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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2010

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  canfleece said:

I went to the Targets at Belden, Arlington Rd and in Massillon, OH. It is nice to know someone else in the area! There were some toys that were 50% and some that were 30% at each of them. I didn't search extremely hard but did scan several things my kids might like some were 30 and some were 50....but I am trying to wait until 75%! I searched high and low at the xmas stuff but didn't find any of the great bargains of tape, paper towels and other goodies, maybe I will get lucky tomorrow but I think the snow might keep me away uggh.

I shop the Massillon T from time to time. Last friday i found a TON of the oreos, ritz and bounty paper towels ( i cant believe any where left!) there were still alot of them left, i didnt take much since i really dont need them. I was hoping there would still be some oreos left:(, they do have a pretty good selection of toys. I dont get out there much, since its a little bit of a drive but its nice to know some others in the area! :D. I also shop wadsworth and medina.

Posted (edited)
  KC-Traderbear said:

Has anyone noticed whether or not the tool sets have been marked down to 75% off? I saw them all orange stickered earlier this week but since I haven't been to Target in awhile, I'm not sure exactly when they were initially marked down.


There are a few different sets... some have a tape measure, screwdrivers, wrenches; I think there is just a single tape measure also part of that group. Most that I saw earlier this week were 30-50% off. Seems like they do tools/automotive area toward the end of the week. That is why I am asking.



###I found the 18V cordless drill that comes with an auto wrench (black and decker) 75% off today orig. $59.99 marked down to $14.95.

Edited by Gator Pam
  lovetoshopCA said:

Went to my normal 2 stores after dropping the kiddos off at school and found the 2nd store had marked toys down this morning. Decided to bite the bullet and buy the Legos at 50% and use my 10% shopping day. So, the I decided to trail around to several other stores and found most of the ones in our area had done the same, and most of what I wanted was already 75%. Not that there was much. Only the one store has many Legos. Got a couple of Space Police & several of the Power Miners sets. Hid a larger Star Wars set at one store not far away. Found the Spy Gear video RC car for $25. Will NOT give that to DS! Might sell it to re-coup some of what I spent. All in all a good day and it means I don't have to go out next week.


Oh, and I got a Spike for $32.

Went to one of local targets today that still has 3 of the Spike's left and they are still only 50% off :( This is one of the items I'd really like to get for my son. So great you got it for $32!!!

Went to Target today and a few toys were 75% off, but not many that I found. Though it was around 1pm when I got there and there were several people checking them out, so I'm sure I missed something good. Oh well, we're buying a house so I need to save anyway. There wasn't anything that I really want for my girls, just a ride on thing for my nephew and they still have plenty left at 50% off. They also have about 15+ of the Handy Manny workbenches at 50% off. They had an endcap FULL of them and then had random ones scattered through the isles of clearanced toys. I did find a slipcover for our couch for 75% off!! I'm super ecstatic about that, but it has a hole in the seam so DH is stopping right now to see if he can find the other one that was there earlier.
  KC-Traderbear said:

Don't be embarrassed. I still have tape stockpiled from a few Christmas' ago. My kids go through it all the time and although I try to teach them about "not wasting" stuff, it's nice not to have to feel like it's that big of a deal with they "desperately NEED it!" for their projects and go through an entire roll in one sitting.


If you can use it and it's a good price, I don't think anyone would blame you!! I know I wouldn't, especially given the fact that Target has gotten much leaner in what it orders and stocks it shelves with these days. The really cheap stuff is harder to find during big clearance sales. Get the stuff while you can cause one of these years Target might decide it's tired of giving Scotch tape away, and we will all be gasping at the thought of paying $1.99 for a roll of tape. LOL

Yea I figured I'd never find it for this cheap again. I felt slightly bad because I bought all of it it, but I figured it had already been 90% for 2 days and no one had discovered it so i might as well buy it before they salvage christmas stuff and it no longer rings up



  Britt5116 said:

I found the 18V cordless drill that comes with an auto wrench (black and decker) 75% off today orig. $59.99 marked down to $14.95.

It is nice to meet someone else in the neighborhood. I don't go up to the Massillon Target much as it is a little farther, now I am regretting not as I would have loved this drill and of course even more the paper towels uggh. I hope the toys are marked 75% then even though I really don't need them as my kids are getting older but it is nice to have a few on hand for bday parties and of course all of those family birthdays! I probably will hit Arlington, Massillon and Belden Monday, I am going to have to see how far away Wadsworth is from me....I will never get anything done at home....ugh! At least I got the tape from Belden and a couple baby sleepers xmas the other day from Belden, they weren't happy about selling me the salvage but they did and I sure did the happy dance all the way to the car lol! Glad you found some bargains!


So I finally had a chance to go to a different target and all their Xmas items were ringing up INF. Blah, so they would only sell it to me at regular price. No way, as everyone else says. I found the Kai Lan thing I got for 75% off at the other store for $5.99 at this store. Blah. Interesting thing is that this store had a lot more clearance clothing in general but it was only 30-50%. The other store had very little but still had xmas at 90% off.


Toy Clearance, this store was much more organized, they had a row of 30% off, a row of 50% off and a row of 1/2 50% off and the other half 75% off. Again, not very much to write home about. However, I FINALLY found a lonely Playsckool Musical Sit N Spin!!! I was soo happy when I scanned it and it was 10.98. I had one lonely $10 cpn from the inserts. I've never gotten such a savings on a toy before. I was excited. :) Makes up for never finding those 90% off baby blankets that I could have used. So Thank you to the OP who shared that.


I saw a lot of My Little Pony sets for 50% off, a lot of board games, limited number of toddler toys (Circo ones), some barbies were at 30%. The leapster, leapfrog, V smile (don't quite remember since my kids aren't that age yet) for 30-50% off. The Little Tikes slide was 50% off, but we have no yard so tough to justify purchasing. They also had Legos and Trios sets for 50% off -- $20 range. I think the only thing that was 75% off was that Imaginex set that I saw at the other store.


I have seen Almay eyeshadow on clearance (75%) at a couple of stores for $1.61. There is a coupon on Target's website for $1 off Almay cosmetics. Final price $.61!


I am so excited to find this site. I have been perimeter perusing for years at Target!


Weird - stopped at the Target in Florence, KY, and found an endcap with a few odds and ends of Christmas stuff, INCLUDING the scotch tapes. But scanned it all and it only came up 30% off?


Toys still only 30-50% off.

Stopped by Target tonight for a Starbucks fix and made a quick trip thru the video games to pick up a gift, walked thru the gift wrap section trying to make a short cut to the registers and had to skid to a halt in front of a peg full of bright green gift bags. They looked so much like Christmas stock, I had to do a double take. Sure enough, they had "Holiday Greetings" printed on the bottom and were regularly .99. I new they would be INF, but figured I would take the chance and sure enough, the clerk started to enter .99 and I pointed out that I thought they were holiday clearance. He entered .09 and I skipped out the store with my holiday gift bags. So, don't give up! It's always worth asking.
Our toys are still ringing up 30%! Sad. I found some little sleepers for $1.50 on 75%, but nothing fabulous. There's still a lot of clearance clothes but nothing to exciting to report. I'm going to check out the other Target Monday. Any other St. Louis people?
  Gritz said:

What about luggage markdown? I didn't see it listed on the first page. I'm waiting for an Eddie Bauer rollbag to go 75% off.

If the schedule hasn't changed since I put together the post on the first page years ago, luggage tends to be marked down on Thursdays. But I have not verified the daily schedule in a long time. Does anyone have any more recent information of the accuracy of the departmental markdown schedule?


  Brad said:

Posted ImageTraditional Department Mark Down Schedule


Monday - Electronics, Kids' Clothing, Stationery, Cards, Gift wrap

Tuesday - Domestics, Women's Clothing, Pets, Market Pantry

Wednesday - Men's Clothing, Toys, Health and Beauty, Lawn & Garden

Thursday - Housewares, Lingerie, Shoes, Sporting Goods, Movies, Music, Books, Decor, Luggage

Friday - Automotive, Cosmetics, Hardware, Jewelry


Note that while this schedule says nothing about weekend markdowns, many Perimeter Perusers on the forum have seen items change in price between a Saturday morning shopping trip and one done on a Sunday afternoon. But nobody has found any rhyme or reason to what gets marked down on those days though - another part of the fun.


Was at our local Target this evening.


Absolutely NOTHING for Holiday clearance that I could find anywhere. :(


Toys were mostly 30-50% off, however there were about 20 or so different toys for 75% off.

I went by the Woodland, CA target tonight.. found a bunch of tape, 2red velour/satin blankets and a rack full of Paul Frank rompers all christmas all "item not found"..Could not get them to budge..they wouldn't sell it :( on a good note I did find a large lego/power miners set at 50%. Didn't find any other lego's at all on clearance infact I only have found 1 other set at another store. Only found 1 or 2 things that were interesting not really sure if they are worth making the drive.

Went to the Brandon Fl target yesterday. Toys were very slim..most toys were still marked 30% off only a few were at 50%- none were at 75% yet...All the spikes were gone already. Gonna try the gibsonton Fl Target tooday and hope for a better find!!!

( no oreos , tape or anyother good finds at Brandon either)

went w/mother to target found at least two different single roll tapes which scanned not found and a santa penguin but we weren't getting anything else and mother said not to bother. If anyone is looking it was dadeland station target miami. they did have a set of the cat pj's but was wrong size and didn't scan. the carter's set was 1.69 so maybe 75% they0 had a handful of 0-3 and 1 or2 3-6months. christmas story train still 69.xx..
Posted (edited)

D/FW TX Perusers.....the Beltine Rd. and 635 Target had 5 (FIVE) Spike the Dinosaur at 50% as of Saturday evening, so if you are hunting for one, good chance you can get one when the mark to 75%.


On Friday evening I was in the Stacy Road Target and the ENTIRE display of Carters Sleepers, gift sets, blankets, burp cloths, etc. was marked at 50% (see post above). Department worker told me they were making way for the "new" products. Sure enough, on Saturday the entire display was reworked with the new Carter's products. What was left of markdown was condensed at end of the display.


I checked other stores in the area, and with the exception of one with a partial markdown, none of the others had marked down yet. I think all the stores are sitting with the new product in the store room, so I'm thinking that all the Targets will go the same route with the markdown in this area, direct to 50%. So if you are looking for infant stuff, keep your eyes out on this area.......


Baby gear was also marked down at this store to 30%. On Satuday, all the Graco Alana strollers were gone (but lots in the other DFW stores not marked down yet), the Stacy store still had Stylus (blue/grey) strollers at 30%.


I scored the Happy Giraffe Bouncer at 30% and the Happy Giraffe Fold and Go Swing, also at 30%. Figured I would get them and if I find at 50% later, return.


Best score of the day:

###Bright Stars Pink Bouncer, regular $39.99 for $8.51. It apparently was a return from internet that they immediately marked at 75% off.


You gotta love Target. I'm way too addicted to this bargain shopping!

Edited by Gator Pam
Posted (edited)

Almost forgot.....found

###Dust Devil Gator Portable Rechargeable Vacumn on an endcap Reg. $39.99 for $9.99 (I got 2).

Looks like the Dust Devil vacs were also discounted, sorry, didn't look at the price. Saw these in several stores.

Edited by Gator Pam
  boblin119 said:

went to our 2 targets tonight, all of christmas has already been salvaged. found some tape, but the employees said i could buy it for $1.99. :(

They did that to me one year with the spray air freshener. It was ringing 19c one day and not found the next. They said they would sell it to me for 1.99 and I was like, no thanks-keep it! It was worth it for 19c but not 1.99!

Went to the Target in Gibsonton Fl. They were completely out of the goods finds that you have all found as well...The toys were also scarce....Nothing has hit 75% off yet..Mostly 30 and some 50%. They had a TON of drex for 50% off (74.xx) and Trex at 50% for 29.xx. But, of course I only need Spike and he was completely gone there as well...They did have a bunch of CHristmas story trains that Im hoping will hit 75% soon since they are still 69ish.

I picked up Monty Rex today for $29.50 and used the $10 q to make him $19.50. He was the last one in stock and I didn't see him at first and was kicking myself for not picking him up the other day, but finally found him behind another toy. My son has been wanting him for awhile now. I couldn't see paying $60 for him, but for $20 I won't get too upset if he doesn't play with him for very long. Now I have to hide him until Oct for his birthday. I also got the last Dinoroars Hatchling for my dd. I used the $5 q and got it for a little over $5.


My Mom picked up two Christmas Story train sets for $69 a piece for my ds and my nephew. I tried to talk her into waiting until 75% hits, but she works during the week and was afraid to miss them entirely. My ds keeps asking if he's going to get one for his birthday.


They had tons of DRex at 50% or $74 and the Ultimate Buzz Lightyear Robot for 50% (around $64). No Spikes anywhere. My son got Buzz for Christmas and I knew he would be clearanced, but he was the only toy he wanted from Santa. My son is only four, but he is able to control Buzz just fine and has played with him quite a bit. Wish I could have picked one up for 75%.


###Dinoroars Monty Rex 50% $29.50 used $10 q and paid $19.50

###Dinoroars Hatchling 50% $10.xx used $5 q and paid $5.xx

###Lionel Christmas Story Train set 50% $69.xx

Posted (edited)

Finally got in on the tape deal!! Bought 16 of them and the funny part was when I brought them up to check out the cashier called the manager over who told her to ring it up at $.15 instead of $.19 since it was already salvaged and it didn't really matter what price they sold it for now. So even bigger smiles from me.


Side note, ran to Walmart to look for Spike since Target was out already, did find him but they also had the Prehistoric Interactive D-Rex Pet original price $139 clearance to $30 so I bought that instead since Spike was $59 and D-Rex looked cooler for the 5 years old and up group. Grabbed 2 since it was such a great price. If you can't find Spike take a look for D-Rex, of course with Walmart YMMV. Here is a LINK to see what he looks like.

Edited by sabbie
Just got back from Target. Didn't see much I was interested in for clearance, but I did score a 10 pack of cheap plastic frames for $6.24 (originally $24.99) and a motion 3 picture frame for $3.24 (originally $12.99). There was a TON of stuff on clearance on the end caps and mixed in the regular priced items.
  sabbie said:

Finally got in on the tape deal!! Bought 16 of them and the funny part was when I brought them up to check out the cashier called the manager over who told her to ring it up at $.15 instead of $.19 since it was already salvaged and it didn't really matter what price they sold it for now. So even bigger smiles from me.


Side note, ran to Walmart to look for Spike since Target was out already, did find him but they also had the Prehistoric Interactive D-Rex Pet original price $139 clearance to $30 so I bought that instead since Spike was $59 and D-Rex looked cooler for the 5 years old and up group. Grabbed 2 since it was such a great price. If you can't find Spike take a look for D-Rex, of course with Walmart YMMV. Here is a LINK to see what he looks like.

Wow! Drex for 30. That is still 75.00 at target as of today! I guess I will be running out to walmart 2morrow..and if I can find spike for 59 , Ill grab him too..thanks for the heads up!

Posted (edited)
  momof3luvs1 said:

Wow! Drex for 30. That is still 75.00 at target as of today! I guess I will be running out to walmart 2morrow..and if I can find spike for 59 , Ill grab him too..thanks for the heads up!

My local Targets didn't even have the DRex so this was the first I had seen of it and the price was awesome at over 75% off. I hit 2 other Walmarts looking for 1 more but they were sold out. I also got the My Little Pony So Soft and Sleep Twinkle Songstar Pony for $5 down from $35 so over 80% off for that! Got 2 of those to give as gifts for my DS's playgroup girl birthday gifts. But Walmart is harder to clearance shop store to store then Target so who knows what the prices will be elsewhere.


Sorry about the Walmart toy post in the Target thread but if you are looking for toys it was worth noting!

Edited by sabbie
One of our Targets had the D Rex when I was there last week. But they only had two so I wasn't holding my breath that they would still be there this week for 75% off. I will have to run to our Walmarts tomorrow and hope that they have atleast one. I would prefer to find two, but I am not gonna hold my breath.

I went today and got more of the kids shaving kits for $2 something because I have 3 nephews that are turning 3 this year so it will make perfect birthday or Christmas gifts. Between this and the Trio airplanes, I am set for the little boys.


Got a Parents ladybug pop top marked down from $11.99 to $2.98 so I got that for Christmas for my cousin's daughter who is 6 months old now. Also found a 100 piece set of Mega Bloks in the big aluminum bag for only $5 something so I got it. The sales person was about to bring it to the back but she let me grab it.


Then I went to the local dollar store and got wrapping paper for $0.35 each to wrap up my stuff.


By the way, check you local Costco for clearance on leftover toys. I found a Tag Junior set that came with the Tag Junior itself, 2 books (not sure if there were more in the back) and a carrier marked down to $12.99. I grabbed it right away and bought it because it was the only one.

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