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Fights on Black Friday


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I've never seen a real knock down fight on BF but I've seen some close calls with the line jumpers. (evil evil people!) But if someone took something out of my cart or out of my hands I would go after it!


Yeah I was in line last November when the Xbox360s were hitting the shelves. It was a nice orderly line the entire evening and looked like it was going to go real smooth. Well of course when it got close to opening time and the people at the end of the line realized they weren't going to get one, well then it was on. Several of them tried to make excuses why they needed to get in the store first and others flat out tried to cut. The good thing was that we had actually made numbers for every person in line (had to do something in line) and when the guy up front told the manager that we did that then he simply took us in the store first. Tensions were pretty high there for awhile and I already had 911 keyed in on my phone....:shock:

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I have been it retail for ages and it is quite interesting to see the expression on someone's face who has gotten to the register and the item they have just battled someone for is not the item that was part of the doorbuster ad. They end up screaming we are trying to cheat them out of a deal and the other shoppers are snickering because or their ignorance.
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There's been several instances here in my area. Last year the big one was at Toys R Us. A woman tried to use a basket and plow her way through the line when the doors opened. From my understanding she had just got there and tried to bust through to the front. Some other woman jumped her. It was on the news.


About 2 years ago I heard about someone punching a security guard because he was told the item he was looking for was sold out. From what I gather of the story, it was the only thing the guy wanted and he was within the first few to get in the door. It was at K-Mart and I heard they never actually got the item in store.


I forget what year this was, but 2 extremely large women tripped and fell as the doors open. They got stuck in the door with the doors closing on them. I didn't see it, but this was another one that made it on the news.


There's been others but those are the main ones that stand out in my mind. The rest were more minor things. Plus there's other things I'm sure I never heard about even.

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I had a tiff last year while waiting in line to get my layaway out of WalMart - that line can be hell to wait in. Realize that I am 5'3" about 145#, the woman tried to cut in front of me as I was next (one line feeding into 2 registers) she was taller and much, much wider. I stepped up and said that I was next and she kept saying things like you're lucky I'm in a good mood and crap like that. I kept saying I don't care what mood your in, I'm next and you are not going. She gave me the stare as I did back. Let's face it, she might sit on me and hurt me or my try to hit me, but she'd only be ruining her kids' holiday because I'd have her arrested for assault. I won't fight physically, but I'll be damned if she thinks she could intimidate me with words. I don't think so honey - step back! I'll go word for word, but I won't fight physically, I'm a grown woman now, c'mon.
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You know I can not stand people who line jump or take things, I will get it back, a few years ago my then 12 year old went to go get the Bob the Builder talking dolls that was a door buster at Walmart, as I stood in a different line, Well she turned to get something else and some one took it out of her cart. This was her present to her baby brother, Well let me tell you did she learn. The next few years she did different things, but through the years she evolved into an excellent black friday shopper. who will help any one, last year she stood and handed out DVD players so no one would get rushed, well after she had mine and my mother in laws, she runs and gets things for me and others in the line that I am in. But shove her or push her and you will see a different 19 year old. Now, as I saw in Target after a pushed her into a shelf. And cussed my kid out, I think that was the first time I had heard my kid say choice 4 letter words.
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Guest bluesrule9

I'm 6' 1", and 330 pounds. Not many people want to throw down with me.


But yeah--I'd get it if it was in my hands first.

I'm 6'2" 250, so I generally get what I'm after, but sometimes the small, skinny types get us on mobility.....

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Another woman would be idiotic to start something with me. Im female and 6'tall. No way would I be bothered except someone who wanted an early death. LOL

ROFL Can I go with you!? j/k I'm only 5'1 1/2 (gotta get that half inch in there). Sometimes it's great because I can squeeze into the crowd for whatever item I'm trying to get my hands on and other times it's too easy to get pushed around! ;)

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Last year at Walmart a fight broke out over the laptops. Everyone was standing in a side isle because that is where they were told the laptops would be, then at 6 a.m. everyone was told to go to the electronics department so everyone took off running, pushing, and really mad! When everyone got to the right place people were jumping on others or trying to jump over other to get to the laptops. This 100 lb (she was short and really skinny) young woman said to her mom "If I can get one, will you buy it for me to take back to college?" and her mom said "Sure" so this girl crawled under everyone and came out with a laptop! Her mom was so mad because she didn't think her daughter would actually get one! My sister seen all of this happen and thought it was so funny watching this girl crawling on the floor with a laptop.
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Guest bluesrule9

It's stories like that that makes BF so interesting...


If nothing were on sale I wanted I'd go just to watch people...

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It's stories like that that makes BF so interesting...


If nothing were on sale I wanted I'd go just to watch people...

:rotflol: This is one of the reasons I go too! I love the deals that's for sure, but I'm the type if I get what I came after good for me. If not, I'm not willing to fight over it. There are people that get mad at me at times when I laugh cuz others are so nuts over getting everything to keep others from getting it.

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Last year on Laredo´s Best Buy there were a lot of troubles and the police did arrest 2 guys....


i was the second one doorbuster and many people did offer me money, and many guys did try to use bute force.....lucky i´m a jiu jitsu expert!

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I take my 6 foot 2 inches hubby and let him grab everything. I steer him where I want and to what I want. The first year he begged not to go, but now he gets as excited as my Mom and I do!!


Last year, Target did certain board games cheap and the lower shelves emptied quick with the crowd. He just reached over all the pushy ladies and grabbed a board game of each title. It rocks (especially since I'm n 5 foot 2 and Mom's 4 foot 11!!!)

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