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Everything posted by queenofshopping

  1. Cry me a river - the New York Times costs $2 a day, every day...$5 on Sunday.
  2. I've only had experience with Walmart...it's great in that you don't have to pay shipping, but last year when I went to pick up my stuff a week after BF it wasn't the best of experiences: I was the only one in line, but it took them almost 20 minutes to find 'all' my stuff (3 DVDs, a toy, & a set of food storage containers)
  3. I have an older WD MyBook and have never had such problems (or any problems at all, that I can recall). The 1TB one will be $78 @ Walmart on BF.
  4. This may be a dumb question, but does anyone have experience with receiving a Yankee Candle as a gift and exchanging it in-store, say large jar for large jar? I want to get some as gifts but I'm worried my recipients won't like what I choose (they're being vague about what smells they like). Thanks OP and Patty! Edit: Boo, no stacking a B1G1 with a $$ off...still, I got 8 room sprays (currently 3/$10) for $23.xx (after $10 off, tax, and shipping), so I'm pretty darn happy!
  5. When I went on Friday there were a ton of infant/toddler jeans in clearance - got my goddaughter a pair for $6.xx. Also found a little Princesses tee for ~$1.50 :)
  6. It was a MVC thing, so if you're not MVC that's why you didn't get it
  7. I just recall that, in the last 2 or 3 years, there have been many reports of a) their being undersized by several sizes (personally I don't think that's an acceptable risk) and falling apart after only a few washings.
  8. I've noticed that, on most sites, as long as you don't click away from the site altogether, your cart should stay as-is until you want to come back to it; in other words keep your chosen site open in one tab and don't close it until after you've come back to order.
  9. I feel compelled to say, after reading most of this thread, I'm worried for the average consumer that doesn't know the difference between laptops & netbooks, what either is or isn't capable of, how one goes 'wireless', etc. Please people, for the love of all things holy, do research (and lots of it) before you buy anything!
  10. That's unnecessarily harsh. I'm on my second Gateway laptop now and have no problems.
  11. Well I would highly suggest skipping the kids pj's (see threads from previous years - the quality is atrocious), but I know they were available online last year, and I don't think they went all that quickly. You should be fine.
  12. I don't think I've ever seen them on sale special for BF, but Walmart and Target always have good deals.
  13. I got one of the MVC things with 2 cards for 15% off, good for separate sets of dates, and was very happy to see the first one will be good on BF!
  14. Overall, a very good ad, I think. I am sort of surprised at the lack of netbooks - I think maybe everyone worked themselves up into a frenzy over some silly rumor! Never count on anything til you see the ad! As ever I have no interest in the big doorbusters, though obviously because of them the crowds will be EPIC. Those looking at the laptops, remember that you get what you pay for I was looking for a possible GPS deal, but I haven't seen anything worth going crazy for; as soon as I saw the 'SE' part of the TomTom model numbers that raised a red flag - Walmart (and maybe even BF) exclusives mean no way to find user ratings and make apples-to-apples comparisons. Based on the ratings similar TomTom models have on Amazon, etc., I think I'd rather pay a bit more for a Garmin sometime in the coming weeks. Not very impressed with the toy deals...good generic stuff for gift ideas (I've definitely gone for some of those in the past) but, as usual, no discounted 'hot' toys. Great clothes & housewares deals, though! But for Walmart BF newbs, avoid those kids' pajamas like the plague
  15. It's funny, last year there were so many of the super-cheap DVDs left over, a bunch were still in the $5 bin (tho they scanned at $2) a week later! The $9 ones will definitely go faster. Based on last year, yes, Amazon will put a lot of similar titles on sale for a comparable price (might be $3 instead of $2). I remember seeing *most* of WM's DVDs on sale on Amazon that morning, priced within a dollar or 2. Don't know how long those offers will be good for though. Every time I go to WM for BF I think 'oh god there are soooo many people in line! everyone here for the big doorbusters is gonna scoop up my small items too!' but I don't think that's ever happened - they tend to be so focused on their TVs, etc that there are more than enough of what I want left!
  16. Hey, lovely to finally get to this thread without any error messages! Wonder how many comments I can read before I get the boot again! Gotta love the johnny-come-latelys!
  17. Where I'm going has a WM & Target in the same shopping center...ironically, though, I'm never in need of doorbusters!
  18. This makes me sad, cos my favorite Christmas special of all time, A Muppet Family Christmas, will never be rerun on TV again! IDK when it last was, but now that the Muppet 'family' are now owned by different entities, my hopes are dashed. Thank god I have it on tape!
  19. I'm pretty sure the higher the number, the better the model (as in more features). Amazon has a good comparison chart of basic features: http://www.amazon.com/Garmin-265WT-Widescreen-Bluetooth-Navigator/dp/B001ELJ9QK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1258530374&sr=8-1 (about half way down) They both seem to have an average rating of 4 stars on Amazon. The 265WT has an average rating of 4, while the 1350T has an average rating of only 3, on NewEgg.
  20. Ooh, but can it top Paint the Sky with Stars?
  21. Awesome! Too bad there's no free shipping code
  22. OMG that is awesome! I've been desperately in need of a new one since mine broke - the Conair or w/e I've been using has been killing my hair! Yay! I hope they still have them!
  23. Ooh...thought about posting these before but now that there's already a thread what the heck! http://i37.tinypic.com/2epjbe1.jpg Supernatural [season 1, 2, or 3] List Price: $49.98 Price: $14.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $34.99 (70%) s1: http://www.amazon.com/Supernatural-Complete-Season-Jared-Padalecki/dp/B000FP2OPY/ref=br_lf_m_1000445571_1_15_ttl?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&s=dvd&pf_rd_p=500066431&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_t=1401&pf_rd_i=1000445571&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=15138PKQ328PAQW13YMF s2: http://www.amazon.com/Supernatural-Complete-Second-Jared-Padalecki/dp/B000R7GKQE/ref=pd_bxgy_d_text_b s3: http://www.amazon.com/Supernatural-Complete-Season-Jared-Padalecki/dp/B000X5SPBI/ref=pd_bxgy_d_text_c http://i37.tinypic.com/9gyma8.jpg Gossip Girl Season 1 List Price: $59.98 Price: $14.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details You Save: $44.99 (75%) http://www.amazon.com/Gossip-Girl-Complete-First-Season/dp/B000W6ZUUC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1258449122&sr=1-2
  24. Might be tricky though, as they usually show you one season, then say next to it 'Seasons 1-5' (for example) - some employees only want to honor the price for the season there's actually a picture of.
  25. Welcome new person! I don't see why there should be any problem using as many gift cards as you want - they're valid as currency! Though solely because of all the offers where you get a gift card back after purchase, I would call the store you're going to and see if they plan to have special circumstances.
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