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Everything posted by Brad

  1. no - video card typically uses your AGP slot, and TV tuners use PCI slots. unless you get the all-in-wonder cards, which have both components on the same AGP card.
  2. if you have an open slot, then you can still have a TV tuner card.
  3. And if you wanted to spend a lot more, there's the portable "TiVo for radio": http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00009ZY4E
  4. If you just need FM, I'd go with something cheap like this: http://www.buy.com/retail/electronics/product.asp?sku=90105647 Order 2 and get free shipping (and have one for a backup - the quality isn't going to be the greatest at that price) No MP3, but what do you expect for $13? lol If you want something better, go with something like a Sangean. I've had a little radio from them for about 5 years now. Works great, great reception, excellent battery life.
  5. Bobby doesn't know the meaning of the word budget, lol. How about this one: http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=10378005 and then use this 10% coupon: http://www.buy.com/retail/coupon.asp?prid=84349019 You'll have to pay shipping since it's on order (once it gets in stock it will have free shipping, but the price could get raised) still should be around $122 shipped... Pricegrabber prices: http://gottadeal.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=2667356&blsrt=1
  6. That's a good start. Keep it going :) I think we should be like FW and censor the mere mention of any competing deal site's name Kidding obviously... Or maybe just replace it with this:
  7. Well with the 10% off Buy.com coupon, you can get the 20GB for $251 and the 40GB for $341 with free shipping and no tax for most states, so you'll need a big Staples coupon to beat those prices. I paid $251 for mine and got it via UPS on Friday.
  8. yep, that's where mine was as well. in a plastic bag in the middle of the driveway
  9. What prices have you found so far? Probably similar to these? : http://store.acousticsounds.com/browse_detail.cfm?Title_ID=8027 http://store.acousticsounds.com/browse_detail.cfm?Title_ID=11488
  10. Just got my first issue today, even though my zip code wasn't listed :) Only 8 days - pretty good service. Anybody else get theirs yet?
  11. There is also this model: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00000J4BC More money, but it will respond to the remote controls of your devices, so you don't have to actually push a button on the unit to switch sources. Handles up to 6 components as well.
  12. Here are some options for online ordering: http://www.overstock.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi?PAGE=PROFRAME&PROD_ID=663613 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000246UMQ http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005NCWK I'd recommend the last one, from Sima, as they are more a more well-known company than the others. If you choose that one, be sure to order it from Amazon for $25.64 to get free shipping (see the "More Buying Choices" menu on the right). You should be able to find these at any local Target/WalMart/Best Buy/Circuit City pretty easily, probably in the same $25-30 price range.
  13. Am I correct in assuming that you need both S-Video and composite video inputs/outputs?
  14. There is always this deal: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=1882 And Amazon had these for low prices lately too - might want to check them out as well.
  15. No clue. Like I said, I haven't had any problems, and I've been checking it all day (we also have posts on here from all hours today - so it must have been up for others as well). It must have been some lingering DNS problems on your end. Hopefully it is all resolved by now :)
  16. It's been working fine for me all day. What was the problem? Maybe you were still seeing the effects of the server move if the domain had not propagated on your end yet.
  17. OK, that's kind of what I thought. I don't know how something like that would be implemented though. People can always just search and find the relevant threads. As for the Mach3 blades, I still remember when more.com was around ~4 years ago and if you bought them once, you could buy them "forever" for 99 cents per 3-pack and free shipping if you bought them with any other item(s). Unfortunately, for more.com forever meant around 6 months before they went away, lol.
  18. Give us some examples as to "deals that never end". I'm not sure I know what you mean...
  19. Glad everyone made it over, lol. I was surprised it went as well as it did considering we were moving a pretty complex site to a new server, and from cPanel to DirectAdmin. Other than a few minor changes I had to make (which were done before propagation) because of cPanel/DA differences, there were no problems at all. This should be the final move for a long time :crosses fingers:
  20. The fact that I'm posting this means the site has been successfully moved :)
  21. The real reason for the move is that nearly everyone on the forum is using too many emoticons, so we had to get more bandwidth, lol :)
  22. Just an update: Tomorrow morning we will be moving GottaDeal to a new server. Therefore at some point tomorrow morning (most likely around 9am ET) I will be closing the forum so no new posts get lost during the transition. With it being the holiday weekend, hopefully you all have better things to do with your time :) The main site will continue to look and function the same, so the only way you will know when the nameserver changes have taken effect is that the forum will once again be open, which should happen sometime tomorrow afternoon if all goes well. Everything is already set up on the new server and from what I can tell is working perfectly, so I don't anticipate any actual downtime for the main site. I'm sure if something goes horribly wrong , RossMAN will let you know via a post on ATOT.
  23. This is such a hot deal. I'm thinking of ordering. I wanted the 34" version, but there's no way its worth $500-600 more for it. Best Buy has this exact same model in their ad this week for $899 + tax, so that tells you what a great deal this is with free shipping.
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