think of more.
  14. Ding Ding Ding!! I don't think Netbooks will really make a big "mark" on the market. Apple is gaining market share in the Notebook Market and I suspect that it will only continue to grow with the impending release of a new line of updated notebooks. I still think they will put out a "cheaper" notebook. Something like the MacBook presently, but cheaper if you will. Some indications say this will come on October 14th while others say the late October time frame. It is ironic, however, though that Nvidia is releasing a new chip set on the 15th. Some speculation shows that Apple could switch to Nvidia graphics for the new line up, but only time will tell. For me, I have to have more power. I am a professional Videographer and do a LOT of Free Lance. I have some of the most powerful computers (ALL MACS) and I need powerful notebooks also. I agree that they aren't for everyone. And I agree that the netbooks defiantly aren't for everyone. For the general "user" and now a power user like me, I think the normal $299 / $399 notebooks on BF are just what they need. I think that is basically what you said. Correct me if I'm wrong. lol.
  15. You know... I think netbooks will be a LOT like the Tablet PC... yea, their nice to carry around and do simple things, but I need POWER! Thats why I am looking to replace my current gen MacBook Pro with a NEW MacBook Pro. I truly think the netbooks won't be around for long. Just my idea. It will be a fad. Just like the Tablet PC. And it was an epic fail.
  16. I wanna hear more of these. I had to bring this thread back alive. lol.
  17. Wooooo Hoooooo!  (If you have a Mac... you could see the sign I just posted. )
  18. Wow... you hit the nail on the head with these! I think More stock would be A W E S O M E!!!
  19. I believe more retailers should do the ticket system. It cuts down on the "craziness" as well as makes it a lot easier and more organized. I also think some of the larger retailers that move items around should give us a map so we know where we are running to. lol. Lastly, and this is a big one... MORE CHECKOUT LINES!! Please Please Please!!! It makes sense!
  20. I'm out until either of the following happens... A) I turn blue I die C) The items run out D) Starbucks burns down (GOD FORBID!!!) E) Bestbuy burns down F) 4:00 PM. lol.
  21. See... here is what I see. I am a videographer.. I own a videography firm in Louisville, KY. I have several Mac Pro's.. quad 30" Cinema Displays, the best of the best..... what did all this start by... a Mac Mini. Most people have a computer. You could use that monitor, and likely the keyboard. You don't have to use a Mac keyboard. Nor a Mighty Mouse. And I agree with the post above.. A boot camp partition of XP would do it. Trust me though..... STAY AWAY FROM VISTA. Seriously. There are just too many bugs still out there... and think of it this way, there are over 140K known viruses for PC's (Windows) ..... 2 Known for the Mac, and the Mac already knows that, and will delete any signs of them. =) I'm a geek... tell me something I don't know. lol. So.... Seriously, just use what you have now, that will get you a new computer. Then, as you have cash... get additional things like monitors or Apple Keyboards or mice. =) Hope that helps.
  22. YES YES YES! Right Now... Apple.com GET A MAC MINI! Trust me.. once you go Mac... you'll never go back! It's all I use, and its all my biz. that I own uses. ITS 10X better than windows! Do it... NOW!. lol. I love Espresso! =))
  23. Of course there will be good deals on desktops. I truly think there will be more notebooks than desktops because notebooks are becoming more powerful and often desktop-replacements. I would personally watch the ads closely and see. I still think, however, that this will be the year of the notebooks and HDTV's... along with the usual suspects. As far as waiting in line.. you may have to. If you watch the ads VERY closely, you may find a good deal before BF. Check clearance deals online too. You never know what you will find on the big ole' interweb.
  24. I say bring back paper bags.
  25. Louisville IN DA HOUSE!!! I'm going to be in my home area.. the East End! lol. =)
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