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Everything posted by vsa3janes

  1. Welcome, you will find a great group of folk here and some wonderful deals, too.
  2. I did this when my daughter was young and again for my granddaughter. I framed the stock certificate and dd hung it in her room for a long time before we locked it in the safe deposit box. They both loved it. How cool to own a piece of Disney.
  3. I was thinking about this very topic. My dgd is 10 and doesn't have anything on her want list except a couple of ds games. DD & SIL are getting her a new laptop and her other grandparents a DS Lite. I am clueless. When I ask her she said "Grandma, there isn't really anything I can think of." Last year by this time we had a nice list to work off of. It is so hard because they are outgrowing the "toys" but too young for teen things. She likes clothes but doesn't like to shop so she wouldn't appreciate a gift card. DD & SIL just bought her a new fall/winter wardrobe. I will be checking this thread for ideas too.
  4. I put my tree up Thanksgiving weekend and wrap the next weekend. I get out the ironing board (it is tall and my back doesn't hurt if I wrap on it), make sure my Black n Decker electric scissors are charged, divide the gifts by family, double check my list to make sure I have something for everyone and wrap. Ti usually takes me two days to wrap, ribbon and tag all the gifts.
  5. When my dd was young every year, even in the most lean times, we picked a name from the Salvation Army tree and bought the child a gift. She loved picking out gifts that she thought would make them happy. Now I try to do the same thing with my granddaughter and will with my grandson. My niece's school does a different thing, they have a mitten/glove/hat/scarf tree. All the kids bring in some of each and fill the tree from Thanksgiving until the week of Christmas break then they are given to a local shelter for the homeless. I am a firm believer in teaching my kids that it is important to think of others all year and especially during the holidays when everyone's isn't so bright.
  6. I fill stockings for my dd 29, sil 35, dgd 10 and dgs 1, plus their little dog. I fill the same stocking for them every year since they each entered the family. They are all about 24" long. Everyone gets a large apple in the toe of their stocking. DD, I use things like eye mask, aloe socks from B&B, AVON eye makeup remover, a seek n find word puzzle book, gummy lifesavers and she loves sharpies. SIL chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate and this year a Star Wars trivia book. DGD whatever she it into that year. This year some art pencils, an artist eraser, dvd, stuffed animal and some other things. DGS, some little Fisher Price cars, a candy cane, board books and little stuffed animal. The dog will get some treats and a soft toy.
  7. DGD 10 - Scooby Doo DS game, Spore Hero Wii game, artist portfolio, artist pencils, sketch pad, ticket to see Star Wars concert w/SIL, not sure what else. DGS 1 - Red Flyer ride on Turtle, Chatter phone, outfit, Fisher Price cars DD - not a clue, she is my hardest one SIL - ticket to see Star Wars concert w/DGD, file storage box, Hallmark airplane ornament, not sure what else. Nephews - emergency car kits Niece - NY&Co purse Young Niece - not sure Cousins - items from aft Christmas 08 sale, snowman dip set, chip n dip set, wax tart set Not sure about Mom or Stepdad.
  8. With the economy impacting everyone this would be the perfect year to bring up the subject. Perhaps you could just let her know like everyone you are feeling the pinch and wanted to talk about Christmas and adjusting the budget per child. Perhaps if you approach it from an economy viewpoint instead of "fairness" she will be more receptive. Gift giving and what everyone's opinion of fairness is a touchy subject. I know last year for the first time my extended family started picking name and already this year the topic has become a sore subject for some. It is sort of the same as with you & your sister. Some have 4 kids and others have one or none but the people with more kids thing everyone should buy for all the kids. I can't even get started on the subject. Let's just say it sucks the joy right out of the season. Good luck with your conversation. I hope it doesn't cause any other hard feelings.
  9. Yahoo! I'm ready to shop for deals.
  10. Darn, wanted one of these but the link doesn't work and when I did a search the cheapest price is $19.99.
  11. Thank you, thank you Brad. Congrats to my fellow winners/deal posters. Can't wait for the next contest to begin.
  12. My daughter used a space bag and was able to combine all the stuffed animals in to one large bag. It was amazing how many fit in the large bag.
  13. Well, at least this year you can be prepared for Christmas 2010.
  14. I also purchase mine at the end of the season when they are 75% off. I address them Thanksgiving weekend and they go in the mail the first of December. Some friends and family say they know the holiday season starts when they receive my card in the mail.
  15. Additional 30% Off Clearance Take an additional 30% off items in our Clearance sections. Enter promo code FALLCLEAR at checkout for discount to apply. Only items from Aeropostale Clearance sections are valid. May not be combined with any other discounts. Excludes previous purchases. While supplies last. Valid through 10/4/09, 11:59 PM EST. http://www.aeropostale.com/shop/index.jsp?categoryId=3534619&affiliate=y&cm_mmc=GAN-_-GottaDeal.com-_-Text-_-Primary
  16. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=11603195 http://i.walmartimages.com/i/p/00/88/39/29/04/0088392904227_215X215.jpg $44.86 List Price: $69.92 You Save: $25.06 (36%) DVD: Wizard Of Oz: 70th Anniversary Ultimate Collector's Edition (5-Disc) (Full Frame) also $51.86 List Price: $84.99 You Save: $33.13 (39%) Blu-ray: Wizard Of Oz: 70th Anniversary Ultimate Collector's Edition (4-Disc) (Blu-ray) (Full Frame)
  17. Elmo Tickle Hands, I could see many a shoving/pushing match when trying to "tickle" the other person. I don't know any kid really likes to be tickled.
  18. Nothing remote controlled. DGD has two dinosaurs, a car, a dog and robot that just sit on the shelf taking up space. They were a "must have" item for her the last 2 years and have probably only been played with a few times. Of course, DD can't get rid of them because DGD says I play with that and gets it down that day to play with.
  19. The shipping code worked earlier today, an hour later the prices changed and the shipping code isn't working.
  20. I was going to order some holiday bibs for my great niece to be - but I am not going to pay $8 in shipping cost. Too bad I don't have a paper 30% off coupon.
  21. I searched for Juniors Apparel and this is the link it took me to. Haven't tried to check out yet but hopefully I can use the coupon and ship to the store for free. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/search_10153_12605?keyword=junior+apparel&x=0&y=0 I put a pair of shoes in my cart from the link above, enter the coupon code (copy & pasted) this is the message I received.... "The coupon/promotion code you have entered is not valid for the items you currently have in your order" Was anyone able to use it?
  22. Funny you should mention the WDW store. We were they in Dec 07 and he bought so many sets he had to have them shipped back home. Thanks for the tip!
  23. Now this is one store my son in law would stand in line at. He collects StarWars legos and has went to many extremes to get the new releases.
  24. I have a 25% off coupon for the regular store posted as a trade thread....if anyone is interested.
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