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Everything posted by wx4svr

  1. I've always had bad luck with portable DVD players. I have one in my SUV.. but it's not the best. I've always just used my MacBook Pro.
  2. Look... a 1080p projector is BAD ASS! I have one in my home theater in my basement, but it was over 10K. (Yes, I am that crazy ... and yes, I financed it all into the cost of my house.. so sue me. ) As far as finding one, idk.. maybe. Your best bet would be to check TigerDirect.com or even Geeks.com Those may be good shots. =) hope that helps.
  3. VCR? What's that? I still have on in my basement SOMEWHERE. I think you may be able to find them at WalMart or Target, but not really BestBuy or some major Tech store. Thats just my thoughts. I'm not sure if you will find VCR/DVD recorders on BF.. but its possible. Don't take my word on it though.
  4. My kid is 2 months old... don't think I even know yet. LOL
  5. I'm thinking you will have to wait until you get there and see. I don't know if they would post the entire list.
  6. "Is BF becoming meaningless?" --- I will answer this simply. No. :)
  7. WalMart has a $69.99 Doorbuster point and shoot. I think it is a 8 MP... which is PLENTY for a casual user. I think you would be good with that.
  8. I don't think we have those here in Louisville. Or at least I haven't seen them here. Sorry. =)
  9. I am REALLY hopping for a "BREAKING NEWS" type of deal comes in at the last minute for BestBuy. But, at this point, I don't see it. =(
  10. I am going to do BF from the Web this year. EXCEPT,I will be at WalMart early (4AM-ish) to get a non-BF 32" Plasma TV that I have a feeling will sell out even if its not on the "hot deals" list.
  11. I actually met someone from GottaDeal last year in line at BestBuy. Haven't seen them around this year. Hope to meet up again!
  12. Well.. that shows how confident the stores are. =( I really really hope things take a turn for the better. We are going in the wrong direction right now.
  13. wx4svr

    Shopko ?

    Try this: http://forums.gottadeal.com/forumdisplay.php?f=73
  14. The associates at our WalMart have maps... if your smart, you'd just ask them where things are. LOL. They will tell you
  15. Same here. Its soooo nice. Don't have to stand out in the freezing cold. Wish Best Buy was like that.
  16. Yet again, I sent a good word about GottaDeal.com Drury's way. Wonder if he lives on Drury lane? Or maybe he knows the Muffin Man
  17. wx4svr

    xD Memory

    I actually like my xD card. Never had problems with them, hold a lot, and they are small enough to throw in a pocket and never know its there (could be a bad thing I guess.) But my Nikon D90 takes a few different cards with an adapter. I get to choose what kind of card I want. lol.
  18. Might want to watch Dicks or something. I don't know anything about Paintball, but I'm thinking that may be the best place to find the deals on paintball.
  19. wx4svr

    Petsmart BF deals

    I haven't heard before, I would think they may. Check under the Store Specific Thread.
  20. You can probably get some of the things via an online ad. Thats my thinking at the moment.
  21. Mine come out Thanksgiving day. Some of the smaller stores come out on Wednesday.
  22. Another one bites the dust. (sigh) Who is next?
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