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Do You Buy Your Own Christmas Presents?


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This past year I decided to buy my own birthday and anniversary presents, mostly because it had to do with my hobby, knitting, and I knew exactly what I wanted and DH does not like to order online. He asked me yesterday if I've bought anything for myself for Christmas yet and I told him he had to buy my Christmas presents. The more I've thought about it, the more I've wondered, has anyone bought their own Christmas presents before? Were you fine with that or did you miss opening something on Christmas morning? I'm on the fence about this one!



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For about 6 years or so now, my husband and I have picked our own Christmas gifts (we go out to eat for our anniversary and each other's birthdays to our favorite restaurant sans children {The Rustic Oak in North Haven CT, if anyone is interested}). We only get one gift each, usually in the $20-40 range. We really try to make Christmas/Hanukkah about the kids in the family. This year, he is "getting" me two books I've wanted, and he is "getting" a new Dale Jr. hat. We pretend, for the kids, that Santa brings them.
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Yes usually I buy my own gifts.. But do refuse to fill my own stocking..

Yes, I am the same way because my birthday is Christmas Eve. My DH sister's bday is also Christmas Eve so he never got away from it, lol. I do not fill my stocking though. I would still like to be surprised by whats in it, but my dh isnt too good at that either. One year he forgot to buy stocking stuffers after the stores had already closed and went over to his mom's house for stuff. I woke up on Christmas Day with a stocking full of sugar-free candy, which my MIL collected for her friends that are diabetics, lol.

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I buy my own Christmas and bday. I know what I want and I LOVE to shop (I am on this website waiting for an ad like an addict looking for fix) so DH says, I'll watch the kid, you go have fun!:D I always get what I want (within reason) and it always is the right size!


I get so much joy out of shopping and and finding what I want! It's like a bonus gift. I suppose it just depends on your outlook.

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No. I will however give hubby a list of some things that I want. He will pick a few things on my list and then get me a few things that were not on the list. He know what I like and don't like so he is pretty good about it.


Same here. However, if I find something I wanted at a really great deal I'll buy it....but that doesn't count, hubby still has to go shopping :tongue1:

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We started picking our own gifts a few years ago. We would go shopping together and each get what we want and the other one would give it to the kids to wrap for us. Then we would act surprised when we opened it ;) But dh has let it get out of control by extending it to b-days. This year he blamed me because he didn't get me anything for my b-day because I didn't tell him what to get, where to get it, or go buy it myself!! :eek: I ALWAYS get him something for his b-day even if he doesn't tell me what he wants.


Oh, and now we don't go shopping together anymore, he just tells me what he wants and I have to get his and mine both!!!:eyepoppin


Sigh...I guess if I want anything I have to buy it for myself:(

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oh I told my dh what I wanted and he said basiclly GOOD LUCK !


I wanted a laptop because I am a full time online student. It is hard to work when 4 kids are running around. this way I could go hide in my room and read online etc. Then I asked for a IPod Touch .I only wanted one or the other. I was hoping that I can access the school on the IPod Touch as well.

I guess I am buying my own gift. It may be both if I get my way :)


I shop for him , the 4 kids, 4sil and 3 bil, his mom and 4 nieces.

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Most of the time I do..for instance this year I am getting a new video recorder.(any suggestions welcome) but he does my stocking (usually a last minute trip to walgreens on christmas eve) He has surprised me a time or two though and took my little one to the glass blowing shop to make me an ornament.
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Most of the time I do..for instance this year I am getting a new video recorder.(any suggestions welcome) but he does my stocking (usually a last minute trip to walgreens on christmas eve) He has surprised me a time or two though and took my little one to the glass blowing shop to make me an ornament.



Check this forum out. I am in search of one also, and I posted this to get some ideas. Hope this helps you.

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I totally buy for myself. I really don't like people buying for me I would rather buy for everyone else. Plus I am super picky and it just makes things easier that when I see something I want I buy it. PLUS some things I see that I want DH waits until the last minute to do his shopping and it ends up being sold out i.e. Wii fit last year!!!!

Althought he did come through and got me 2 sweaters, and sweat outfit, pink nike shoxs, some new perfume and not to forget he proposed the next day. Not too bad !

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We all make "want lists" I type them up on the computer print a copy for everyone.


So I would make a list for my son of what he wants (and I would choose things off of it, then his grandparents would, then his uncle.. etc)



I have a list, boyfriend makes a list, son has a list, parents have lists, then we pick and choose and usually buy the good deals I find on this amazing site for things not on their lists for a little extra surpise!


I enjoy opening gifts christmas morning wondering what is under it!:D

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I think I am like alot of you on here. I drop a list and VERY serious hints =) He knows the things I REALLY want and will make sure they are under the tree. He does usually throw in a few surprises though and are usually really good ones =)

I stuff every1's stocking but my own..( hubby needsto do that) However, this he is not so great at..i usually end up with a lot of socks cause he forgets all about the stocking..last year he laid a few gifts on top of my stocking that were suppose to just be regular gifts( but i love him anyway for trying):cheesy:

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Not usually. DH asks for a list, and then shops from it. The only exception to that would be if I wanted a big ticket item. I search out the sales, and then he tells me to go get it and he wraps it. The man has never shopped a sale or used a coupon in his life. Drives me crazy. LOL
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i have to do it every single year and yes i miss having a "surprise"under the tree even if its something small but you get used to it christmas isnt all that anymore

I'm with you. people find it too difficult to shop for me and older family members can't afford much so this site and sales help a fortune. I'd rather get something that was $3 on sale from 10 or 15 than some crappy thing from the dollar store.

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Nope. DH and I buy for each other and stuff each other's stockings (although stocking are basically the same traditional items each year). DH might be ok with him buying his own gifts, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want me to buy my own. This year, he already had my big gift figured out a couple of months ago (coincidentally, I'm pretty sure it is a digital camera, that is currently #1 on my list, but he's denying it).


We will tell each other several things we would like that year, but try not to have it all figured out (like this year, I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a new camera and DH is pretty sure he is getting a reloading kit, but everything else will be a suprise). I like knowing that DH put some thought into what he got me and we both love suprises. We have been known to shake our presents with our kids and try to guess what's in there.


DH picked out a new perfume for me a couple of years ago and its been my favorite ever since, so he does a good job. Although there have definately been a few, um, not so great ones... but I always try to remember that its the thought that counts... which is why I still occasionally wear the freaky monkey socks, even though my first instinct was the burn them.

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This is a sore spot for me. I love the holidays, always have. But every year I am disapointed that there are no surprises for me. I make gift lists for the whole family (including DH's because he doesn't even know what he wants, let alone anyone else), do the shopping, decorate, wrap, coordinate family plans, make food, bake cookies, create and send out Christmas cards, and have started tradations so my kids (hopefully) have some great memories. Basically, I make Christmas in our house. As a reward, I would like a few surprises. Some small, thoughtful gift. It doesn't even have to be a thing. I would be thrilled to wake up Christmas morning to find DH had taken care of breakfast. Or had added something of his own to our holiday traditions.


Alas, that is not meant to be. As much as I love the holidays, DH does not. Therefore he will not be getting excited about decorating a tree, baking, shopping or cleaning. He will avoid these things if at all possible. If I want a gift I will be shopping for it myself. Well, this year I plan to make the best of it. If I am not going to be surprised by something under the tree, then I will be getting something I really want. For a while I was considering a LCD TV and TV stand. Maybe even a wii. But at this point I am leaning toward a new bed frame. And I still plan to be surpised on Christmas. I plan on having DH take our kids out shopping for my gift. He may not have any ideas, but I'm sure our kids can come up with something that will surprise me!

Edited by fluffkin79
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