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Everything posted by conj

  1. Costco sells those shelves. May not be as cheap as you'd like, but they're high quality.
  2. Someone want to share them for those of us who can't FB?
  3. Retail is a service. They provide a service. A majority of their customers have time to *shop* on thanksgiving, and are willing to spend money. Especially if their competitors are open, they lose out on a lot of potential sales (and revenue) by not being open, that wont help anyones job situation, either. It stinks when we *have* to work, at any time. I don't blame the guy for being upset, but I also think there is no reason for the petition to be taken seriously. Yes, I've worked retail. I've worked plenty of holidays. And, I've volunteered my time on holidays at Rehab centers. And I've enjoyed holidays off.
  4. DH went. there was a sign. it was NO WHERE near the game, but the clerk knew about it. Oh well. No Target any where near me to price match.
  5. sending DH to our walmart today to see if they forgot, or never got, a sign...
  6. when you subscribe to a thread it brings you to another screen where you get to pick how you are notified. I LOVE the subscribe feature.
  7. Oh ya, Santa will come, as long as the guy is asleep. We've spent the night by the tree to try to "catch santa" (or any kids sneaking down) and notice that Santa NEVER comes until after we've fallen asleep. Huh. :) Speaking as the person who never had family to go to during college, and was often with friends, your gestures will be appreciated. I say do it.
  8. My kids make a list that we have available if friends or family ask what they'd like, but that is the only encouragement there is for that. I find it tacky to have someone ask me for a specific gift, but I try to take into account factors such as age (how much tact should an 11yo have?) circumstances (recently unemployed) and general disposition (are they always this bold?). Then I either ignore it completly, or use the suggestion, but I don't dwell on it.
  9. My DS has 2 friends who have the game (and some extra figures) so he has had plenty of playing time... he put the figures on his list... just hoping to get that, and bring his own figures to play with his friend's games :)
  10. Do the Rangers do a fantasy camp? (I know the Red Sox do...) Sent from my iPhone using GottaDeal
  11. shop now - pick up then ---- http://www.sportsauthority.com/shop/index.jsp?categoryId=12298336&csm=232550022&camp=CME:925944&csu=925944&csc=925896&csa=232556290
  12. Yay, glad to hear it worked out.
  13. .... hmm... credit card? if money is that tight, I understand the need for every deal, but sitting it out, and getting a cushion in her account may be a wonderful present to herself.
  14. Nope. I saw it too... I'd hate to have to go to walmart that day... I usually don't go there till later
  15. That is because EB does not trust its employees. it is quite clear in theire employee manuals, too, they don't hide their distrust.
  16. nursing home? Freecycle? Homeless shelter? Veterans center?
  17. Oriental Trading sells them in 12 packs :) you can have one in every room... you can paint them, and make them your own .... and it is a pretty affordable gift.
  18. refreshments is the key... and it doesn't always mean just 'drinks' but it does indicate nothing substantial.
  19. In general the newspapers do not print the ads, they arrive preprinted. When I used to work retail we received our papers and our 'insert packs' at the same time, but as seperate items, and we had to combine them. I am sure before home delivery the newspaper combines them... used to be by hand... they might be automated now.
  20. We've found that most of the teachers send thank you notes... and the ones who don't are mostly male... If you tell me what to give, I will not give anything. I don't blame you for stopping!
  21. my 13yo was talking to me about what presents Santa might be able to buy for her vs. her grandparents.... she knows... and now she is trying to get the biggest bang for her buck - talk about no magic!
  22. we do baskets each year... we fill them with school supplies (pens, pencils, erasers, etc) from the staples summer sales. We round it out with candy, hand sanitizer, and soap from B&BW... plus something subject related if we can (a mini globe for the world geo teacher - music paper for the music teacher) maybe a small gift card or other trinket. This year we are making bookmarks with apple charms. We usually get the baskets from the dollar store :) The kids (in 6th & 8th grades) pick the teachers they want to give to... last year we did.... 8 baskets. I fully expect to be doing at least that many this year. Its pretty manageable cost wise by buying clearance and sale stuff and saving it for the baskets.
  23. if it is from you, and not santa, check freecycle... seriously... the portable ones are put up all the time on ours... (we have 2 hoops along our driveway.... one is set to regulation for my 8th grader, the other is at its lowest point for our 4-yo-friend :)
  24. DD got a fender. we ended up buying a starter pack locally... same price as amazon, and supported the local music shop. quality instrument, reasonable price, no issue.
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