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Everything posted by nikkilugi

  1. 207-26-0709 Dood's Big Adventure Wii U-Draw Game $5.98 I found a couple of these games at the Oak Park Target
  2. I received my ss gift today. It is awesome, thanks so much, I loved all of it. I got a package of drink mix which was perfect timing since I just finished off a box yesterday. I got a cute Christmas box full of mini reece's cups (my dd already has claimed the box as hers when I finish the candy, lol). I got a great cotton scented candle, some awesome cotton scented lotion and body spray. I also got a cute Christmas mug with hot chocolate mix and finally a great Turtle Wax car care kit. What is great about this is my SS read my answers real close and noticed I said how I like (more like am totally trying my hardest) to keep my new Jeep Commander clean. I told my kids once the weather gets warmer they are totally going out and washing the car with the new supplies. My son was excited since he said he wants to throw the big sponge in the kit at his sister, lol.
  3. I received my ornament today. Very pretty snowman with the year listed. I haven't purchased an ornament for 2011 so this was perfect.
  4. I was able to get one each of the pink, blue and green but I caught the post almost immediately and ordered right away.
  5. I emailed you just now Eve - shipped both of mine today :)
  6. Is the $7.72 price still good? I have logged on but I am not seeing a link anywhere saying "remember it's the 20 count on sale". I clicked on the link in the OP and it takes me to the page with a price of $13.96. Not sure where to look or if it is even still good.
  7. I went to Old Navy first. I was number one in line. By the time the doors opened thete were probably 150+ people in line. I really wanted the camera for my son so I am happy. I was in and out quickly and as I was leaving I saw the manager was still holding people outside.
  8. trying to get the casio keyboard but the shipping is $18. Are there any free shipping codes out there?
  9. Today we hung our Christmas lights on the gutters. We have cool white c7 led lights. I had my husband hang them vertically thinking more light would be seen and thus make them brighter. Now that it is dark we turned them on and I am not happy. They aren't very bright at all and now I am wondering if we should have hung them horizontally instead? Does anyone know if led lights project more brightness straight forward? FYI the hubby wasn't happy to hear my comment, lol. I told him I would change them around and he said he didn't want me to get up on the ladder, whew. If it turns out it won't make a difference I guess we are going back to regular lights. I gotta have a semi-Chevy Chase Christmas vacation house :-)
  10. I ordered it and got the message about the $20 credit immediately on the order confirmation. The email with my code will come after the 25th when my game will be delivered.
  11. I live in Olathe and would be interested in purchasing one in Independence if you could pick it up. I could order and pay if we could figure out a way for you to be able to pick it up. I know when I order from Walmart I can designate someone else to be able to pick up as well. Is this possible with Best Buy?
  12. If you need a break from cooking, pizza night might be in order. Little Caesars to the rescue! Buy one Hot-n-Ready Pizza and get one free through today only. http://www.littlecaesars.com/default.asp Expires: 12/28/10
  13. I also placed the order through the promotion link posted. I chose ubuild monopoly, sorry spin and the Nerf game and even checked out and no discount. I emailed customer service and they responded that not all the games I chose were in the promotion - even though I was on the promotion page and did the check mark boxes. I just had them cancel the monopoly and sorry game then and just bought the Nerf game. They didn't specify which games weren't included. Edited: Also I checked and all games were sold by Amazon.
  14. I don't think this is necessarily true. I am an avid reader and have my Kindle 2 for over 2 years now and think I have spent maybe $75 - $100 tops on books I have bought. Before I had my Kindle I would buy all of my books at the bookstore since I don't prefer the library. Now I find that there are lots of free offerings on Amazon - I can download them and keep them on my Kindle indefinitely until I get around to reading them. I also love the indie authors that self publish and offer VERY cheap books on Amazon as well. These are authors I wouldn't have had a chance to read without my e-reader and browsing Amazon / Kindleforums. Cost effectiveness might be a factor to you but it is not that way for everyone who chooses to get an e-reader. I mainly got my Kindle for the ease of use, the fact that I don't have to lug my book around and physically turn pages. I don't have millions of books around my house anymore and I feel like I am saving some trees this way. The cost of the books was secondary in my decision. That being said - I am partial to the Kindle but I admit I have never used the Nook. I like the functionality of the Kindle and the customer service of Amazon. I love the e-ink and the fact that I can read my Kindle anywhere, anytime. Get what works for you.
  15. I have never paid much attention in the past but does anyone know if the Coach Retail stores ever have Black Friday sales? I received a coupon for 25% off through the end of November and thought if I could pair that up with a sale I would be really happy. Is this possible?
  16. I know I saw somewhere how to put the picture on the post but can't remember what post number and with this many pages didn't want to try and find it, however, here is a game I had been thinking about buying.... Feel the Magic XY & XX. It has 4 out of 5 stars on reviews and looks interesting and fun. (it is for DS) Orig Price: 19.99 Now: $10.08 and eligible for Amazon Prime http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0006B98DI/ref=s9_simp_gw_s1_p63_t1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1Z8YEQHMN408SPY901D8&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846
  17. The store has Loss Prevention that will do that. They take employee theft very seriously in retail - it is what my dh does for a living - except not for Target anymore. I am sure they are going to do a complete investigation on this employee to make sure they catch all of the theft taking place. It can be a long process and they don't want to tip off the employee that they know what is going on before they get all of their evidence in place. They employee might have only taken $10 this time but chances are he/she has done it over and over again and the store will be able to prosecute for more than the $10.
  18. Walmart has the Tinkerbell and Spongebob games for $15 this week. I pm'd those prices at Target on the games. When I went to Target they had Ni Hao Kailan for $15 there. It was not an advertised sale price - this game is $25 at Wal-Mart so that was a good deal!
  19. nope I don't think they will. They won't pm anything bogo and neither will they pm anything % off.
  20. I can't focus on a thing you wrote because of your avatar Yowsa!
  21. Thanks! I almost ordered one today at Kohl's but did this one instead. It is for my dd but I don't think she will mind the green.
  22. I have never had a problem as long as a price is displayed. I just tell the cashier the price when I hand them the ad.
  23. I bought the arcade on Amazon with the $100 promo credit. I went on ebay and got a 20gb hard drive for $29 shipped. I think my boys will be thrilled!! I bought them Halo 3 ODST for Christmas :)
  24. I drive a school bus and I always say good morning to each student as they get on the bus and "have a great day or night" when they get off the bus. I say this to EACH and EVERY student. At first I probably only got about a 30% response rate - now I would say it is closer to 75%. I take special pains to teach my boys to be kind and say, please, thank you, excuse me, and have a nice day and to hold doors for people. It amazes me some of the kids that get on the bus and totally ignore me. There is one girl that I have had now for a year and a half (started this route after Christmas last year) and she have never once said anything to me. Even when I talk directly to her she doesn't acknowledge me or that I said anything. I just shrug it off because I figure she is shy or something but it looks like rudeness and sometimes it rubs me wrong. I wish all parents would take the time to teach their children how to be polite. There is one boy on the bus who rushes to tell me "have a good day/night" before I can say it and then he always says "ha I said it before you", lol. I just laugh and say thank you, you too.
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