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Everything posted by wx4svr

  1. I'd buy one right away if this turns out to be true!!
  2. Truthfylly, I've been let down one too many times. Therefore, I'll believe it when I see it. Not that I'm saying that you are wrong, just saying that I'll believe it when I see it.
  3. wx4svr

    Why is BF so hot?

    I think this WILL be the best paper EVER!!! Better than anything I wrote in college!
  4. wx4svr

    Why is BF so hot?

    My little cousin (9th grade) has a report due in about a week on an economic powerhouse, he has chosen Black Friday, and I promised him that I would help. So... why is BF so hot? I know my general reasons, but I wanna hear about yours. Thanks for the help!
  5. wx4svr

    Projectors on BF?

    Wow... great thanks!!! I never even really thought about the office stores except Office Depot. I'll have to check it out. What price did you get it at, if you don't mind me asking, ?
  6. In that case... see if you can find some Bose on eBay or something like that. The JVC ones are still goos for clarity and natural sounding as long as you turn the equilizer down a bit.
  7. wx4svr

    Projectors on BF?

    So your in a smaller town? I would think that BB would have quite a few since Louisville is the 16th largest city in the USA. Dosen't seem like much, but Louisville is VERY over-populated!
  8. EXACTLY!!! They look cool, but they are not functional. Now, with that said, the way that Apple inplements Aqua (hmmm...Aqua Aero... ) it just works and you don't even relize it, but you are using Aqua all the freakin' time!
  9. I just didn't want to cut my Bose connector. Try the JVC ones, I think you wil be happy with them. Do you want a lot of bass? Or more just natural sounding?
  10. YAY!!! Extended! Anyway... the only reason I HATE vista is because it is so much harder for us developers to work with. It's still DLL Hell! There is still that thing called Activation! There is still something called a registry, and it just dosen't work with some of the high-end products I use when developing. Common Microsoft... just copy Apple some more. It'll all work out, but I'm sticking to Paralles on my iMac, Bootcamp on the Mac Pro, and Windows XP Pro on my other machines. Oh... not to mention Windows Server (xxx) (Can't mention the name... I'm a developer and I'm beta testing ) on my server in the basement. Vista is just too damn complicated and just too freakin' "mean!"
  11. I bought a pair of $400 + headphones (Bose) for a little less than $300 last christmas. It wasn't on BF, but they are the most amazing headphone I've ever used, or heard that matter. Now, that's not cheap, but for me, as a photographer, and videographer, as well as editing specialist, a good set of headphone is virtually priceless while I'm out in the feild. I also use them for my iPhone (with help from an adapter) and they are still amazing. But for what you want, Meijer's has a set of JVC earphones. They look alot like iPod earphones, but they are much better. I believe they are under twenty bucks! :) The only drawback to those is that one "cable" is longer than the other. They are suppose to be for sport activities and therefore, you are suppose to put one earphone around your neck to where there is no cable hanging down infront of your chest, instead, it is just on your side. I bought a pair of these for my sister and she loves them. Actually, she stole them from me! Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any other questions.
  12. wx4svr

    Projectors on BF?

    My BB is a larger one... first one to open in Louisville at the time. Now there's 4. So really, if I can't get one there, there is always the other 3. ...hopefully...
  13. Wow... just take the newbie to Best Buy and see if he/she wants to go back next year.
  14. You cannot go wrong with going Apple! What are you using for Windows? VMware, Parallels, or Boot Camp?
  15. XP is one trillion times better than vista. I bought a VERY expensive computer (upwards of $4000) and it came with Vista Ultimate on it. I tried it for a day or so, nope! Not for me! Went out and bought XP Pro the day after. Though, I do admit... I'm a Mac kinda person, Windows is not ALL bad. (just mostly... )
  16. wx4svr

    Projectors on BF?

    English please? I'm good @ computers, not projectors. :) Anyway, do you mean that the store only had 4 of them and it only took 3 minutes to sell them ALL? Holy Crap! That's nuts ! Did you still wait outside or did you go in a little later for it?
  17. Oh.. my bad. I'm all for BF, if you don't get something, too bad, should have gotten there earlier. I agree with people who sell tickets, I'm in business and own my own company, so maybe I do understand those people a bit better. IDK though... there is somethings that should stay at home, but business sense should be in your pocket right next to the credit card.
  18. I think I'm sticking with my 30" Apple Cinema display. Plus, I've got two more 24" Apple Cinema displays used as secondary and video monitor. Yes, I'm a pro user. And I'm a geek!
  19. Heck yeah !! Saying that BF is unethical is like saying that racing is slow. It's crazy! They are a business and they are here to make money, no matter how they get it. Simple as that. But, then again, that's just my two cents.
  20. I don't know why... but I've never laughed so hard in my life. lol.
  21. wx4svr

    Projectors on BF?

    How did that go? Was it a door buster or just a good deal day-long. How's the quality? Am I asking too many questions?
  22. wx4svr

    Projectors on BF?

    Yea... I figured that's what every one would say I've went back and looked at the older ads and have found nothing so far. It's really starting to make me . Enough said,
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