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Everything posted by samisma

  1. I must be missing it then. I click on the link, it prompts me for my zipcode. Then it opens the page and shows the Veterans Day Ad (good til 11/11) and the week OF thanksgiving ad which all the sales expire on 11/26. BF is 11/28.. anyone seeing a 3rd ad there? going by the partial listing i'm definately getting my hands on the wet/dry vac :)
  2. thank you thank you thank you! unless someone has a better deal on an Acer laptop this is where I'll be on BF! (or unless a miracle happens and I score a BB VIP)
  3. Last year I got in line at 2am and that put me about 100 people back in line. But I was also in line at a combo store (1 side TRU other side BRU), bonus to that is the BRU side of the store had no one in line. I grabbed my stuff and was one of the first people to check out. I would personally get in line no later than 2am if you are trying to get a doorbuster.
  4. shoot. says there isn't one within 100 miles of buckeye either. we just had that new store open up. that shopping center is doomed. first shoe pavillion and mervyns, now circuit city.. all thats left is bru & tru. now i'm curious if the closing stores will have steeper discounts than the bf stores?!
  5. ::sigh:: darn it. i was watching the football games.
  6. ha is it sad that i keep checking my pm's and email?!
  7. Wouldn't BB still see competition from places like Walmart, Sams, Costco, etc? Or is that competition not as serious or really no competition at all? Just curious.
  8. On one side I'm worried because Circuit City is where I intend to be on BF (unless I can win that Best Buy VIP ;) ). On the other hand, I can't help but hope they have a great liquidation sale and I can snag a laptop before BF even rolls around. Then I can use my BF to wait in line at Toys R Us...
  9. It depends on how many extra. The past two years we've had 13-15 in which case we do it family style. This year it looks like we might have more than that, in which case it will be buffet style.
  10. I think Target had a deal on pampers last year.
  11. just entered for Phoenix...! 234 words. whew. and i absolutely mentioned GD in the pre-plans! i second the question, in the off chance one of us wins - can you get us a bf shirt in time to wear for the press conference?
  12. samisma

    Aafes bx/px

    I am too actually. The sale prices there usually run for the full weekend right? If so I think dd and I might head there on a Saturday if there are any good deals
  13. Last year Babies R Us had a great price on their store brand (especially for baby) cases of diapers. Normally these cases are over $20 each. However on Black Friday there were $10 each!! I bought so many that we still have a few cases left! (and now we're potty training lol). And let's be honest, while diapers might be a boring gift, they are always a welcome gift unless your daughter does cloth diapering.. If I remember correctly they had a nice bath tub gift set too. It came with the little tub, some toys for it, a bath towel, and some gerber soaps & lotions. I don't remember it being advertised, but I do remember seeing it on displays throughout the aisles there. Also Babies R Us had great prices on the Gerber Baby Soaps. And a decent sale on Gerber Food and Earth's Best food products. For the Gerber Baby products it'd be really beneficial to you to get a hold of some manufacturer coupons to use in combo with the sale prices. I honestly don't recall if Target, walmart, kmart, or anyone else had any good baby deals.
  14. samisma

    TRU Prices

    I guess these mommies were asking about the wrong toys then lol The biggest difference I saw was about these toys called Horseland - the dolls, horses, and barn. Oh and then the Barbie Diamond Castle deal - but TRU sweetened that with their coupons and promises of free barbie dresses etc. I think most of the mommies in this group would buy the toys in store at TRU if they could. Amazon is usually my old faithful for shopping for the exact reasons you listed, plus I don't like fighting the crowds or waiting in line. :)
  15. samisma

    TRU Prices

    Has anyone else started their comparison shopping yet? I do a service for a local mommy's group where they keep a running list of what toys they are looking for and what their budgets are and I find them the best prices I can etc etc. What I've been noticing is that 9 times out of 10 Toys R Us is less money. The only exception has been occasionally Walmart has been less or within 1 dollar of the TRU price. This is not something that I'm used to, every other year that I've done this TRU has been one of the higher priced merchants! And with their big book sale & coupons the price savings can really stack up. Has anyone else noticed that? I guess I'm just not used to the role reversal. It used to be that I would try to purchase an item anywhere but at TRU because of their inflated prices.
  16. I go through dd's toys and clothes once every 3 months and pull out anything she's outgrown, toys that she pays no attention to, toys that are so well-loved that they are falling apart, etc etc. The clothes get split into two piles: sell donate The toys get split into three piles: church sell donate Then twice a year I participate in a nearby town's (surprise, az) swapmeet where I sell a lot of the items, as well as my crafts and a few other things. The hardest items to prune are my dd's stuffed animals. I wish people would stop giving her stuffed/plush toys! She gives each and everyone a name, arranges them just so on the floor, and knows immediately if one is missing. They're a dust trap. (and she's allergic ot dust). And I think she has close to 20 stuffed/plush toys.
  17. Normally I would want to shop for others on BF. However, I'm done the majority of my xmas shopping. Just need cards, wrapping paper, and one gift for my dd. So this BF I'm on the hunt for just one thing (laptop) and that is for me. If I've enough $$ left over after that purchase I will hunt for fun dvd's to give as stocking stuffers.
  18. Once you graduate high school I think the trick or treating should be done and over. But I think that so long as you are still a student you should be allowed to trick or treat if you want. I remember back east we used to see the little kids from 3pm til dusk trick or treating. You'd get a lull at dinner time, and then from dark until 8pm it was all big kids/teenagers (8pm town enforced curfew) Some alternatives that I've heard of are called "trunk or treat" but I'm not really sure I understand what it is as I've never participated.
  19. my mom used to hide the little gifts in hers and my dad's underwear & sock drawers knowing that my brother and i would NEVER look there. she also used to hide gifts in the cabinets above the stove & refrigerator etc. She'd put them inside the large mixing bowls or inside empty boxes of cereal (that my brother and I didn't like) and just put the stuff "away" in the cabinets". Big stuff they used to hide in the trunk of their car. That however was ruined for them when I was about 9. Someone must've known what they were doing and broke into the car. Kinda made for a crappy holiday. My bro and I had no idea what we missed out on, and we didn't mind. But my parents were beyond upset. After that all big gifts were hidden at the neighbor's house. Luckily dd isn't too hard to hide things from right now. I just put those childproof door knob covers on everything and problem solved!
  20. mmm you pretty much got it right on the money. :) Habbersett makes the best, followed by the Amish Market in Williamstown, nj (but they don't ship). I'm not a big fan of putting syrup on it. Sometimes I will, but it doesn't really work for me. We fry it, and usually there is ketchup or hot sauce involved. : The trick to scrapple is the same as the trick to hot dogs - don't ask what's in it! ' http://www.globalgourmet.com/food/sleuth/0998/scrapple.html http://www.habbersettscrapple.com/ (in case anyone wants to try it, you can order it here)
  21. My parents held my brother and I to the same rules when we were children. Also the kids found the parents' gifts for them when it was mom or dad's turn to open one. :) Will be implementing similar rules with my daughter. Only difference is that on Christmas eve everyone opens one present, and it is a present that mom picks out to be opened. Being that there are now two moms under one roof (my mom and i) now my mom picks out the gifts everyone but my daughter will open. I choose which little one she gets to open. Usually it's something out of the stocking or it's something like PJs.
  22. scrapple eggs (usually scrambled) toast potato cakes oranges fresh squeezed oj sausage links chocolate milk for the lil ones hot chocolate or coffee for the older ones and someone always has a box of cinnamon rolls from cinnabon on hand somehow. scrapple got tricky when we moved to az. didn't know you couldn't get it outside of pa/nj. so we had to special order it - and you've to order it 12 bricks at a time! we've 10 left.
  23. mine came in the mail today!!! looks like you got a different one than me though sigrist_2000 mine only had one $10 off purchase of $100 valid 10/26-11/30 shaped like a lil giftcard. on the back was 'receive $10 gift card with any $75 purchase 10/26-11/22; gift card expires 12/31. and no insert....nothing about a halloween parade
  24. you'd get one name if you are doing just secret santa. :) i think the multiple names is for folks doing more than one exchange (like santa, ornament, and cookies etc), and I'd imagine you'd be getting a bundle of names if you were doing the cookies & card exchanges!
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