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Everything posted by bluebear

  1. Thanks, great idea! I found a couple to play with for my Android tablet and for my Windows phone.
  2. My son was 12 last year. That is a very hard age. We got him a really nice laptop, stuff to go with it, and that was about it. Probably a couple of games, clothes and stuff. And also a Sonic care toothbrush. My oldest son, when he was about that age, still liked Nerf and Legos, so that was easier. When he was 13 we got him his first Kindle. Not much help, am I? Other things that aren't games: blankets or new set for bed, book sets, DVD sets (we got ds12 the Dr. Who series last year), Amazon gift cards for his Kindle Fire. My sons at that age also started getting into saving their money, so they liked getting that. Xbox points and Xbox live accounts are also a staple here. Maybe also accessories for his gaming stuff: game chair, headset, controller...
  3. version 12 is on sale right now at Tiger Direct for $49.99. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3329890&CatId=1813
  4. Last year some of the drugstores had some energy strips free-after-whatever. I tried some of those and they kept me going for the rest of the morning. Hoping someone will have them free again this year! 5 hr energy works so-so on me, but my husband lives by it...
  5. I *think* I saw some wipe-off markers on clearance a Target a couple days ago, but I can't remember if they were the normal or slim ones.
  6. I usually get my 3 kids 10 gifts to open, then Santa brings more. Until last year it was a good bit more, last year it was 1 gift plus accessories for that item. I think I will do that again this year. They are 13, 16, and 21. I bought some stocking stuffers last night, so I guess I've started. Really starting to get into the mindset now!
  7. Thanks! Good deal. Looks like it is out of stock for shipping, but you can still pick up in store if it is in stock at your store.
  8. Probably the v11 would be fine. I have heard many good things about the program from different types of people, I think that would make a nice gift if he has a need for it. And I just looked at last year's lists, and Staples did have it on sale on BF, for $39.99. So maybe you could wait a bit longer to see if this year's version will be on sale, then make your decision.
  9. Love how thoughtful he is! I guess our Santa was lazy. He left the basketball goal in the box under the tree. Besides it being cold, and him being rushed for time, all the presents need to be under the tree so they can be seen...
  10. Check this eBay category. There are several cheaper ones on there. And some not so cheap. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=&_sop=10&_osacat=2458&_sticky=1&_trkparms=65%253A12%257C66%253A2%257C39%253A1%257C72%253A5710&_catref=1&_sc=1&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313&_nkw=barbie&_sacat=2458&_from=R40 I like this one. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kid-Craft-Savannah-Dollhouse-For-Barbie-Other-11-1-2-Dolls-Factory-Sealed-/230838676948?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35bf0eadd4 And, FYI, Barbie scale is also referred to as "Playscale", or 1:6 scale, in case you see anything with those references.
  11. I agree, if you can spend that much, your options are a little greater. I would probably try and find him a 10 in tablet, you should be able to in that price range. And the docks for the Asus Transformers are nice, he may like having a keyboard if he needs it. The new Windows 8 tablets may also fall within that price range, that's another possible option...
  12. It's on page 15 of this week's ad. Be sure you choose Lowest Prices of the Season, and not the Savings Guide. Here is their return policy http://www.kmart.com/csreturns/nb-100000000000007?adCell=W3
  13. We had the same thing happen to us one year, the first year we got a real tree. It was sad, and a mess too. With a real tree, it's nice not having to store it. But with artificial, it's nice not having to water and clean up after it so much.
  14. Yay, so glad I'm not the only blanket freak. Along with the fleece ones, I also love those plush throws. I think I will justify them this year by buying them for teachers. Maybe get some cozy socks and a BAM or Amazon GC. Then I can buy them, and not have to keep and store them!
  15. My mom got one of these and took it back the next day. It just didn't do what she (and the grandkids) wanted it to. It doesn't have access to the Google Play store, and so it didn't have the games they wanted. There were a couple other things it wouldn't do too, but I can't remember what now. For the price, though, they are fine. Just like anything, though, depends what you want to do with it...
  16. I know for sure we are already getting 2 Surfaces. Probably an RT and a Pro, possibly 2 RTs. We have had Windows Phones since they came out, so we are used to the interface. Other companies are also making the Windows 8 tablets. Lenovo has already announced their price for their Pro tablet, $799 I believe. The RT tablets will be cheaper. Those will be priced more along the lines of other higher-end 10 in tablets probably. Not like the $199 smaller ones though. (Small chance we will get one in another brand, but very unlikely.) The RT tablets will be like the tablets we know and love, with just the tablet-y interface. The Pro tablets will have a more powerful processor in them, and will also have a desktop mode, which will allow you to use it like a laptop. So for whenever it's been said that a tablet isn't necessarily a laptop replacement, this one could be. Of course they are priced accordingly.
  17. Yes, they do crack easily, my "careful" kid even cracked his. But, I was able to get one on eBay and replace it myself. Just make sure you get the screen and the digitizer.
  18. Blankets. I fall for them every year at Kohl's. Even when my blanket chest is overflowing, I still have to get one, "in case"...
  19. Best Buy still does. Website says in-store only though.
  20. I have done well ordering things from Best Buy and Staples on Thanksgiving or early BF and getting them real quick. But, the 2 laptops I've gotten for Christmas gifts, I haven't got on Black Friday at all. One of them I got on a normal sale in November, it was a lower-mid-range. The other one I got in early November when best Buy was clearing out their back-to-school stuff to get ready for Christmas stuff. It was on clearance, had been a display so was open-box, and the had coupons out that week for open-box items. Ended up getting it for half price. This was a fairly high-end laptop (reg $1100) If he wants Alienware, is he going to be using it for gaming? You will need to take that into consideration. Typically you will want to make sure there is a video card in the computer, and decent amount of memory. For desktops, both can be added later. For laptops, you will need to make sure it has the video card already (will say ATI Radeon or NVidia Graphics), but memory can be added later. That is going to bring up your cost. And will be harder to find on BF (that's why I got mine beforehand last year). I am also going to in the market for a laptop this year, thankfully not a gaming one again.
  21. Yay! Found my jam maker today, 70% off! And if you buy any Sodastream mixes, check the dates. I checked a couple last week and they were fine. Bought one tonight at a different store, and it expired July 2012. So back it will go tomorrow.
  22. That is wonderful, sweet girl!
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