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Walmart Adjusting Layaway prices for BF


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I have a question that I have not seen yet, Walmart usually gives you the current price of an item when you get it out of layaway even if it was less than the price when you put it in, saying this I wonder if they would do this if you had an item on layaway that was a BF special and you got out your layaway during that time?? Would they actually give you the BF price if you get it out on BF? That would sure help get a jump on things wouldt it!!
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I just put a small tv on layaway for my son this week at Walmart, and asked about price reductions. She said that when an item goes on sale, the price is automatically adjusted for layaway items also. She said that if you take the item out of layaway when it is on sale, you will get that price -- but once the sale is over, the price automatically reverts to what it was.


Now I would take that to mean BF pricing as well... she didn't say there were any exclusions, but I didn't think to ask about BF.



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I just put a small tv on layaway for my son this week at Walmart, and asked about price reductions. She said that when an item goes on sale, the price is automatically adjusted for layaway items also. She said that if you take the item out of layaway when it is on sale, you will get that price -- but once the sale is over, the price automatically reverts to what it was.


Now I would take that to mean BF pricing as well... she didn't say there were any exclusions, but I didn't think to ask about BF.



That would be great if that is true!!!:2wiggle:
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I do this every year! I put everything I want in layaway around the middle of September and then watch the Sunday ads like a hawk and go in for a price adjustment when something goes on sale anywhere including Wal-Mart. On Black Friday, I take all my ads and hit the store about an hour before the Doorbusters start and collect anything that I want that is on sale at other stores, scope out the location of any Buster deals I need and then I stash my cart in shoes right next to layaway and then go hang out to get any Buster deals I need. I grab what I need as soon as its unwrapped and then run to layaway (not having a cart speeds things up getting through the store). I grab my cart and usually am in line less than 10 minutes. I add the new things to my layaway and then do price adjustments on anything that is on sale already in my layaway. I'm usually out the door by 6:30am. Then I wait till the last possible day to take it out so I can take advantage of any late season sales and I don't have to hide it from my kids for very long. I saved over $400 off the original prices when all was said and done last year doing it this way.



One note of caution, WalMart's register can only handle 100 entries per layaway (items, deletions, and price adjustments) and then you can't do anything else but take it out. The year this happened to me they noted my account and finished all my adjustments and any new ones after I took it out, but I don't know if they'd do this again, so I usually put in 5, one for each kid and then one for family, that way I don't have to worry and it helps keep track of which kid is getting what and keeping it all even. I know 100 entires sounds like a lot, but if you put in 25 items, price match several times, remove a thing or two and then add some things it adds up quick.

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If I were you I would call my local Wm and ask a manager.

If you do this...I would wait til a few days before and make sure you get a higher up manager. I asked 2 different ones the other day and they both gave me different answers. Gonna try back closer to BF. Then maybe everyone will be in sync.
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I do this every year! I put everything I want in layaway around the middle of September and then watch the Sunday ads like a hawk and go in for a price adjustment when something goes on sale anywhere including Wal-Mart. On Black Friday, I take all my ads and hit the store about an hour before the Doorbusters start and collect anything that I want that is on sale at other stores, scope out the location of any Buster deals I need and then I stash my cart in shoes right next to layaway and then go hang out to get any Buster deals I need. I grab what I need as soon as its unwrapped and then run to layaway (not having a cart speeds things up getting through the store). I grab my cart and usually am in line less than 10 minutes. I add the new things to my layaway and then do price adjustments on anything that is on sale already in my layaway. I'm usually out the door by 6:30am. Then I wait till the last possible day to take it out so I can take advantage of any late season sales and I don't have to hide it from my kids for very long. I saved over $400 off the original prices when all was said and done last year doing it this way.



One note of caution, WalMart's register can only handle 100 entries per layaway (items, deletions, and price adjustments) and then you can't do anything else but take it out. The year this happened to me they noted my account and finished all my adjustments and any new ones after I took it out, but I don't know if they'd do this again, so I usually put in 5, one for each kid and then one for family, that way I don't have to worry and it helps keep track of which kid is getting what and keeping it all even. I know 100 entires sounds like a lot, but if you put in 25 items, price match several times, remove a thing or two and then add some things it adds up quick.


thought you could only have three seperate layways!?

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Someone had posted that on BF you would not be able to take your stuff out of layaway that the stores were not set up to handle that because of all of the extra volume that day.



i HAVE done BF every year since , I think I was 13ish. My mom got me into it, because I was big with getting everyone else gifts. It's carried over to my family now, unforunately this is the first year I have to go allll by my lonesome cause I won't be with my family for Thanksgiving. But, out of those ten years or so, maybe shorter*can't really remember when I started doing this* I have never seen wal-mart open on BF for taking your layways out! Only putting them in on that day. Some walmarts might be different, these were in florida that I did this (jacksonville to be exact) but again,someone else is saying they were allowed to put 5 seperate layways in. Every wal-mart I've been to, only allowed 3.To be honest though, I wouldnt put my layway in on BF, biggest reason is its tooooo hectic, If i'm there at walmart for a deal, I'm buying it that day, unless i just dont have the funds for it all. (i save during the year just for this day) I know last year my mother and I were up really early at walmart (didnt spend but I think 100 bucks, they didnt have that much that I remember) but I bought my son a bunch of stuff to save to give to him this year, sadly, we moved to La, and lost it so I don't think I'll do that again this year. But I just figure, If its that cheap, why are you going to wait to get it? what if something happens?

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Walmart used to have only a three layaway policy....but now it is as many as you want...I think this change came because they used to let you add on to a layaway at anytime....now you can't..you simply make a new layaway.

Also..I would check your local Walmart where ever you are...because I don't think you get the sales price for what comes OUT of layaway on BF.....if you lay it away ON BF>.you get the deal..but unless it is different all over.....you have to take the item back to customer service and repurchase the item...if you have a great deal that is on sale BF....best bet is to cancel and have them give you the items out of layaway...but they will not do this ON BF usually.

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Guest Deals4Me
Word to the wise, NOT all walmart or other place will have layaway open...happened to a good friend of mine...she was SOL!
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A couple of questions regarding layaway. What is the percentage required to begin the layaway? If item(s) are put in on BF, do they have to come out before Christmas or do you get the full 90 days? What is the likelyhood that the sale laptop might get "lost" once it gets behind the counter and makes its way back to the trailers?


So far, my idea is to travel to a small town store near me, maybe an hour drive or so, have some positioned near the item(s) and someone positioned in layaway. This will be an all-night affair much like the BB laptops last year.

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Although that would be nice..... I don't think they would do it. Think of it this way..........

How many people would run and put items on layaway just to hold them for black friday? I know I would do it just so I don't have to fight the craziness. Walmart would lose money since they only have a certain number of each item available for their doorbuster price.





I have a question that I have not seen yet, Walmart usually gives you the current price of an item when you get it out of layaway even if it was less than the price when you put it in, saying this I wonder if they would do this if you had an item on layaway that was a BF special and you got out your layaway during that time?? Would they actually give you the BF price if you get it out on BF? That would sure help get a jump on things wouldt it!!

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:yelclap: I had this happen to me once. I put something on layaway and by the time I went to take it out of layaway it was on sale. I was told to pay for the item to remove it from Layaway and then take my receipt to CUstomer Service and inform them it's on sale and I got the difference in cash.
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I put several of the Cabbage Patch babies & an UNO attack in layaway yesterday. I was looking for the Little People sets too, but didn't find any. The csr said that if I took it out on a day it's on sale, the register would automatically ring up the sale price.


BTW, it's 10% down at Walmart.

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The problem with walmart and there sale is that is that the stuff that is for the blitz is usually packaged different then the stuff on the shelves. So it won't ring up at the sale price, I have had that happen a couple times I went and found items on the regular shelves and not on the pallets and it was packaged a little different , and had a different UPC label so it didn't scan the special price.

I was wondering about the cabbage patch dolls the ad said newborn and the dolls at my store say babies, so I figured it will be something different than the ones on the shelves. I haven't seen the scan ads so can someone tell me if they say babies or a newborn on the box?

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