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Everything posted by wx4svr

  1. Patience young grasshopper! The deals will come
  2. Either people are being sneaky and not telling what they really are getting... or the deals stink. lol. I think the latter is most likely. *SO FAR at least*
  3. I'd keep looking at Office Depot, Staples, places like that. Those may be your best bet. =)
  4. I think you should really just watch the websites closely. You never know when they may pop up a special Holiday sale.
  5. Personally, I think the more attention given to BF, the better! I may be wrong, but as the stores see more interest in BF, they may start doing more "gotta-have-em'" deals!
  6. I sent them an e-mail. This was really special for me since thats not "that" far from my home base here! =)
  7. I saw one of these at WalMart today while scooting around the store with my little 7 year old cousin... THAT THING IS AWESOME! I wouldn't mind to get one for myself. L O L ! ! That sounds really childish, but it looked really cool.
  8. I really am not so far either. I think we may see better deals coming soon (week before BF maybe). Something like BestBuy did last year.. surprised us with a second doorbuster ad the week before or of BF.
  9. I'll be honest.. I've never heard of it. LOL.
  10. Brad, or moondancer69 .... can you post a poll about what we think about the BBY ad? Maybe the choices like: 1) Good Deals - Will be going out 2) Alright Deals - May be going out 3) Bad Deals - Not going out 4) HORRIBLE Deals - No Way!
  11. I'm still looking for a TV, even though I really don't need it, for my newborn's room (so my wife can watch TV while feeding or something like that). But the TV deals weren't really that amazing for me either. The $399 32" deal... horrible. I can find that if I search a little on the internet. Seriously. Bad move on BestBuy's part.
  12. I am EXTREMELY disappointed. I hope and pray there is something better out there and they do like they did last year... post better deals the week of BF. All in all.. not impressed what so ever.
  13. If you aren't impressed.. I suggest we merge that part of the equation over to http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=125413
  14. I'm gonna come out and say it right now... is ANYONE else not impressed with their sales?! Seriously.. I would have thought they would actually have something better. Guess I will be waiting for more to come in.
  15. I agree with momlori... I wouldn't take part in that kind of practice. I'd just park right across the street.. or "JUST" off Target property so you don't get yelled at, then once the time came.. RUN LIKE CRAZY to get in line! You can't trust people anymore. To be honest, I've actually never heard of a retailer doing something like that on such a large shopping day like BF. I say, don't trust em... take matters in your own hands. Fight to the death for what you want. Ok, maybe not to the death, maybe more like to the broken bone.
  16. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=125373
  17. Woooooo Hoooooo!!! (Jumping for Joy here!) I <3 my Apple Store. Although, I am ready to get a 17" MacBook Pro ... but they aren't out in the new model yet.
  18. Ok.. I am an ALL Mac person. I know my Mac's. I also know Apple. I was at my local Apple Store last year and they gave away T-shirts as you entered the store (I got two thanks to a friend) and they also gave away random prizes like iTunes giftcards. I do believe they had some sort of precent off last year, but don't quote me on that. For some reason, that is sticking out in my head. Apple is hard to bargain with... their products are actually priced REALLY low for what you get!
  19. BigJimSlade... you are now my hero!! Where can I find this article?!?! I'm also a Mac only user. I use Mac's for my biz and my home personal use. THANK YOU!!! EDIT: I'm an idiot. I just re-read your post. Your still my hero though!
  20. I did also. Gotta love GottaDeal.com HEY! SLOGAN!!! "Gotta Love GottaDeal.com"!!
  21. I'll do that one! I have a subscription to PC World. Any word from Mac World?
  22. Lordy BigJimSlade.. do you stock the newspaper people? lol. JK. Looks like the newspapers are taking a bit more interest in this year's BF than years previous.
  23. Cool. I may contact her. If I do, I'll post what I said in here. =)
  24. Thats cool that they are taking interest, but interviewing is generally my job.. not the other way around. lol.
  25. Wow... What a way to wake up!! Thank you! I will wear it with pride!
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