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Everything posted by lovetoshopCA

  1. Used to get one free at work, but I've been self employed for several years, so that's out. Could get it at the doctor's office, but since all the stores and various companies pay to get their doses first, the doctor doesn't usually have it available till pretty late. So...Plus I need to get it for the kids. Hoping to see some good offers soon. The sooner you get the vaccine, the better.
  2. They were saying on the radio that there was going to be good competition to get people into drug stores for flu shots. I haven't seen any yet, but would love to hear if others have. Walgreens is donating a shot to poor countries for each one this month, but that isn't quite enough to draw me in. It is nice and all, but not what I had in mind.
  3. Yeah, I was fairly disappointed with the BTS clearance so far. Not what the manager thought, either.
  4. Back to School will be going clearance tomorrow at our local store. Probably others too. Was told by the manager of the seasonal department.
  5. They don't finish around here till early afternoon, but they do normally get the baby stuff done first, so probably a good bet.
  6. They all seemed to go today. The local 2 for sure, except for some Creator Legos that only went 50%. The rest went 70%. I decided to go ahead and drive around to a few stores, and they all seemed to have just gone today. Got only 1 or 2 small Lego sets, but found a few other odds and ends like the Spy Net Lie Detector and some Air Hogs helicopters. They salvage it after 1-2 weeks and it usually shows up at Goodwill or Big Lots.
  7. Yeah, I stopped by the store in Azusa, and I clearly missed it there. With hubby home, it is hard to get out this week, so I will take my chances and go around Monday and see what is left. Probably nothing, but I will check around. Our local stores only went on a few things this week. So, so weird. I'm going to be SOL on Legos this time around. Oh well....
  8. Just an FYI, these require an engine, sold separately. Also, if you got the lower price one, you can't launch it w/o the higher price on that comes with the launch platform. Bought a couple for DS as we've been watching them. Had to pay full price for the engines. Also, there are FAA restrictions on launching if you are in a populated area... Anyone in SoCal find markdowns? My 2 stores have not done it. Went back in the PM and still no movement. Haven't ventured out further because hubby is home and frowns on my purchases....
  9. They have to mark 1 of each DPCI. After that, they'll all show the new price even if they aren't tagged. anyone in CA seeing markdowns? I think they didn't get the scanners up in time here, so only some stores were done.
  10. East pas had art least 4 of each color 70% yesterday. I asked a friend to get me more today @ 90%. They were in garden and not marked. Can't resist posting that the Kona, HI store is 90% and has stuff left today. :-)
  11. thanks guys! I needed some spare hoses. I was setting up a drip irrigation with hoses, and my gardeners weed whacked one of my good hoses....If you live in CA this is a common problem. Can't tell you how many hoses I've lost to the gardeners....Still beats doing it myself.
  12. Ours go on Thursdays, but the principal applies. I think that is the week, yes. I will be leaving on vacation the 24th and returning the 30th, so no toys for me...Except what I buy early. Maybe I will buy multiples and do returns to get what I want...
  13. They were doing some additional first mark downs today in toys, so maybe 2 weeks for the big mark down. I'm out of town both of the next 2 Thursdays, so I am out of luck. I may buy a few things early and try returning them to get the lower price when they put them back out.
  14. Was in several stores today, and it really is all over the map. Stores with smaller inventory have higher discounts. I was mostly looking at the patio/garden stuff and toys. Picked up a few toys at 50% that I think will be gone by the big markdown. Not much I want from patio. It was really variable from 30%-70%. Most were 30-50%. In my area, I think it was Baldwin Park that had patio 70% in case you are looking. Still some stuff was lower, but most of the chairs and stuff were 70%.
  15. For those of us living in areas where Target sells beer & wine, go quickly to check it out. Lots of stuff 50% off. I even got a bottle of Moet & Chandon Champagne for $22 today! If you aren't a wine drinker, that may seem high, but it isn't. Lots of decent wines in the $5 range. Most are 3 star out of 5 or a rating of around 82-88 on a 100 scale. I looked up each one in the aisle. Lots of beer too, including 12 packs of MGD, Widmer Bros Hefe, 12 packs of Red Stripe, Heinekin (sp?) Light. Real variety in the beer, so you have to look.Also, it seems that nearly everything in Target brand zipper bags was clearance as well as most of the Hefty trash bags. Not sure what is going on with that, but lots of stuff at a discount, so don't miss that aisle!
  16. The stores around here were all sold out. bummer! I did find a Mine set, though. Real steal! They ended up going 50% yesterday afterall! I'll hold out for 70%.
  17. Yep. Those are the ones. I checked yesterday, and they were still at 30%.
  18. Thanks! You always seem to find the little gems! I'll look today.
  19. I was watching the pricey heart rate monitors, and those just went first markdown last week, so it will be at least another week. Not sure if the pedometers went at the same time, but seems likely. Unlikely to skip from 30 to 70%, though. 75% is a thing of the past...
  20. You ought to be able to find them by looking through last year's thread. I know that someone posted them last June or July. Usually 70% is 2 weeks after Comic Con, so that would be the last week of July/first week of August.
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