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Posts posted by Kanyon71

  1. Power here is pretty stable. I think I am going to end up with another gas one though. Probably just going to pick up a used one from FB Marketplace for now and maybe order a good battery one when the end of season sales happen this year.

    Well ended up picking up a brand new Airens gas snow blower from Lowes. Prices were stupid on used.
    • Like 1
  2. It depends on the reliability of your electricity source during an emergency, the amount of snow you expect to clear, and the size of the area you need to keep clear, but you probably want gas. If it's cold enough for meaningful snow, it's cold enough to impact battery performance. Unless you have a generator, you may not be able to clear your driveway during a power outage.

    Power here is pretty stable. I think I am going to end up with another gas one though. Probably just going to pick up a used one from FB Marketplace for now and maybe order a good battery one when the end of season sales happen this year.
  3. I know how you feel! It’s like a part of my Childhood has died right along with her. I guess maybe it’s because I remember watching her on all the old classic game shows my grandmother and aunt would watch, long before Golden Girls and even Nick at Nite showing the MTM show.

    Really sucks. She was one of those stars I’ve always thought would just be really cool to hang with. Wish she had made it to at least 100.
    • Like 4
  4. Just to be clear,try what again? The invite link? Restarting? Or deleting and reinstalling the app (which I haven't done yet)?

    I would start with the invite link again. Then if that doesn’t work maybe try visiting it from a browser and see if it will add it again. Like I said I had a couple of updates back to back and mine was acting weird. Possible they released a version with some bugs.
  5. Already tried that when it first happened, before posting in the discord thread and messaging Brad. All it did was take me to Google Play store to reinstall, even though the button to reinstall says Installed.


    What's strange is I've had no response from Brad anywhere, and he's usually very prompt in responding to messages and posts. I don't know if he's taking some down time for the holiday. But, I'll wait to delete and reinstall the app until I do hear from him, as everything else on it is working fine.

    I would try it again now. I know I’ve had a couple Discord app updates in the past week and with one of them I had some flakiness.


    Yes I do believe Brad is recouping from BF still. Hear a lot less from him for a month or two after it ends. :)

  6. My TV arrived today. I won't plug it in until Sunday. The purchase includes three months of Apple TV+ and a month of Fubo TV. I'm looking forward to sampling both. The Fubo code must be redeemed by 12/31, so it'll get the first look. Good review here...




    The Apple TV+ expires 3/31, so I will have some time to relax before sampling Apple's 'amazing' productions.


    The set came from Best Buy. They bring it to the room of your choice for free. Very nice. I had them leave it outside. My son and I maneuvered it from the doorway to my bedroom. Not heavy and the box has handles, but it was still big and my yard is covered in about four inches of ice. Expect a review of this beast as my first post of 2022.


    Merry Christmas!

    Very nice. Looking forward to hearing the review of it. I’m still wanting an 85” or 86”. Really want OLED but I’m too cheap for the prices they want right now.
  7. I agree. Also doesn't help the weather Rollercoaster we are on

    Yes no doubt there. Was 62 one day and 2” of snow the next here last week. Lol

    The stores by me still had plenty to choose from as of last night when I was out restocking for more baking today. Even had a fair number of Dearborn hams I had to convince myself not to go home with (because I’m only one person and my freezer is currently full! LOL) Hopefully you find the same over your way! [emoji4][emoji106]

    Ya Meijer by us had plenty a couple hours ago when we were in there picking up some things for my little ones teacher and wife’s work friends.


    Dearborn ham is the best :)

    • Like 1
  8. I made chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, and chocolate peppermint brownies. [emoji4][emoji106] I’ll be in downtown Plymouth tomorrow evening from 6-about 7:30 or 8 with my Pokémon Go raid crew. The brownies always go the fastest (partially because I don’t make as many of those, partially because I have a couple folks that really love them and, I swear, take turns trying to buy my stock out lol)

    Peppermint brownies sound really good. :)
    • Like 1
  9. I had a great time. I love retail shopping. Best Buy is a fun store. Associates are not as savvy as I remember, but they do the best they can. The Toshiba was not on display, but I looked at a 75" Hisense. It looked great. I will post my impressions Sunday.

    The shopping part doesn’t bother me. I have a very low threshold for let’s just call it self centered behavior though and it seems to be out in spades rights now. :)


    I saw they had the Hisense 75” for $549 on Sunday.

  10. I ventured out today. BB did not have the television on display. I think 1/3 of their display TVs were Sonly, 1/3 Samsung, and just a few of the other brands. So, we demo the TV in my home. I can't think of anything better to do on the day after Christmas than sit around watching television...seriously.

    Interested to hear some feedback on it. When I tried to go there I was about done with people. If I had one more rude person to deal with I was likely to do something unChristmas like. [emoji23]
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