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Everything posted by czimmerman

  1. we managed to luck out and get one as well for my son for his b-day in march. i wasn't TOO worried about getting one as we have til march, but thought i'd give it a shot. our cc, bb & target all got their stock in. now of course my daughter has changed her mind on the american girl doll for her b-day and now wants a wii as well, so i'll still be stalking the thread to see when there is another shipment expected!! thanks so much to everyone who posts expected shipments!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Don't forget to print off your circuit city coupon that someone was nice enough to post here. there are three, 2 10% off coupons and a $40 off a $199 purchase. if you have shopping buddies make a few copies in case you can use them. if i luck out and get all the things i want, i'll need two of the $40 off ones, but i printed an extra just in case or to hand out to any friends i make while waiting in line!! happy t-giving and shopping on bf to everyone!!!!!
  3. i signed up, too. i'm both excited and dreading receiving the sales at the same time -- excited cuz i luv a good deal, but dreading it b/c i only have two that little and i'm done shopping for them!!!
  4. that is scary if they are delivering in plain clothes in their own cars. if i don't know who it is at the door, i don't answer! i hope your ps is okay, that was so ignorant. maybe he thought it was a ps3 and was mad and figured if he couldn't have one, neither could you . . . .
  5. has anyone tried to get on circuit city's website tonight? i tried about half an hour ago and it said their site was closed and i just tried a few minutes ago and got some message about how it timed out. wonder if they are posting new stuff or what??
  6. that's so funny!! when i saw the 'wrapping traditions/rituals', i thought, boy do i have one for them!! we do the same thing with the wrap -- my mom started that waaaaaaaay back when i only had two children. we get one type of paper for each child. we usually go to party city when they have their .99 sale and grab lots of rolls of each pattern. i now have five children, so i hope they have a good selection this year!! then we wait til the kids FINALLY!! fall asleep, put on "christmas vacation" and wrap and wrap and WRAP . . . then we assemble, assemble, and assemble the big items. no wine for us though -- my sons would prolly end up with barbies and my daughter would get gi joes!!
  7. i noticed that it does say most available on t-giving; however, the $299 laptop says "in store only", which unfortunately is one of the main things i want. but the one poster makes a good point in that while it does say "in store only", it lists a web id for the laptop and when i go and do a search at cc.com, it says item not found. anybody have any hunches on this? thanks!!
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