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Everything posted by queenofshopping

  1. It just worked for me! Yay!
  2. OMG how? Like 10 minutes ago it said in stock but not available yet...now different pages say in stock/out of stock and it won't let me add it to my cart (it did before, I just couldn't check out with it) - what the heck?
  3. Personally I don't care; it's for my dad
  4. Oh god, I will absolutely get that Blu-Ray, even if it doesn't do Netflix, if it means I don't have to risk my life and sanity for the one on BF...
  5. How are you planning to work the whole midnight-vs-5am thing? Will you just stay at the store for five hours if you want things from both start times?
  6. Everything from page 9A on (except the last page) starts @ midnight, so midnight on the video games (but not the systems)
  7. I wish some people would at least take a glance at the ads before asking questions
  8. So you can go in as of midnight, but those first few pages of doorbusters don't start unti 5am, yes? This has me worried that, if I don't want to hang around for 5 hours, all the DVDs will be gone by the time I arrive hoping to get the Blu Ray player
  9. Wow, this is a fantastic ad! I wonder if the Blu Ray player will be available online...if not I may be going to WM again this year! I really hope the fact that one like 7 miles from us is now 24-hour will cut down on traffic at the one in my town...but, wait, does this mean all Wal-Marts will open at midnight?? I'll also join in the chorus of 'I hope True Blood season 2 is also $12' - that would make my season! Kicking myself seeing Community for that price - just got it for my birthday and I know my friend paid like $25 for it. Oh well. Definitely going to go crazy with the $2/$5 DVD and Blu Ray!
  10. If you're having a problem with the ad scan, try right-click save as
  11. If it's advertised, Amazon will probably have it at a similar price on BF!
  12. TRU! Wal-Mart is insane but I've done it 3 or 4 times in the last few years. Last time I was at Best Buy was like 6 years ago, so I don't know what it would be like if I went now.
  13. I have a friend who works there; I'll ask.
  14. *kisses her Old Navy card*
  15. It was an afterthought for me too! I realized I'd have to jump on them super-fast (and I was right!) so I'm glad I signed up for the text alerts! Good luck!
  16. You can almost always get a gas dryer instead of an electric one for a bit more. It varies from store to store but when we shopped at Sears recently for a new (gas) dryer, they all seemed to be $70-80 more than their electric counterparts.
  17. Just scored a Lagoona Blue from walmart.com (for $17!!!) thanks to Zoolert! Looks like it's already sold out but try Zoolert - someone on here told me about it and I'm so glad I signed up for text alerts!!
  18. Does anyone know if any of these deals will be available online? How did it work last year?
  19. I thought I read somewhere that their body parts come off on purpose...?
  20. I'm doing labels for our cards right now and this year's number is apparently 63 (which is about average for us). How many do you usually send?
  21. Wish I could help! I haven't started really combing every store yet...I think I'll begin on Monday
  22. I absolutely agree!
  23. Good deal, but then last year I got free shipping anyway with Site to Store, so...I wonder if the extra time this will undoubtedly take will be worth not having to stand there for 20 minutes when I go to pick my stuff up b/c they can't find anything.
  24. I'd bet Amazon will drop the price for BF.
  25. Not bad, but then I wasn't really looking for anything in particular. Think I'll be able to drift in at like 9am and get that electronic label maker? Also: figures they'd have an awesome deal on the wireless printer I've been wanting...just in time for us to not be able to afford anything we don't absolutely need
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