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Everything posted by Brad

  1. I totally agree. The 30 minute buffer would be very useful if you were listening to something in your vehicle (live concert, game, talk show, etc...) and had to stop to run in a store or something. Just pause it and resume when you get back :) The integrated FM mod is nice if you can't get a direct hookup to your stereo. I use my SKYFi so much that I just went and replaced the factory head unit with a Pioneer and now have the SKYFi directly connected via the aux. input. With the FM mod, all you would have is the power cable to connect. If Delphi can get it out in time for the holidays they would have a huge seller. Christmas Day is traditionally the one day out of the year that they get the most activations.
  2. For the SKYFi, there is only this home kit: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000075B6H which is fine if you are going to hook it up to your stereo, PC or speakers. Otherwise there are 2 boomboxes as well. So you could buy that home kit from Amazon and the receiver from XMFanStore for around $130 shipped - which is what the receiver alone sold for a few months ago. Then your service is $10/mo. No contract to sign, unless you want to get discounted rates by pre-paying for multi-year plans (which have no obligation - cancel anytime and get a prorated refund): Multi-Year Package Price Savings Discount Monthly Rate 5 year package $499.99 $99.41 16% $8.33 4 year package $410.99 $68.53 14% $8.56 3 year package $314.99 $44.65 12% $8.75 2 year package $214.99 $24.77 10% $8.96
  3. The new SKYFi 2, which is supposed to be released in time for the holidays (but knowing Delphi - who I used to work for - that's not set in stone), has the same functionality as this current model plus: - TiVo-type functionality - 30 minute buffer records the last 30 minutes of whatever channels you listened to - pause, rewind, etc.. - new ticker with stock quotes and sports scores - supposedly a better screen that is easier to read in sunlight - clock - "Tune Select" which notifies you of your favorite songs / artists on other channels - integrated FM modulator (if you can't use a direct connection to your stereo) The good thing is that the SKYFi 2 will work with all the existing home kits, car kits, and boomboxes. So if you are thinking of XM, you could always get this version now, with whatever kits you need and then eBay it when the new version comes out if you want the latest and greatest. Having had my SKYFi for almost 2 years, I can't wait for the new model. If you want the SKYFi you have to buy the kits. You can always look at the Roady 2 model which requires no extra equipment. Personally I use it more at home than I do in the car. I have it hooked up near my PC to my Klipsch 2.1 speakers and it great to have on while I am working on the PC. Best $10 I spend every month :)
  4. It's just a built in "feature" of vBulletin. We have no plans to do anything with them right now. When someone registers I believe it asks if a current member reffered you and it keeps track that way.
  5. That's still cheaper than Buy.com when you factor in shipping. You probably won't see them in-store for less than $8-10 anyway.
  6. something like this? http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=10339357 don't know where you'd find it locally though.
  7. I don't know about Plesk. I know in cPanel that you can create a forwarder from addressA@domain to any other address. If addressA exists as a regular mail account, a copy will be forwarded (and addressA will still get the message). But if addressA doesn't exist as a regular account, the mail will be forwarded and no original will be delivered to the default catch-all address (if a catch-all is specified).
  8. In GMail, you could have it filter all messages with the From: address being the account you send mail from. You can have them flagged, labeled and archived (but not moved to the Sent Mail folder). So they would be distinguishable from the other messages via a label so you could do a search within GMail for all messages labeled "sent by me" or whatever you name the label.
  9. don't know how you'd do that. depends what e-mail client you use. if you could somehow have your gmail address automatically included as a BCC on all your outgoing messages it could work.
  10. I use gmail as a backup for all my "real" e-mail accounts from all my domains. Just have copies of all messages forwarded to a gmail account and you have instant backup copies. Works great if you need to retrieve an old e-mail when you don't have access to your regular account.
  11. http://ww2.footlocker.com/2004/fnf/082004a/index.html valid today through 8/29
  12. I also have around 5 invites to give away. Same rules as darkJester :)
  13. Well if you need something just for weather, take a look at this Midland model from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00000K2Z0 It has the newer technology so you don't get warnings for counties far away - you can select your exact location. The RadioShack model was a full scanner and weather radio.
  14. waggy, is this RadioShack model something like you are looking for? Just making sure before I look for more deals. They had city and rural models, so I chose rural and that one came up. Also the price on that one is $89.99. Do you want something cheaper / more expensive / around that price?
  15. If you want to use the $10 coupon linked above, you'll need a cheap item (that has free shipping) to bump your order over $75.00: http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=30082370 Total $65.99 shipped :)
  16. Price is the main factor. Plus I've used Creative MP3 players in the past, so I know what to expect. That, and they've been making the MuVos for a long time now. All the bugs should be gone. The SmartDisk is a newer product.
  17. Go to your local dollar store, get a cheap FM radio and tape it to this MP3 player - instant $75.99 MP3 player WITH FM tuner, lol. If I didn't already have the Samsung 256MB flash player, I'd order this right now. The ability to use it as a USB flash drive is also very nice.
  18. No tax for CT on Amazon... In the past I know that Panasonic made great cassette models with their "Shockwave" line. They currently only make radio-only and CD models though. Here are some places that still carry the older Shockwave cassette models: RQ-SW48V - http://shop.store.yahoo.com/discountsonline/parqshporawi.html RQ-SW48V - http://www.millionbuy.com/panrqsw48v.html RQ-SW99V - http://www.1-877camcorder.com/cammy/pansw99v.html You might be better of looking on eBay for these particular models. Otherwise you have the Sony S2 Sport models, of which I can't really find any deals on. They are all pretty much the same price whether you get one online or in a local store (Best Buy, CC, Target, etc...) http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00008W2M6 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0001YFYCE Hopefully someone can find a better deal... Otherwise that first RQ-SW48V I linked to wouldn't be a bad deal depending on what they charge for shipping.
  19. Welcome to the forums, harryhood. While I look for a deal, check out this Pricegrabber listing and see if any of these models catch your eye. If you have a particular model I might be able to find a better deal on it: http://gottadeal.pricegrabber.com/search_attrib.php/page_id=164 Do you definitly want one of the "sport" models? Because it looks like if so, Sony is pretty much the only manufacturer still making them.
  20. New $30 coupon released today ( RNNGH2X7W40V3V ), so you don't need the entertainment book coupons to get these prices: 2001fp for $689 1901fp for $513 1703fp for $369 e173fp for $329 Do not pass up this deal. These prices are going to be extremely hard to beat anytime soon.
  21. Note that if you have any of the Entertainment coupon book Dell coupons, you can save another $30 off the above prices: 2001fp for $689 1901fp for $513 1703fp for $369 e173fp for $329 ... all with free shipping.
  22. Extremely nice prices on these, especially the 17" and 19" models. The coupon expires 6AM CST on Thursday morning.
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