EmConMom Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 Does anyone have any gift wrapping traditions? I, for one, get the kids to bed and get a glass of wine or warm cider. Either put on Christmas music or a Christmas movie. I wrap one child at a time, b/c I have different wrapping paper for each one. This way, I know what belongs to each without writing on each one. After I wrap the kids gifts I wrap the extended family gifts and wrap and tag them based on each place we go. (For example, all the presents that go to the ILs Christmas eve get the same paper) that way I can easily see we have everyone's gift. Dh will sometimes help, or at least make sure each toy has a set of batteries in the box with the item. It is so fun for me and I look forward to it every year. ::: :::
czimmerman Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 that's so funny!! when i saw the 'wrapping traditions/rituals', i thought, boy do i have one for them!! we do the same thing with the wrap -- my mom started that waaaaaaaay back when i only had two children. we get one type of paper for each child. we usually go to party city when they have their .99 sale and grab lots of rolls of each pattern. i now have five children, so i hope they have a good selection this year!! then we wait til the kids FINALLY!! fall asleep, put on "christmas vacation" and wrap and wrap and WRAP . . . then we assemble, assemble, and assemble the big items. no wine for us though -- my sons would prolly end up with barbies and my daughter would get gi joes!!
EmConMom Posted November 16, 2006 Author Posted November 16, 2006 czimmerman said: no wine for us though -- my sons would prolly end up with barbies and my daughter would get gi joes!!LOL:giggle: Only one glass for me, or I would just go to sleep. I usually do all my wrapping, the night we get the kids presents out of LAW. This way there is no chance of stumbling upon a gift and it not be wrapped.
mandifour Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 I usually wrap one day while the kids are at school. I get 2 holiday days at work so i use one for family time and one for wrapping. I always put the tv on the radio channel that has Christmas music on. I do the wrapping paper the same way, each kid gets their own.
tawnya Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 I typically wrap as I buy the presents. However I dont use gift tags, "Santa" writes my kids names on each gift with a marker. My mom started this years ago when my brother was born, before that all the presents under the tree without tags were from Santa to me. So when my brother came along my mom started using the markers to write our names, usually there are small doodles of stars and stuff too. Its actually really cute and easy for the kids to find their presents. Tawnya
Cherry Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 I usually wrap as go till I get tired of wrapping then I'm in a rush a few days before Christmas to finish wrapping everything else. I do it while everyone is asleep and I watch t.v. I always want them to look pretty with ribbons and bows but it's usually just the first batch that turns out that way cause it takes so much time and I'm too impatient
snakeswiff Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 I watch christmas vacation and wrap away. Yes each child has their own paper, as does each side of the family. It's just easier that way! Its the watching of christmas vacation that really gets me into it. I must watch that movie 100 times btwn Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!!
sissykus Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 Just reading your traditions are making me exited about Christmas. I usually wrap presents as we buy them but I now have a son who will be turning 1 on Dec 26 and I have thus far just been hiding gifts in my closet. I like the idea of having a different paper for each child and for each place you go. I will definitely be borrowing your ideas. Thanks:)
able Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 how in the world do you all wrap everything in one night??? .. i have tried to wrap a few things...it is difficult to impossible to wrap with out standing or moving your head too much.. not to mention trying to reach the end of the roll of paper on a big present! im sure i will figure something out...or ill be posting a help with a way to wrap post in here..
believet Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 My husband wrapps them Christmas eve while I begin cooking.
JenT1292 Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 The week before Christmas I usually spend the evening closed in a room watching some type of Christmas movies and wrap, wrap, wrap. As I shop, I load up the spare room with all the gifts and it looks overwhelming, but I love it!
rabx5 Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 believet said: My husband wrapps them Christmas eve while I begin cooking.I would like to borrow your husband this year please I HATE wrapping gifts. I get a sore back no matter what I do. I usually do a power wrapping session, but this year, as the gifts are shipped to my work, I have been wrapping them :) So far I have done all my shopping on line-can't beat Overstocks $1 shipping dontcha know
kselzer Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 I have no clue how some of you can wrap in one night Apparently I just take too long, because it takes me a couple hours just to wrap a small pile of gifts. I don't have any kids - so my tradition is different. I like to wrap them as I buy them after the tree is up and then pile them under the tree. I like the look of the tree with plenty of presents under it
elena_398 Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 No rituals. Im the one that wraps. Im going to start this week (before BF) as I bought a lot already. I have 2 HUGE contractor bags full. So I probably don't really need to go out on BF with all the great clearances and weekly sales, but I will. This way by wrapping, I can get a better idea how much I've bought for the kids
sleepigrl Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 No rituals here, I always seem to be wrapping right up until the last minute. I do use a unique paper for each child though. I like the sound of some of these, though - especially the ones that involve wine :) Maybe I'll try that this year.
ajburlingame Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 I am totally different than the rest of you. I make sure that no two presents that are going to a certain place have the same wrapping paper. I like to see a big variety of different kinds of paper under the tree. So, I may have 3 presents wrapped in one kind of paper but then one stays at home, one goes to my parents and one to my inlaws. I have to listen to Christmas music while I wrap or watch a Christmas show or movie on TV.
able Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 ajburlingame said: I am totally different than the rest of you. I make sure that no two presents that are going to a certain place have the same wrapping paper. I like to see a big variety of different kinds of paper under the tree. So, I may have 3 presents wrapped in one kind of paper but then one stays at home, one goes to my parents and one to my inlaws. I have to listen to Christmas music while I wrap or watch a Christmas show or movie on TV.i have done this in the past!!!
Melissa Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 No rituals. I usually do my wrapping in the basement on top of the washer & dryer, only because that's where I store all the presents and the wrapping supplies.
Trish1298 Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 I also mix the paper up. I don't like to show up at a house and have all the presents look the same. I do all the wrapping, when ever I have a chance to do it with out kids walking in. I sit in front of the T.V. with eggnog and wrap away. My dog helps, every time I have paper on the floor she hurrys to go lay on it.
cleverbffool Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 I wrap as I buy, and I put on "A Muppet Family Christmas" but DH whatever he buys, he wraps Christmas Day while the kids I get the kids ready, then he rushes he can't plan ahead.
CrayZMama80 Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 I only have one, once it comes in the door, wrapping paper goes on it. Kids love to snoop. Our son one year even made holes in his bedroom door to snoop as we brought the stuff into the house. Then after it's wrapped, we hide them in boxes we have saved up from packages that came from ups, and tape is added. Hey I was a kid once too and we always were really good at cutting the tape and re-tapping it. I also like the same as a lot of you do.. different paper! makes it all pretty under the tree.
MandaJo111 Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 I am a bit of a perfectionist about wrapping. It has to be perfect, and I use tons of different kinds of paper. No two presents look alike (a couple have the same paper, but the bows and ribbon make it look different.) My kids presents I do not make as fancy as those for other people though cause adults actually pay attention to how the gifts look. Kid just go I am also very careful to ensure that Santa and Mommy and Daddy don't use the same wrapping paper. That paper is hidden and reserved strictly for him (also several different rolls lol) We do things to keep others from guessing what things are. Sometimes things are wrapped inside clothes to make it seem like just clothes in the box. Or maybe a huge box with about 20 progressively smaller wrapped boxes inside leading to a smaller (but nice) present. Bells or other things that rattle make good distractions for those who like to shake presents. A really good tip is that if you are worried about someone opening the presents, simply sign or initial the tape. Make sure that part of the writing is on the tape and part is on the wrapping paper. This way presents cannot be re-taped without everyone knowing. I usually watch a Christmas movie or listen to Christmas music while wrapping. I also get some baking done while I am at it. The wine sounds like a good addition though :) My husband helps me wrap too (last year was pure ...heck cause he was overseas I did not get as much done ahead of time so I was up literally all night long. This year he will be home). The first year I did not let him help. I was too particular about it. lol That really lasted lol :) I do most of it throughout the few weeks heading up to Christmas, but it always seems there is stuff to wrap on Christmas eve.
jenn293 Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 I just finished wrapping all the kids presents tonight. One of my DD's is crazy about the Disney Princesses and the other just loves anything else Disney. SO I went to the Dollar Tree and I bought EVERY design of Disney wrap they had and all of DD6's gifts are in princess warps and the others are all in Pooh. goofy, Pluto , Mickey and Minnie wrap. I also have their gifts from my parents here so my mom gave me this really pretty gold wrap with stars on it to wrap their stuff in so we know that is what Nana and Papaw bought them. MY BACK IS KILLING ME RIGHT NOW~~~
PlayWithFire75 Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 I love wrapping. I usually like it till the day before Christmas Eve. It is so much freaking fun to do.
elena_398 Posted November 19, 2006 Posted November 19, 2006 Heres my "ritual": Husband gets the kids out of the house for a few hours Gather bunch of rolls of paper, my tape, pen, tags, and bows around me on the floor Put the tv on to a show I want to see in between wrapping Lug up the contractor bags FULL of presents. Get to work and Wrap, Wrap, and Wrap. lol Nothing exciting, but it gets done
KaS Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 I just wrap them once the tree goes up. I wait until the kids go to sleep.
cwife Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 I wrap as I feel like it. When im in the mood I pull out a pile of gifts and wrap several at a time. Santa gifts arent wrapped in our house. I usually use 6-7 different wrapping papers but I like the idea of using a different paper for each kid.
eparrill78 Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 Same here. Each kid has his own character wrap (whatever their into that year) I get them to bed and usually wrap for a few hours and watch A Christmas Story or Christmas Vacation. Santa usually leaves his stash in those HUGE plastic gift bags. I love to wrap and look at all the bargains I've gotten them. I think I may be crazy but I thinks its relaxing. The only thing I do differently is I now take stuff out of the boxes and remove all those dang twist ties before wrapping so I dont spend Christmas morning cursing and throwing toys in front of the kids LOL! Hubby puts together all the big stuff in the garage Christmas Eve.
Sunshyne Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 I've been doing them all on Christmas Eve for the last few years because I really never have kid-free time to wrap except late at night after everything else is done. I also assemble everything that night because my husband never looks at the directions and he usually goes to bed long before I am done. Also, I put batteries in everything before I wrap it and cut off those annoying plastic ties they use to attach toys to the box. Every Christmas morning around 2am, I end up at Walgreen's to buy some type of batteries that I forgot, too. I also pick up candy for the stocking there, so it's my little tradition too. The first year we moved to PA, we did not have a Walgreen's yet, and I had to buy batteries at the Exxon! And, yes, I make a list of batteries needed, but I always forget one kind, it seems. This year, I am going to wrap in the mornings while my son is at Kindergarten. My younger son can play in another room behind the gates...not like he'd catch on anyway at 16 months. I was up until 4am last year...my oldest ds woke up at 6 to open gifts. Oh, and I sleep on the couch so that in case he forgets to come to our room and wake us, I will hear him when he sees that Santa has been there. Then, the lack of sleep is all worthwhile. lol
3cuties4me Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 EEK! I love wrapping presents :) Okay, so basically, I get everything bought (done...) and then after I get our tree's up I start wrapping! I cannot get everything done in one evening after the kids go to bed, though! SO, what I do is I get each of the kids one item out and wrap it. Then I start on all the other family. That can take like - all week! LOL! I'm very much so a 'perfectionist' when it comes to wrapping... I love lots of ribbon and cute little name tags and all that! Anyways, so all the 'adult' presents have wrapping paper that matches my tree (teehee)! This year the paper is silver/gold/white. Everything gets wrapped in that - but the ribbon and everything will not all look the same. Some will be red/gold, some green/silver, some red/green... whatever! Then the KID presents (neices, nephews, cousins) go under the KID tree (LOL - yes we have a "MY" tree and a "KID" tree... teehee) and they each get wrapped in different paper. My kids presents that I wrap and put under the tree 'early' go under this tree... Oh - and I wrap while listening to Christmas music too!! Although, no wine here... I'm a hot chocolate girl! LOL! Okay... and then normally I save all the other kid gifts to wrap after the kids are in bed on Christmas Eve! HOWEVER, last year - I wrapped everything and dh assembled everything that had to be put together..... and I was up until 5am I am NOT doing that again! I was completely exhausted! LOL - but at 5am I was SO tired I was getting to my 'nutty' stage and didn't go to bed. I just stayed up and worked on picking up a few things around the house and made a pie (LOL) and at 8am on the dot I was running around getting everyone out of bed... teeheehee.... SO, this year I am going to slowly wrap all the Santa gifts/the rest of the gifts from us throughout the few weeks before Christmas. So, on Christmas Eve after the little ones are all tucked into bed - all I have to do is bring the gifts up and put them under the tree. Dh will have things to assemble still... but we should be in bed by midnight/1am!!! I'm trying to figure out - if the things I wrap for the kids I should leave in their original packaging (like I normally do)... or if some of the things I should go ahead and open so we don't have to do that that morning? It takes SO much work on Christmas morning to get everything out of their packages! By the end of the day my fingers HURT! UGH! Oh and dh does NOT wrap the gifts. YIKES! The 8 things he gets me takes him about 4 hours to wrap! Teehee! He is not a perfectionist about it - and I do not care... but he knows I am and he tries SO hard! But it's so funny - he will be in our room wrapping and I'll hear the paper rip and then I'll hear him yelling, "DANGIT"! Haha... ~ Erin (23 y/o SAHM to 3 cutes ages 3 and under)
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