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Everything posted by lovetoshopCA

  1. Okay, so it seems these are only being clearanced at the small format stores. We only have 1 or 2 around me, so I figured it out pretty quickly. I was not able to track down what the small sets were, though, so if you find them, I'd really appreciate it if you posted.
  2. Might be, but more likely your team is behind, or they marked it in the backroom and it is just now making its way out to the floor.
  3. no. they aren't official clearance, just on sale. at least here.
  4. they marked down some of the TVs today. Not looking, but I know some moved.
  5. Most of the ones here are the lower end ones that come in a bright lime green box. There were a few Garmin, but most have gone.
  6. Yup. These were in the Easter section and I found a bunch there. THEN I saw them like you did, on the pegs above the Dora balls I was looking for. I was fairly annoyed that they kept almost all the really fun watches and other toys (TMNT & Disney) in the Easter section till it went 90%, then they pulled it. It rang up full price the whole time, but I always force the issue if they leave it. I did get some of the Pokemon cubes because they left the shelf tag there after they went 50% (good enough for my kiddos since we only wanted a couple). Unfortunately, there wasn't much left even at 70%...
  7. I was guessing it would go Sunday or Monday, but it has been whacky.
  8. I was at ours about 2 hours ago, and it was still 50% & 30%, but it gives me hope for tomorrow! I still have valid M&Ms coupons!
  9. Well, Easter clearance was as disappointing as expected. Not much left. Not much in other departments, either. Been a bit of downer at Target lately.
  10. anyone see much left for tomorrow's easter clearance? Our stores were pretty empty yesterday.
  11. Interesting price match experience today. I forgot my TRU ad when I went to Target today. I wasn't sure they price matched DVDs, so I asked, and said I would come back with the ad later. The gal working in GS (who I know reasonably well from shopping there) said they could do it with the iPad. They had their own iPad, she looked up the price on the TRU website, and price matched it for me! Pretty cool! Don't know if they all have them, but worth asking if you find yourself in that position.
  12. If all else fails, run by a local Starbucks and look for a spare ad. You will probably need to change computers to get it to print.
  13. Yeah, I always scope out the cashiers out carefully. I try to find one I think will go along with me, but sometimes it doesn't work out. That's why it pays to get to know the cashiers. I was able to buy several things the day after Vday salvaged because I know them and they know I'm telling them the truth that they were Vday items. But I still ran into one that wouldn't go along...
  14. Well, funny thing happened on this score, at least with the ones I list above, but not the little Disney dolls at checkout. They are all ringing up Item Not Found today. So, I pulled them and took them to the register and got them for 90% off.
  15. Ours went a couple of days ago, but I missed it. I was SO bummed! I wanted a particular quilt that was gone. Fortunately, I bought my 2nd choice at 50%. The one I wanted was only 30% before, so I missed it entirely. I finally got to hit a few stores today, though, and only one, the last of 5 that I visited had the Marvel plush and Lego sets 90% off. Every other store had them full price. Found a bit more candy, too. Wish I had known about the Nestle bars then, but I am not going back for them... Would have been good for DS's bday goodie bags.
  16. That is often the case. They charge more for some items to cover higher rents. Don't know if anyone else noticed this, but it annoyed me, so I did. These Sesame Street toys as well as the Chelsea dolls were "on sale" for $4.99 the ENTIRE period of the holiday, from the moment they were set, until the holiday, THEN they went back to regular price $5.99 or $7.99 before going on markdown for clearance.
  17. No, that isn't it. Our Easter was set several days ago with these items having tags and everything. They caught it. No doubt in my mind at all. It isn't the first time they've done this, and before it has gone until the the item was salvaged, and only then did it ring up correctly. In fact, the sesame street stuff was ringing 70% off the full price of $7.99, rather than the current $4.99 price.
  18. Bedding all disappeared overnight here. With a sick kiddo, I didn't get to check yesterday whether it went down. I'd been watching a King size quilt.
  19. I assume you are talking about the little Disney dolls at the checklanes, Webkinz Lil Kinz, Marvel plush & Sesame Street figures. But I could be wrong. It is possible it is the bloggers, but I think more likely that the large number of purchases of those items triggered a computer alarm that caused them to catch it. I was watching them and hoping that they would drop to 90%, but they were back to full price today....
  20. Well, I stopped by and it turned out that the stuff I wanted was still at 70%, oddly, and the stuff that was 90% was gone. I'm going to try to buttonhole the manager of the one that pulled everything today and see if it is still in the back. There were some plushies I wanted for goodie bags if I can get them. He's nice to me, so I am hopeful. :-) Hoping DS is well enough to go out tomorrow. He probably was today, but he was whining...
  21. hmmmm.....well, I need to pick up something for dinner, so maybe I can spare a few minutes on the way home from pickup. I have one sick kiddo, so not a lot of time.
  22. anyone? anyone?.... It mostly goes together. I think there are a few items that go at different times, but they generally do it altogether.
  23. salvaged here, nothing on the shelves. What I did find was till 70%. But if others find 90%, I'll got back out to search the store.
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