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Everything posted by fmdjgirl

  1. These are all awesome ideas! I called her Dad and we discussed them all. After checking into everything, we've decided to go with the Girl's Life magazine. I love the idea of her getting a gift for a year, lol! thanks for all the help!
  2. The limit is 10.00 but we want to spend 20.00 on the present. She is my 12 year old niece and very hard to buy for. She enjoys reading but reads so much and often, that it is too hard to keep up with all she has read. She loves music (girl groups are her favorites, esp the Cheetah Girls!) but NOT BOYS. She still thinks they are dumb. I thought about getting her a tween magazine like Bop, Tiger Beat, J14 or something but I know nothing about these magazines now. Are they all obsessed with boys or is there one that might fit her? She loves movies, music, bands and I thought maybe one of this might fit her. She's in that in between stage where she adores Limited Too but hates pink and girly girl stuff. She is above her 12 year old status maturity and intellectually so I just don't want a "childish" gift. PLEASE HELP ME PICK ONE!!! Or if this idea sucks, any suggestions? PLEASE HELP ME PICK ONE!!! Or if this idea sucks, any suggestions?
  3. The Tivo/Dvr is a good idea. We have one and my hubby loves it! We can stop and rewind live tv, as well as record. We got ours through our cable company (cheaper than Tivo), but it is awesome. It works great for the whole family, too. We don't buy as many kid show videos now because we can just record things!
  4. I've always been a sucker for anything cinnamon, apple or vanilla. I love the smell of our fresh tree every year, too. After reading some of the above, I might be buying new candles though!
  5. I have no idea if these are anything you would like, but I had a pantyhose doll as a little girl that was also a puppet. I loved her so much! Here is a link: http://www.adollpattern.com/ Mine was like the Precious Puppet ones. Hope this helps!
  6. wow, some of those "sale" prices are ridiculous
  7. I take my 6 foot 2 inches hubby and let him grab everything. I steer him where I want and to what I want. The first year he begged not to go, but now he gets as excited as my Mom and I do!! Last year, Target did certain board games cheap and the lower shelves emptied quick with the crowd. He just reached over all the pushy ladies and grabbed a board game of each title. It rocks (especially since I'm n 5 foot 2 and Mom's 4 foot 11!!!)
  8. We have to watch Christmas shows, eat cookies and before we go to bed, everyone gets to choose one present under the tree to open. It helps ease the "I can't sleep" excitement.
  9. We do a casserole (eggs, hashbrowns, sausage, and a few ther yummies!) and eat as we open presents!
  10. Movie tickets!! Our most favorite gift was a set of dinner cards with movie ticket gift certificates. We've even given the movie ones before and they are always a big hit!
  11. I have a two year old boy, too, and we are looking at what to get ours. There are so many options!! Our son is all about trucks/cars/trains/planes and music so most of his will revolve around this. He is getting the new Elmo, some clothes with trucks on them somewhere, some dvds, and smaller trains, planes, cars and such. I think my Mom is getting him a wagon. Check at KB Toys, they run good sales and we often toys we wouldn't have thought of there. Oh, and my son loves our laptop so we are getting him a toy laptop from KBT I think.
  12. fmdjgirl

    a frugal xmas

    Heck, we've found so many kids clothes there in such great condition that people think it is new. I don't mind as long as it is a gift specific for me and in good/working condition.
  13. just a few random ones I can think of manicure, a new book, sushi, movie night basket, candles but most of all I'd like a night out with the hubby. Even if it was just 10 bucks for ice cream, I love nights with just him.
  14. We make a casserole that is so deilicious! It consists of hashbrowns, eggs, sausage and a few other things. We always have to make several because everyone grabs seconds and sometimes thirds!
  15. We make cookies. Lots and lots of cookies. Our son is only two, so the past few years, we've gathered ur neices and nephews over to bake. The kids love the baking almost as much as eating nibbles here and there. We just do it for family, though.
  16. I saw some ideas for making gifts for teachers. If you are interested, I will try and find them again. The candles are a good idea. You can get those cheap at various discount stores and dress them up pretty cheaply, too.
  17. Hey, y'all! I am Jeanna. I live in Mobile, Alabama but for the first time ever, I will be away frm home for BF (breaking years of tradition with my Mom!! UGH!). This year we are at our in-laws in North Carolina. I can't wait for the fight, bring it on BF!
  18. I think it depends on the 3 year old! My niece is very girly and will do almost anything to dress up, wear makeup and look "grown up". She sat through it fine. Definately join the club and get some free stuff (coupons and such). Enjoy!
  19. lol I never even thought of looking for anything but kids stuff on the toy sale. These are some good ideas! Froggy but good.
  20. This is a great find! My son is just getting into Thomas. I think we might save these for stocking stuffers, though!
  21. I am so addicted to this store!! Thanks for the heads up.
  22. Yeah, I am checking into the zoo there, now. Thanks for heads up on this!
  23. This makes me a bit weary to go now, too. Thanks for the heads up. I had no idea it was slammed still.
  24. My husband, two year old and I are going to the Georgia Aquarium either November 20th or 21st. Anyone know of any coupons, codes or deals? We looked through a package deal with hotels but honestly, it wasn't worth it. We are only staying two days in Atlanta as we make our way to North Carolina to see family! I am excited nonetheless. Thaks for any help.
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