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What are you going to buy for your parents?


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I am purchasing my dad the coolest/most original idea I've ever heard of, I contacted the House of Representatives for my state and ordered my dad a State Flag that has actually been flown over the capital, they will fly it on whatever day you want it flown on unless someone already has that day (I had his flown on his birthday) and it comes with a certificate from the House of Representatives, and it was only 48.00 including shipping it is 6 feet X 9 feet and my state offers many different sizes. Also during my research I found that you can also get a United States flag that has flown over the US Capital.

That is a really great idea!!

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I am purchasing my dad the coolest/most original idea I've ever heard of, I contacted the House of Representatives for my state and ordered my dad a State Flag that has actually been flown over the capital, they will fly it on whatever day you want it flown on unless someone already has that day (I had his flown on his birthday) and it comes with a certificate from the House of Representatives, and it was only 48.00 including shipping it is 6 feet X 9 feet and my state offers many different sizes. Also during my research I found that you can also get a United States flag that has flown over the US Capital. :holiday02


That IS a really cool idea! But my father would think there was some sort of eavesdropping or mind-control device on it if it came from the government. Yep, he is one of THOSE people. My grandmother was the hardest person to shop for because she kept saying she didn't need anything. I finally bought a small bike, put it together, took a picture of it, and donated it to Toys for Tots. I gave the picture to her in a card and said I did it for her. She loved it, so now I just donate stuff in her name. My parents waste my gifts. They don't have the money to splurge, so I buy them things that they mention they want but are too expensive. Then they say, "Oh, this is so nice. I will have to put it away for a special occasion." and never use it. I also have a hard time with the in laws. Again, they don't have money to splurge. I want to buy them these 1,000 count sets from Overstock because their sheets have seen better days, but I am worried about their reaction. I do not want it to seem like I think that their stuff is not good enough and needs to be replaced, or that I think "This is the proper sheet set you should use." kind of thing.

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Both my parents have passed :( but we do have to buy for hubbys parents :)

My situation exactly.


We have been on a mission the past several years to find FIL the foods of his childhood in Sheboygan, WI. Particularly bratwurst and summer sausage. We've had summer sausage from Usingers shipped, and bratwurst from The Sheboygan Bratwurst Company but neither lived up to his memories.


Every year at Thanksgiving I ask him to remind me of the name of the butcher shop he remembers in Sheboygan and do a search to see if they take online, phone, or mail orders. So far it has never given me a hit. It may even be out of business, but when we see him for Thanksgiving I'll ask for the name again and give it another try.


If I can't find it again, we'll try another brand of brats and summer sausage. They may not be exactly what he's looking for, but he does enjoy trying the different brands each year.


I have to admit MIL usually only gets a card from us. She knows until Paul (dh) finishes school how much we struggle, and would turn around and give any gift we give her right back to us.

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Guest all2tired
I'll just get my dad cologne. That's all he ever wants anyway. My mom, I'll get her a Christmas blanket for her grave. She died 7 years ago
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I was in the same predictament last year with my stepdad. He's pretty low-maintenance. There was nothing he could think of that he wanted. My little brother had left the September before for the Army and my stepdad was *very* lonesome. I ended up making him a DVD of my little brother from birth till present. I had a bunch of old pics scanned at WM and uploaded to a disc. I had the pictures of his childhood and teenage years playing to the the song "Drive" by Alan Jackson and his military pics (from basic) playing to "God Bless the USA". He watched that DVD everyday tilla bout March, he still watches it often. Just an idea for y'all.



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Since I am a senior...a parent & a grandparent...my ideas.

TIVO...many elders have favorite shows that come on after 9-10pm or when they are active during the day...way to record them so easily...we love ours!


Be mindful of their hobbies...golf, art, woodworking, hiking, games, gourmet/arts&crafts/sports magazine subscriptions, cook books/new cookware, and always hand made items like a mosaic pot with herbs, or herb garden, mosaic frame with special beads, colors, sayings...for your children's or family pictures to be preserved in. Just observe & be creative..we who can purchase whatever we need financially can be bankrupt with special spiritual, well thought-out gifts that we would never buy ourselves. Hope this helps.

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My mother also resides in senior housing so is limited on room. Each of us kids pays either her newspaper, cable, favorite mags, you get the idea. Then we also pick up gift certificates for her hair dresser, groceries, and other favorite haunts. Some years we pitch in and buy her a new TV, recliner or some other piece of furniture that she needs. Another gift she gets is a calendar with pics of which ever family member's birthday or anniversary it is in the applicable date/month so she never forgets them. Also, on sis got her a small photo album, we all put in our pics and on each page you are able to speak & record a 30 second greeting for her, she plays it every night!! It brought tears to her eyes. Just a couple of thoughts, happy bargain hunting.
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My mom...yard decoration thing I found on clearance.

Her DH...a grill BBQ gift set

Both-Harry and Davids gift basket.


His mom- laptop computer

His dad- paying for his glasses since he can't afford them

His dad and his wife-Harry and David gift basket


Luckily, I've got my grandpa and my great grandmother to buy for as well


for him and his wife-Harry and David basket

Great Gramma- pretty candle holder thing possibly a stationary set...we write to each other at least weekly


I tend to spend more on his family. His mom works so hard (at Walmart in a small town) and does all she can for everyone she lives near. She even does for her ex-husband!! (when it's needed and his wife can't be bothered) She doesn't have a husband like my mom who will spoil her...so we do what we can. His dad, well, his wife is not the greatest support system. She works but doesn't contribute to the household. We do what we can to spoil him a little too. LOL

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My mother also resides in senior housing so is limited on room. Each of us kids pays either her newspaper, cable, favorite mags, you get the idea. Then we also pick up gift certificates for her hair dresser, groceries, and other favorite haunts. Some years we pitch in and buy her a new TV, recliner or some other piece of furniture that she needs. Another gift she gets is a calendar with pics of which ever family member's birthday or anniversary it is in the applicable date/month so she never forgets them. Also, on sis got her a small photo album, we all put in our pics and on each page you are able to speak & record a 30 second greeting for her, she plays it every night!! It brought tears to her eyes. Just a couple of thoughts, happy bargain hunting.

Where did your sis get the photo album. My MIL would love it. She lives in Nevada and only gets to visit once or twice a year. They are coming for Christmas this year ( second time in 23 years) so we are excited!

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Well normally my parents are harder to buy for because we actually try to get them SOMETHING substantial .... This year my siblings and I got together and got them a new Sony tv. Nothing "new-fangled" or fancy, just a 27" Sony tv with digital capability. They have it already, so I just need a couple little things for them to open.... dad gets chocolate covered cherries and mom gets pictures of the kids.

DH's parents are a different story. We get his dad and family individual gifts... His dad will get a fleece blanket that I've been working on all year, his stepmom will get a waterball tealight holder and scented tealights, his stepbrother will probably get a gc since he just got his own apartment and his stepsister will probably get BBW and jewelry. Plus DD made them a holiday wooden shovel to put by the fireplace. His mom and stepdad will get an Ansel Adams print and a holiday wooden shovel too.

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I will be getting my Dad some well needed new fishing stuff. I'm hoping to get my Mother a Paula Dean Apron and cookbook she's been eyeing. This is the first year that they have actually said what they'd really like to have. I would rather them really get what they'd like to have for once!;)
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My parents and my inlaws are getting Gift Cert.s to Outback steakhouse. My Dad is getting an writing tablet ( he's recently taken up writing short stories!) and pens, sending the grandmas photo calenders and father in law..Golf balls.


Wow that was easy....now I just have pick up all this stuff!!! LOL

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