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Everything posted by bluebear

  1. Happy April! I'm excited for spring break next week, I have many yard and house projects planned. And my grandson is also on break, so I'll be able to see him and hopefully the new baby grandson that live out of town. Yay!
  2. Yay spring!!
  3. Happy birthday!!!
  4. And right on cue... last weekend it was 80 degrees, this weekend we are getting down to 20 degrees on Sunday. With a chance of snow on Saturday. Yay.
  5. Yuck!! I'm ready for spring too! It hasn't been too bad of a winter here, but it sure has been wet! We're in a new house this year, so I'm excited to see what plants and flowers come up. And I have a couple things r4ady to plant. And while we are starting to see 70s pretty regularly already... March is when GA seems to have some of its best snowstorms and cold, so I'm holding off a little longer.
  6. Happy Valentine's Day!!
  7. Hooray, February! And it's 2/2/22. Grandson turns 7 today, wow! I guess I'm getting old!
  8. We got a little snow overnight here in South Atlanta. It was gone by noon, but still exciting. Usually if GA gets snow it's further north of here. It's been 4 or 5 years since we've seen any. It wasn't expected either, so that was a big surprise when I woke up!
  9. Happy 2022!
  10. Went to Target today for some storage totes, and went by the Christmas stuff. It was all but wiped out, I was very surprised. It was already marked 70% off!
  11. Hope everyone had a great Christmas! And my picture is sideways and I don't know how to fix it, sorry.
  12. Merry Christmas!!
  13. Those cards are pretty awesome.
  14. The only item I've found out of stock was corn syrup, but the same chain store 2 miles up the road had it. The only shipping issues I had was with LaserShip (I'm not the only one!), but everything did eventually arrive although 1 took almost 4 weeks. And I had another company take 11 days to ship, but I didn't have a great feeling even though I was before their deadline, so I didn't order any gifts from them. That may arrive today or tomorrow. But if not, I'll have a brand new door mat for next year.
  15. We are having ham and turkey breast, mashed potatoes, green beans, Mac and cheese, squash (sautéed and casserole), sweet potato casserole, homemade Cranberry sauce, and bread (I might make bread if I have time). Mama makes all the food (I'll do squash) and I handle dessert. Dessert is brownies, chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, cool whip cookies, fudge, buckeyes, homemade butter mints, homemade marshmallows, and maybe spritz cookies. We don't have anything usual or special we have for Christmas Eve. Many times we have a frozen lasagna, and that will probably be the case this year.
  16. bluebear

    Progress Report

    My last item arrived today, so I'll wrap that soon. I've made 17 dozen buckeyes and 2 batches of butter mints. I plan to make the marshmallows tonight, then tomorrow is cookie day! Woohoo!
  17. bluebear

    Progress Report

    I finished all my wrapping last night, woohoo! Earliest I've ever been done. The 2 or 3 things I'm still waiting in can be wrapped quickly when they come in, and I can go ahead and start clearing out my son's room. Today I need to start the buckeyes. My recipe makes about 14 dozen, so it takes me a couple days to get them all done.
  18. bluebear

    Progress Report

    Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that. Here's big hugs to you!
  19. bluebear

    Progress Report

    I'm actually in fairly good shape I think for once! I still would like to find 2 people "one more thing", but not a big deal if not. Other than that, all gifts are planned. For purchases, I need to buy 4 or 5 more gift cards. And 1 more gift that I can't make a decision on, because it's something I know nothing about and I'm afraid I'm not getting the right thing. But that needs to get ordered today or tomorrow no matter what. It can be exchanged if needed. I placed a couple of orders this week, so I'm waiting on 6 deliveries, plus the one still to be ordered. They are all expected by Monday though, so I should be okay. And if not, they are mostly sheets and bedding, so that will be fine. I am actually doing pretty great on wrapping for a change! Everything is wrapped except for my daughter's family, which I hope to make progress on today. Their gifts get taken to them, so I usually don't put them under my tree. And so I put those off til last. I am using my son's room for storing and wrapping, but he's coming home from school Monday, so I need to get that all "wrapped up" and cleaned up! I haven't much planned my baking or candy making. I always make buckeyes, So I have everything for that. I need to start that tomorrow. And I have ingredients for basic sugar and chocolate chip cookies, plus cool whip cookies. I'd like to do fudge and maybe marshmallows, but we'll see. We usually have the week before Christmas off, but this year we work through Wednesday, so I'll have only Thursday to bake. If I don't go to my daughter's that day. If so... then I guess I'm baking Christmas eve!
  20. bluebear

    Progress Report

    So, we are under 10 days to Christmas now. How are we doing? Are you spending the rest if the time in bliss sipping hot cocoa and watching the lights? Or are you still in the list making stage? Lists finished? Purchases made? Purchases received? Gifts wrapped? Baking/candy making planned or started? Let's stress together!
  21. I wanted to bring this back up, as tomorrow is listed as the deadline for Priority and First-Class Mail. And I've seen a few stores with deadlines this week.
  22. Congratulations to HanShotFirst!!
  23. Great deal! We have this exact chair and it's VERY nice.
  24. I did see a little sliver of a smile before he said "I'm going to plug up now..." So at least there's that.
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