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Who do you shop with on Black Friday?

Who do you shop with on Black Friday?  

246 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you shop with on Black Friday?

    • solitary shopper (alone)
    • partner in shopping crime (S.O., family, friend)
    • Friday family fun (husband, wife, kids and dog!)
    • sista shoppers (two girls shopping ... watch out)
    • just me and my goat ... my tote goat (woman using her man as a mule)
    • other ... please specify

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Well some years it's just me and some years it's me and hubby and the kids. But this year it's just he and I since we now have family that can watch them while we shop. Also won't have any room in the car w/ the BIG TV I plan on buying..lol.:D

My wife goes with me, at least the last 3 years. I started shopping on BF about 10 years ago, sometimes dragging one of the kids with me. But it's more productive to go by myself!


My wife and I usually go our own way at first, that is after we spent the previous several days mapping out our game plan! :D


After we get the must haves, we'll meet up to finish shopping and/or eat somewhere.


We usually have a team plan with about 6 people, 2 per team w/ plans to visit 2-3 stores each. We all meet up around 11am to disburse the goodies we've picked up for one another and write checks. :)


It's a pretty intense operation (they call me the shopping nazi), but everyone gets what they wanted and we're finished fairly early.


This year I'm adding hubby to the group. He'll be going with me, provided he sticks with the plan (otherwise, he may be hailing a cab from the Target parking lot). He's 6'4 and I need him to reach tall shelves, lol! ;)



I go with my 18 year old daughter and MIL this year I am bringing my 15 year old son, Dad is staying home with two younger ones 8 and 6, My daughter has been going with me since she was 15 before that I shopped alone, If she wasn't coming honme from College don't know if I would go, we have so much fun
I used to go alone till 3 years ago a friend moved from florida and I found out she loves bf so now we go together. This year we are adding atleast one more. She has always wanted to go with others and she found out we are going so we are training (baptizing) her.
  tootsieroll23 said:

My DH and I go together. Believe it or not I found this site, but he gets into the BF shopping and deals more than me.

My hubby would never admit it...but he loves it too. He makes fun of me all the time for being on here so much...but when I tell him the prices on the stuff he wants...he's like a kid. Even called me the other night to see if I had the Sears ad yet.:jester:
  erh12275 said:

My hubby would never admit it...but he loves it too. He makes fun of me all the time for being on here so much...but when I tell him the prices on the stuff he wants...he's like a kid. Even called me the other night to see if I had the Sears ad yet.:jester:

That sounds like our house. I do like the BF deals, but it is more fun to sit back and watch his excitement. :banana01: Especailly if it means saving some money :g_thumbri It is usually a race to see who can get to the computer first and check the gottadeal site.

This is my first BF shopping experience in about 10 years...so I'll be going with a close friend...but if she doesn't get up and moving on time, I'll be out and about on my own...Can't wait!!:banana01:
I used to go with my mom every year...since we live 90 minutes apart now...my teen girls go with me usually..and this year..since hubby is gonna be home that morning..he has been drafted to be the electronics department stand in..lol......his job is simple..yet very much needed..lol
Two of my best friends, any of our children over the age of 15 - can range between 1 and 4 kids, my son's girlfriend, our walkie talkies, and shopping bags



Stragic alliances. Usually one person or group at different stores throughout the city and sometime a runner to collect merchandise, deliver extra money etc. I will probably be going it alone this year, may enlist a friend to help at WM.

The years before I married. It would always be my mom & I shopping on BF. Now that I am married, I drag hubby along. LOL I will never forget the look on his face his first BF shopping experience. He is from Canada so they dont have this sorta thing there. Anyway we was at Shopko. The doors opened & people were just rushing to get in. He could not believe how these people were acting. I told him it's like this every year.
I used to shop with my Dh, SIL and BIL but the past few years when we'd be at my DH's grandparents but since we're staying home anymore I shop with my oldest DD. She's already asked me if she's going to go with me this year.

My best friend and I have been doing this for years together (we go even if we don't need anything) - and we end up at this greasy little diner - eating everything we shouldn't.


I love it and look forward to it every year. Its tradition

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