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  1. Not long after 9/11, George Bush asked Americans to do their patriotic duty and go out and shop. Based on experiences reported here and in the media, we're definitely a nation of super-patriots Seriously, though, what does the Black Friday frenzy really say about us? I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts in response to any or all of these questions: Is it something we're all doing with equal participation and treatment -- almost regardless of race, color, creed, nationality, or socio-economic status? For example, are there certain stores where certain types of people are dominant, or where people seem to get treated differently? How tolerant or intolerant of others are people when dealing with others depending on whether they are or are not in their category? Do we do it for need or greed? Are we consumer addicts? Is it a shared American experience that binds us, or just a bunch of ships passing (literally) through the night?Happy Holidays, All
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