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What are you going to buy for your parents?


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I usually have the problem with my parents saying they don't want/need anything for Christmas, but of course I'm not going to show up empty-handed! Over a month ago, I ordered my dad a Nascar throw out of desperation. Then, wouldn't you know it, a couple of weeks ago he had all sorts of ideas for Christmas! My mom said she wants a fleece sweatshirt, so that's what I'll get her.


p.s. I'm a Ky gal, too!

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Both my parents have passed :( but we do have to buy for hubbys parents :) Neither one of them ever treat themselves because basically his father is too cheap lol and his mother is always spending her money on others. For his dad we are getting a DVD player and The Godfather box set. For his mom we are getting a Prepaid cell phone and calling card. She has been wanting one for quite some time now so I am pretty excited about getting it for her :D
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Guest Deals4Me

We arent sure what to get my mom and step dad, I have to be careful on what I say we're getting them since my mommy is here now. HI MOMMY! lol.


My dad and step mom...hmm...Dad used to be easy, Darts stuff... but he's not playing anymore...so I am clueless.

Step mom, EASY any thing Coca-Cola. She has way to much and is overboard...but its easy...


My inlaws, EASY.


Momin law-candles, gawdy figurines from $1 store, or picture frames.

Dad in law- anything techy

(We got him this digital photo viewer, u put in the media card and it displays all teh pics on TV...and you could record them on tape or dvd, or even delete unwanted pics.... I thought it was really cool! We got him the memory card reader last year FAR, and it was so cool cause we could pics BACK on the card to print, and we also got a 6-port usb hub for him...


Total originally for both presents? $75

What did we pay? $15!!!

see it pays to shop through out the year... ACTUALLY I bought the USB hub for me, then I realized, that my pc has 2 in back and 2 in front...didnt need more...lol.

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mom: if she hasn't already bought it for herself, an MP3 player. luckily she doesn't understand the concept of an ipod, so i was just hoping to pick up any cheap decent one i can find.


dad: last year i got him a nice polo shirt, this year... i might cop out and get him a GC to home depot.

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Almost impossible to buy something for Mom, never get the right color/fabric/size, easier to give her the money I would have spent on the gift, and take her some homemade fudge or something from Swiss Colony (just remembered she loves fruit cake, she may be the only one :yup: )



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My parents are divorced (but remarried now). They tend to have everything they need. So, I might just give mine gift certificated to a place they like to shop at.


What are you getting for your parents?

My parents have passed and hubby's mom also and his dad left when he was 2. we will be buying for his grandparents though.
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My dad is soo hard to buy for....my parents are also remarried...and its very hard to shop for them....but my dad is the worse. He is a simple country man who doesnt really want any of that new fangled stuff..lol. I bought him a dvd player and "The Passion of the Christ' dvd and about a half dozen western dvd's..........he complained the whole time he was setting it up he didnt watch much tv...didnt watch movies..didnt really need that thing...didnt...on and on.......but I think he really has enjoyed it....I may simply add to his dvd's...I really dont know.

My mom and step's are easy...or at least they never grumble with what they get..lol

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My dad is gone, but mom is still with us. She lives in an assisted living apartment so we can't buy her anything big. I usually make her up a basket of Paul Mitchell Shampoo and Conditioner, BBW Lotion, Hand Soap and a Body spray. Then I put some candy in it and make it in a pretty basket so she can put a little plant in that when it's unloaded. It's not really original but she loves it. Oh and this year I'm giving her roses too (real ones), we did that for mother's day, had never done it before, she cried and let me know that it was the first time in her life she had ever been given roses (she's 88). I work part time for a florist so what the heck.
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I found a Swiss Army tool in the shape of a credit card with 13 tools - pretty cool and will work for FIL, dad and stepdad. Not sure for MIL or mom. Stepmom is the hardest - doesn't wear jewelry, has lost sense of smell, doesn't collect anything - I'm stumped!
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I am purchasing my dad the coolest/most original idea I've ever heard of, I contacted the House of Representatives for my state and ordered my dad a State Flag that has actually been flown over the capital, they will fly it on whatever day you want it flown on unless someone already has that day (I had his flown on his birthday) and it comes with a certificate from the House of Representatives, and it was only 48.00 including shipping it is 6 feet X 9 feet and my state offers many different sizes. Also during my research I found that you can also get a United States flag that has flown over the US Capital. :holiday02
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