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Ever tip your cashier/sales associate on BF?


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The thread about the workers of BF got me thinking...


Last year my group tipped several of the cashier/sales associates that helped us.


Granted, it wasn't a lot, maybe $5 or so.The main stipulation is that they weren't rude. We told them treat themselves to lunch and a well deserved break. :)


Have you ever done this?

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I work at a VANS and we arent supposed to accept tips but some of my coworkers and myself have actually had some.


Usually during back to school and holiday sales.


The manager knows we arent supposed to but if he doesnt see it..he doesnt care.


I helped some guy with two girls for about 25 minutes. Got tons of shoes out. I guess the guy realized I didnt give him any attitude and helped him with TONS of shoes so he gave me a tip. At first I wasnt sure about accepting it but he practically put it in my hand so...whatever.

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I wanted to bake them cookies and such one year after being at a particularly helpful store, but they said they wouldn't take them as they didn't really know me and all that. I'd still like to do that this year for whatever store we go to first and yes I am an excellent baker. Would any of you that work retail really be scared of something brought in by a customer?
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I would think another great thing to do - if they didn't take the tip - would be to get their name and write a letter to the management, stating how helpful this person was. I've done this a few times in different circumstances and I always hear, "People don't usually tell you when you do a good job, they just complain when someone does something wrong. Thank you for letting us know!"
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Most places will not allow them to accept gifts. I have never tipped them. My thing its this is what they are getting paid to do, provide customer service. If I have an experiance with the employee was nice then I will place the information in their comment box.
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They are just doing their job. It's not like waitresses or waiters who aren't even getting minimum wage. Retail workers are paid more to do customer service. Also, becareful because at the stores I've worked at you can get in serious trouble for accepting a tip!! An employee can get wrote up or even fired for that!!
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