julz0420 Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 (edited) Some of you guys have witnessed some crazy things on BF. I live in boring, nowhere USA. My most memorable BF was back when they still opened at 5am (wmart) and one of my old HS teachers was in line ahead of me. I had to be careful not to trample him haha Once tho, on the day after Christmas I went to target. It was my first time doing any of this stuff And I yelled at hubby to grab a cart and meet me in Christmas. I ran into my sister (who doesn't live here and I had no idea she was coming. Anyways, here comes hubby with a cart and a huge Winnie the Pooh plastic decoration, that I still have, and some old woman rammed him! I laughed so hard I pee'd my pants. It's was a disaster and the most fun I've ever had discount shopping hahaha I should add, I didn't like flood the place out lol. Edited October 16, 2014 by julz0420 1
jaymacfla Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 Last year, our camp blew over in 50 mile an hour wind gusts. It was all caught on the channel 4 news...... 2
arci122 Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 We were resting/waiting in line, at a local mall for a give away last year at 3 am. (Had already been shopping for many hours and had a two hour wait). Most of us were sitting on our coats talking, comparing bargains, and eating. My mom being real tired was having a hard time sitting on the floor. I went over near us and got a chair. About the time I finally fell asleep leaning on my mom's chair that she had been sleeping in for a good half hour, some mall cop came up, made a loud scene, and took the chair away! Of course it did not stop there, he made two more trips wreaking havoc down the line as others had the same idea and took the chair to sit in. Yes, the big tough guy guy was able to steal that unused, unharmed, chair back from three different older people who were taking a rest before spending their money at the mall that employs him. Still don't know if we are going back there this year!!! On a funnier note, we were leaving Kohls a few years ago and in a hurry. A fist fight broke out near our vehicle that my mother thought she was going to watch. I quickly yelled "get in we got bargains to get" and we drove away. She still laughs that we drove away. 1
momlori Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 After shopping all morning I got home to talk to neighbors to find out they were behind me in line at Target when his girlfriend started to vomit. Like a good boyfriend he held her hair but told me about all the abuse they had to hear just because she was ill. Some people are not very tolerate at 4am 1
catholicbride11 Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 Getting my head slammed into a pallet over sheets at Walmart a few years back. I was none too happy and ever since then they have made a line you have to stand in instead of a free for all like it used to be. 1
katkat777 Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 I remember a few years ago a friend of mine wanted to go shopping with me. I forewarned her. I said "I am a drill sergeant on BF." So we agreed to meet at Target at 5:00 am. No friend. I went through, got what I needed and moved on. I was in Bath and Body Works she calls. She was wondering why I wasn't at Target..I told her I don't play around today. Told ya I am a drill sergeant! 6
Kash Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 I watch a guy dump his to go breakfast on the car next to him because they parked too close. I remember standing in line for a tv one year. I got it and decided I wanted another so I got back in line. And I got the second one too. Was great they had so many! Everybody that goes with me knows go in get the deals you want and check out. We will go back later to get the other things you need that are just a sale. Doorbusters first! I also love how goofy my oldest kids are when they shop with the lack of sleep that night 1
Tara3117 Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 This is my favorite BF experience... It was the first year that Kohl's was opening at midnight. DH and I were coming from a friend's house and we figured we were right on time for Kohl's, so we'd get the few things we needed there and then go home to sleep for a few hours before the rest of the stores opened. We waited in the car until they opened the doors and then got in the back when the line started moving. They were only letting a few people in at a time so the line was moving slow. Then, out of nowhere, we hear screaming behind us. Then we see two teenagers STARK NAKED, running through the parking lot. Then two more came from the other direction running towards them. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen on BF and I would have missed it entirely if I had gotten to Kohl's any earlier! 3
Elmck Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 I stood in a line at the Best Buy in Chesapeake waiting to check out one BF and found out that the line was not a line that went anywhere!! I don't know how I ended up in that line but my DD reminds me of it every year!! 5
jaymacfla Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 One of the funniest BF moments I have ever heard dealt with friendship and then deception. One Husband and wife team were #1 in line at Best Buy. A second Husband and wife team showed up behind them and the struck up an immediate friendship. The long hours passed into the night, and the second couple offered alcohol to the first couple, since it appeared that the second couple was drinking. They talked on and on, even playing card games, and when the first couple couldn't hang on any longer, the second couple suggested that they get some rest in their car and would be awakened in plenty of time before tickets were handed out. Later that morning when the sun awoke them from their alcohol induced stupor, they had come to the realization that they had been tricked by the second couple who were also able to slip in a couple of friends of their own in time to reap the rewards of staying completely sober the entire time. 2
Rach Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 My favorite memory of Black Friday was two years ago. I was in charge of waiting in line at Sears for a possible TV while my dad was in line at Target waiting for a backup TV (in case mine didn't work out) and several other things. Well, naturally, when they started handing out vouchers, I realized I wasn't going to get that TV even though I'd been waiting in line for six hours. My mom, Nana, sister, and sister's puppy were all in the "get away car" (AKA: my sister's car). When people started getting riled up and angry about voucher slighting and so on, my mom jumped out of the car, grabbed all of my stuff in her arms (a blanket, a chair, and even my purse) and told me to get in the car. Dad had secured a spot for me in case of this type of occurrence and had made friends with those at the front of the line where he was, saying that his daughter may be coming if Sears didn't work out. So I got in the car just as it was getting really bad at Sears, and my mom dropped me off at Target with my dad and went to IHOP to get hot chocolate for us all. It was an awesome BF, and we got what we needed. Since then, I've stuck with my dad; my mom stays home with the dog; my sister tags along with us usually; and my Nana, RIP, has gone to be with the Lord. But that's my favorite BF memory, because it was just so hilariously US. 3
julz0420 Posted October 17, 2014 Author Posted October 17, 2014 On 10/17/2014 at 1:09 AM, jaymacfla said: One of the funniest BF moments I have ever heard dealt with friendship and then deception. One Husband and wife team were #1 in line at Best Buy. A second Husband and wife team showed up behind them and the struck up an immediate friendship. The long hours passed into the night, and the second couple offered alcohol to the first couple, since it appeared that the second couple was drinking. They talked on and on, even playing card games, and when the first couple couldn't hang on any longer, the second couple suggested that they get some rest in their car and would be awakened in plenty of time before tickets were handed out. Later that morning when the sun awoke them from their alcohol induced stupor, they had come to the realization that they had been tricked by the second couple who were also able to slip in a couple of friends of their own in time to reap the rewards of staying completely sober the entire time.Even tho it was super mean, I hope you were couple #2!! Lol 3
Bopeep Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 One of the times we talk about a lot is one year my sister and I were headed to KB Toys (I don't remember what we were after). We get to the mall in a nearby town well before opening, but there was no one else there. As it creeps closer and closer to opening time (5:00am, if I remember right), there were still no people showing up. Finally, I call information to get KB Toys phone #, and find out there's not even a store AT that mall. We high tailed it to OKC to a bigger mall, but by the time we got there getting in to itty bitty KB Toys was not going to happen if we wanted to hit ANY of the other stores on our list for that day. I believe that was 1996 or 97. 1
momlori Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 On 10/17/2014 at 2:47 PM, Bopeep said: One of the times we talk about a lot is one year my sister and I were headed to KB Toys (I don't remember what we were after). We get to the mall in a nearby town well before opening, but there was no one else there. As it creeps closer and closer to opening time (5:00am, if I remember right), there were still no people showing up. Finally, I call information to get KB Toys phone #, and find out there's not even a store AT that mall. We high tailed it to OKC to a bigger mall, but by the time we got there getting in to itty bitty KB Toys was not going to happen if we wanted to hit ANY of the other stores on our list for that day. I believe that was 1996 or 97.This reminds me of the time I was in line at Target and there was a KB Toys across the parking lot. KB was supposed to open about 1 hour before Target but I did not need anything there so I waited for Target. About 5:30 the KB people started to come over very unhappy. KB was unable to open because someone had put super glue in the locks and they were waiting for a locksmith before they could open 4
Kanyon71 Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 On 10/17/2014 at 2:53 PM, momlori said: This reminds me of the time I was in line at Target and there was a KB Toys across the parking lot. KB was supposed to open about 1 hour before Target but I did not need anything there so I waited for Target. About 5:30 the KB people started to come over very unhappy. KB was unable to open because someone had put super glue in the locks and they were waiting for a locksmith before they could openIt was probably the person in the store who was arranging everything so only they could get what they wanted Once they got their stuff hidden they snuck off to hide and take a nap until the locksmith got there and they "opened", at which point they slipped out into the crowd and then went to their hiding spot to gather up their bounty and go pay for it. 1
shopping4my3son Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 I remember going to KB Toys one year. We were allowed one pass through the store because the aisles were so narrow. Everyone was given black garbage bags to load up with the toys they wanted. Was pretty organized and employees were helpful. 2
jaymacfla Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 On 10/17/2014 at 3:05 AM, julz0420 said: Even tho it was super mean, I hope you were couple #2!! LolNo, it was not us. We have had a dry camp since 2006! 1
okannie Posted October 18, 2014 Posted October 18, 2014 The year I remember being funny to our family, my son, daughter-in-law, and I had waited at Target for the opening at 5 a.m. As usual when the doors opened we rushed through with the crowd. Later that evening when we got home, there was a clip on the local news and you could see my 6ft. 4in. son and hear him yelling: WOO-HOO!! GO, GO, GO!!....so funny...great memories... 3
mgreen Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 One year, before we got a 24hour walmart, we were in line outside with our hot chocolate. A man actually started fighting with a pregnant woman (I think he was cutting). The police came and took him away. Another year we were in line by the electronics, a woman totally passed out on the floor. We all had to clear away until they got her out of there. One year my 17 year old son went with my sister and I (it was his first time). He was supposed to stand by something and wait for it to be opened and grab us some while we were getting something else. After the initial commotion, he came to where we were with nothing but a dazed look on his face. We asked him what happened, where was our stuff? He said it was total chaos, old people were pushing him out of the way. He didn't want to push in and get the items. Needless to say, he never went with us again. One year after our initial round of shopping, we stopped at Denny's for something to eat. A couple of women said they had seen my sister and I in walmart and they LOVED my gottadeal.com t-shirt! 4
TTFN10000 Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 I almost forgot, last year at targets I was purchasing GTA 5 for my daughter but told the clerk for myself, "I must explain to you the censor on this game with language and sexual content" Me: Yes I understand i am 39 yrs old Guy: " mam just want to make sure you understand" My understanding I'm going to be violent car driver and have sex. Lol 3
jaymacfla Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 Did you ever see a functional drunk who is low key, very talkative and always gets what he is after? Well, every year, Best Buy has "Drunk Guy". He is very polite, will talk your ear off, offer you alcohol( we always refuse), and then either get in line or show up for pre-Black Friday events, equally as drunk. Last year, he showed up (of course, drunk) before Black Friday, and Bought a Samsung S4 (BF special), called the News Anchor "Arsenio" and offered to enhance our hot chocolate with his flask O'plenty. He told me that he was sitting down next to a very nice older woman who was small, yet well endowed. I let him ramble on.Later, my wife came out with her new S4 and told me of this drunk dude that kept hitting on her.....we were both amazed that this guy was able to drive away although we never did see him get into the truck. He later showed up for the line, again making all of his purchases while intoxicated. This has happened for the past 3 years and I wonder if her will make it again this year hopefully sober.... 2
tn20 Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 One year, my son really wanted an Optimus Prime Transformer toy. We couldn't afford the retail price, but were excited to see it on sale at Toys R Us. It was a madhouse and by the time I got to the correct aisle, there was only one left of the shelf. I quickly started heading towards it when a woman came from behind me and shoved me in to the shelving. I fell down, and she rushed towards the toy. I was so upset, but a young guy had seen what had happened and just before she grabbed the toy, he pulled it off the shelf and held it out of her reach. He walked over to me and asked,"Is this what you were after?" I said yes and he handed it to me, gave her a very mischievous smile, and walked off. She was so mad, but I don't know what made me happier, that my son would get his toy or knowing that, in the midst of chaos, that man cared enough to help out a stranger. 19
tyreejames Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 BF 2006 I was in my car waiting for the mall to open the doors so we could line up inside for KB Toys. In my excitement once the doors were unlocked, I never took my keys out of the ignition. I simply jumped out and locked my door; a habit. It was 4:30 in the morning. I called DH (then BF) and he went to my moms to get my spare, brought them to me, and then went on to work. Since I had to wait anyway, I went in and did my shopping bc there was no point in me losing out:) it was that day that I knew DH was a keeper. 4
BGndr Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 My most memorable is taking my exchange student son with us BF shopping. He is Swiss and had never even heard of BF. We shopped all night and as we got home, after the sun was up he looked at me and said "Mom. You are insane. I love you...goodnight" I miss that guy. 6
tacoqueen4 Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 Last year was my most memorable moment. I was in Wal-Mart and standing in line waiting for 10pm for the cash registers to turn over with the prices and one of my favorite employees was off-duty and in line in front of me waiting to buy her son a TV. There was some commotion behind me to the left but it just seemed to be 2 ladies arguing over child support. No big deal at first...but it started to escalate and the off-duty employee went to go up front to get the police officer. Just about that time I heard more noise and turn around to see the 2 men wrestling around on the floor in front of the jewelry case. Then one got up and the other went after him and slammed him into the jewelry case and cracked one of the edges (not the glass). This brought not 1 or 2 but 7 police officers through my line and grabbing the guys. They both resisted and were tazered. It was awesome The best part??? The ladies who started the argument stayed in line to finish buying their towels and yelled that they would come bail them out after they finished at Target. I love BF!! 5
Kanyon71 Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 On 10/20/2014 at 6:03 PM, tacoqueen4 said: Last year was my most memorable moment. I was in Wal-Mart and standing in line waiting for 10pm for the cash registers to turn over with the prices and one of my favorite employees was off-duty and in line in front of me waiting to buy her son a TV. There was some commotion behind me to the left but it just seemed to be 2 ladies arguing over child support. No big deal at first...but it started to escalate and the off-duty employee went to go up front to get the police officer. Just about that time I heard more noise and turn around to see the 2 men wrestling around on the floor in front of the jewelry case. Then one got up and the other went after him and slammed him into the jewelry case and cracked one of the edges (not the glass). This brought not 1 or 2 but 7 police officers through my line and grabbing the guys. They both resisted and were tazered. It was awesome The best part??? The ladies who started the argument stayed in line to finish buying their towels and yelled that they would come bail them out after they finished at Target. I love BF!! This is any different than any other day at Wal Mart? 3
chelamarc Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 A few years ago, I was waiting in front of the cheap character pj's at Walmart and a lady behind us asked if someone could get some pj's back to her and called out the sizes that she needed....we all really just ignored her....and she kept on saying please, please, please and why her kids needed them....and once the madness started a guy actually took pity on her and started throwing them over the crowd at her and others jumped in and started throwing as well...by then there was a crowd shouting out sizes they wanted! Got what I needed and was outta there quick! but totally LMAO crazy....moments like these are why I shop on BF.
Tara3117 Posted October 21, 2014 Posted October 21, 2014 Just thought of another good one. DH, another friend and I were second in line at Kohl's one year. (Apparently all my good stories happen at Kohl's!) We made friends with the girls in front of us, as you do on BF. They were sisters and they were waiting for their 3rd sister to get there. She called to ask them if they wanted anything from Dunkin Donuts and my buddy yells, "3 hot chocolates please!" She brought us 3 large hot chocolates and wouldn't let us pay for them. Turns out she was like 8 months pregnant, trying to get all her shopping done before the baby comes. When the store opened, we took her list and ran to the toy department for her. I just love it when the shoppers help each other! 8
magickallight Posted October 21, 2014 Posted October 21, 2014 Years ago, my kids, my mom and I decided to "Do Walmart" for Black Friday... it was laid out so strangely... They had huge pallets of "doorbusters" scattered throughout the store wrapped in brown paper with employees guarding them until the "official start". I took my then very young son with me to stand in line for a big screen TV and my mom and teenage daughter were planted in front of the pallet filled with DVD players. I had been in the slow moving line for quite some time when my daughter came rushing over screaming that I had to come quick, my mom had been hit with a flying DVD player and was on the floor! I had to leave her with my son in my place in line (didn't want to miss out on my TV!) while I went rushing to the other end of the store to help my mom. By the time I got there she was back on her feet with a nice bruise on her head, mad as can be that she didn't get a DVD player! Seems as though the employees tossed them off the pallet at "go time" and one of them had a pretty good throwing arm! One person that had witnessed what happened came over and handed her one of their DVD players, as they had gotten more than 1... I thought that was really sweet. It was a Black Friday that I will never forget... 1
Kanyon71 Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 It's funny how in the same instance someone can trash our faith in humanity then someone else comes along and restores it. Whacky whacky world we live in. 4
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