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Everything posted by Novac

  1. Happily, I get in line late enough and am anti-social enough not to get asked silly questions. I hear plenty of imbecilic comments, but I usually just roll my eyes and let them believe their own silly myths. You should have said, "No, we're all waiting for the tanning salon." Yeah, but those people weren't joking Proper response: "Oh, you're right. They only price match their own ads!"
  2. Yeah, no "low bandwidth" mode this year! Props to the staff & hosting! Plus, I could get my shopping list at all hours I tried!
  3. Yeah, where's the new countdown banner, Brad?
  4. Plenty of 2- and 3-day sales still going on. Even at the big stores, you can still find smaller deals available, especially if you're looking for clothing and the like.
  5. There's going to be a Black Friday next year, too?!?!? An unprinted ad can be changed much more easily, one would think, and it would also pass through less hands than a printed ad. Still, people buy the paper on Thanksgiving to look for BF sales. One would think that a store would at least want a 1-page insert with a couple good deals and a message pointing them to their website. The question is: Will the ads for stores who go online-only be leaked, and when?
  6. Excellent set of questions. Of course, I think the answers vary for the individuals. People buy all their Christmas gifts on BF -- would you call that greed? People buy up the maximum of these awesome deals so others can't get them -- and then they sell them in stores or online -- wouldn't you call that greed? People rush out and buy a massive amount of stuff, some of which they don't even need -- would you call that wise shopping? They also buy a massive amount of stuff because it's at the lowest price you'll find it all year round -- wouldn't you call that wise shopping? BF line fights and people trampled in store entrances -- would you call that a binding experience? Dozens of people chatting with strangers, sharing information about sales and strategies, and helping others with directions -- wouldn't you call that a binding experience? So, in the words of Lemony Snicket: It depends on how you look at it.
  7. If you get the bike first, you can ride it back up to the counter faster than the other shoppers. You might be that woman on a girl's bike, but you're the woman on the girl's bike who got through line first!
  8. I thank God that my wait-in-line stores are in the mall, that's what I do. Or, if I happen to be outside, I'm generally shocked that it's raining and not snowing.
  9. Wal-Mart: Hurricane-like conditions, with a high of 500. Best Buy: Partly roudy, with a high near 575. CompUSA: Mostly clear early in the evening, with a high around 300.
  10. I guess Mugglemom's follow-up post should be linked: ABC News Just Left My House!
  11. Since the current link no longer shows those show notes, I wanted to post the archived show notes for that day: http://clarkhoward.com/shownotes/2006/11/01/ I went ahead and messaged a bunch of local TV & radio stations today (finally).
  12. Are there any hot deals out there for CD-RW media? The number of discs isn't important . . . 1, 3, 5, 100 -- whatever! All of the deals I ever find are for CD-R or CD+R. Oh, and if there's a BF deal coming up, that's fine, too :) If there are no deals, which sites are best for finding cheap media that works reliably?
  13. That's odd. at my CompUSA, they cracked the security gate open and let only a few people in at a time. Since I was just about the millionth in line, I got to witness it. They waited for people to leave before letting more in, so they apparently kept a consistent number of people in the store at all times. By 2:00 or so, they had the line gone and the doors wide open.
  14. Due to great experiences in the past, I think I'll go to CompUSA at midnight.
  15. That song is titled "Jingle Bell Rock" I'm picky, so I'll go ahead and note that Jingle Bells was written for Thanksgiving, not for Christmas. (I won't go into the "winter songs" vs. "Christmas songs" rant at this time. Maybe after someone mentions Frosty the Snowman )
  16. They probably just wanted you out of their line
  17. Here's the link to this thread:http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=47995 Still, it will prevent the OP is SOL with the GBA on LAW until BF. Normally, I wouldn't say "SOL," but I wanted another acronym.
  18. People in the Pittsburgh PA and eastern OH areas should certainly contact the paper, and don't forget to mention GD!
  19. You could also get some free cards from VistaPrint :)
  20. No matter. Just arrange for a Target wake-up call to that neighbor who plays his music so loud until 3 am
  21. Neither have I, but I usually drop my DW off there on my way to OM across the street.
  22. Another commuter to Syracuse on BF! I'll check with family to see what's out there. Are you going to Carousel Center for BF?
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